Depression Community - How do you actually feel today?
The usual; insignificant, lonely, wanting an escape either living or dead.
dead tired all the time
I'm feeling sad about the things I've had to let go, & I'm still processing the rage I have towards myself & the people I let turn my life upside down
Needy, lonely, desperate, scared and pathetic. I need a good cry but i have no more tears left. I dont want to be here.
Im trying to keep my head above water. But im tired now. the water is rising and the depth is pulling me in. I dont want to fight anymore.
Angry, Sad, unsure, uneasy, unstable
Tired, like nothing I do will ever matter
So sad I can't even put it into proper words.
I feel so tired. I've been worse,but actually my father are depressed and with a lot of anxiety.
We live alone, in a mono-parental family. I don't know how I can help him. He asks me for help but I can do nothing, He has problems at work(mobbing) . I only want be stronger to listen him but I can't
Completely alone :(