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Depression Community - How do you actually feel today?

Laura December 2nd, 2014

Let us know in 1-3 sentences. Post every day!

stridentthoughts December 25th, 2015

It's Christmas...I should be happy right? I'm athletic, and smart...I should be happy right? I have friends and a good family...I should be happy right? Then why aren't I? Why haven't I been happy for longer than a day these past 4 years? I know that this applies to other people reading this, and I'm just as frightened and confused.

batman4485 December 29th, 2015

@stridentthoughts I wonder why I'm not happy a lot also... I've got a number of things going on in my life right now, but in the past things have been just fine and i have been unhappy.

Diligere January 4th, 2016

I have got the same! I have filled my goals that I was working on for the last three years. I have got everything I wanted but actually I feel so depressed and I don't know why

clangln28 December 25th, 2015

I feel angry, sad and suffocated. I can barely breathe. All i want is for this to be over, Im so tired, really really tired and it takes everything in me to keep going each and every day. All i want to do all the time is sleep. I feel alone and helpless and I dont even know how to get out of this state. Ive been sh free for a month now but the sadness of christmas is triggering it back.

batman4485 December 29th, 2015

@clangln28 that's pretty much how i feel also... I want to be alone most of the time and i just want to sleep.... when i can sleep life seems so much less complicated...

clangln28 December 25th, 2015

I feel angry, sad and suffocated. I can barely breathe. All i want is for this to be over, Im so tired, really really tired and it takes everything in me to keep going each and every day. All i want to do all the time is sleep. I feel alone and helpless and I dont even know how to get out of this state. Ive been sh free for a month now but the sadness of christmas is triggering it back.

lovingPine3496 December 26th, 2015

Its Christmas..and I just hate today..not specifically.. But just major holidays...I know people go see family and such..but I am always extremely lonely on days like that. Then when someone is able to finally talk to me..I always end up ruining it. And I'm left thinking "what can I say to fix it..?" I could be surrounded by my family and feel like I don't belong. I just..I regret that I'm almost always in a depressive, nonchalant pushes people away. I wanna act on impulses but that could male things ultimately worse...I just...don't wanna be so confusing..

pinkTea December 26th, 2015

I am not happy, i am in difficult situations. Self sabotage comes and i cant deny. I wake up every morning with a sigh, here just come another day. The day when i feel so tensed and unhappy. I feel fail. Everyday.

lovingPine3496 December 26th, 2015

I just don't feel like existing anymore.

I don't see a sense of purpose for myself.

I ruin just about all my friendships..and relationships.

I wish I wasn't so alone all the time.

Sazlinasaji January 1st, 2016

You're not alone. Talk to other friends and they will be there for you.

Desrpkitty123 December 26th, 2015

Excited to work with my favorite manager tonight, but also not wanting to work. I'm getting so burnt out. Depressed, needy, happy, lonely, yeah I'm not sure how to feel today.

batman4485 December 29th, 2015

@Desrpkitty123 working is by far the hardest thing for me... the idea of working somewhere (where i don't want to work) for bad pay with depression and anxiety is overwhelming to me more often than not

batman4485 December 29th, 2015

@Desrpkitty123 working is by far the hardest thing for me... the idea of working somewhere (where i don't want to work) for bad pay with depression and anxiety is overwhelming to me more often than not

impartialComputer9780 December 26th, 2015

I was okay all day, I kept myself occupied eith tv for a good 6 hours or so. Now I'm tired of watching tv though and I'm very lonely. I miss my boyfriend, I am always lonely and sad when I am not with him

CaringJoy December 27th, 2015

Hi Everyone, I know the Holidays can be a difficult time and loneliness gets the best of us. If you're feeling depressed and need someone to talk to please feel free to message me. I'm a Listener here at 7 Cups and you can view my Profile.

Sincerely! smiley


CaringJoy December 27th, 2015

serialhedgehog December 28th, 2015

I feel exhausted.

The holidays are a time for socializing and I'm an introvert to begin with but being a depressed introvert is worse bc I also have to act happy and it's hard enough just to be around that many people at one time. I just want to sleep. Sleep forever.

ScreamingForSanity December 29th, 2015

I literally fell apart entirely today. I want to just die already.

PRuby December 29th, 2015

I feel like I want to die but at the same time I'm terrified of dying

i feel like I have no way out

i am always miserable towards my boyfriend. I don't know why he stays with me

i can't deal with this shit any longer. I feel like I'm going insane.

I am constantly arguing with myself in my head.

tell me this shit I feel is not real

i don't know if I even want help at this point. It's gone on so long.

there is really nothing anyone can do for me anyways

why do I exist

what happens to my thoughts after I die

all I want to do is cry

Marina321 December 29th, 2015

@pruby you have articulated the exact way I feel.

i consistently feel like I'm honestly losing my mind and I feel like I can never talk to anyone about family judges me or pretends they understand and think I can just turn off everything I feel.

I sometimes feel like I have lost control of my life :(

PRuby January 4th, 2016

Thanks. I guess even when we feel alone there is probably someone out ther feeling a similar way. If we bring those people together we really aren't alone anymore

CaringJoy December 30th, 2015


turquoiseTurtle292 December 30th, 2015

Having a tough morning. Really missing my dad who I lost to suicide 2 1/2 yrs ago. Plus dealing with a rape in 2008 and just was involved in a hit and run in October and haven't been able to work since. It's all adding up. I've seen a therapist but this is getting to be a fuck ton of a lot.

energeticSpring4866 January 1st, 2016

Today, I feel really alone. That is a pretty vague word when you think about it, but the isolation that I feel is like a trap. Being stuck in this trap has began to feel like a reality that i have to live with. Its like everyone else is kidding themselves and I'm the unlucky person that knows the sad truth.

Sazlinasaji January 1st, 2016

Same here. I feel lonely in the crowd because my close friend starts to ignore me. It really hurt. But, everyone needs space for themselves right? So.. I hope everything gonna be okay.

impartialTree3773 January 1st, 2016

Today I feel literally nothing. I'm in so much pain, that I just feel numb on the inside. I, also feel like such a burden to everyone around me.

NOTtumbrlgirl January 1st, 2016

Today i felt really bad... My parents went to a new year party and leave me on home... Alone... Like ever... My brother is dead, my sister kill herself two years ago... Maybr its destiny... I should kill myself to be with them... I'll be better... Right?

Sazlinasaji January 1st, 2016

Do not kill yourself. Read some book or maybe you can talk to us. Anyway, happy new year and may this year 2016 brings more happiness to your family.

faithfulSpring8180 January 1st, 2016

I am very sorry about your siblings. I hope that you are having a better night. You are not alone and we care about you. Stay strong!

faithfulSpring8180 January 1st, 2016

I am very sorry about your siblings. I hope that you are having a better night. You are not alone and we care about you. Stay strong!

Peaches101 January 1st, 2016

Today I feel like depression is toying with me. I had a good day I got out of bed I cleaned my room. And just as soon as I think everything is okay! THAT'S WHEN ITS GOING TO ATTACK! And I'm going to fall deeper than I was before...ugh! Pray for me.

faithfulSpring8180 January 1st, 2016

Today I almost had some fun going shopping with my mom. I say almost because my definition of fun is not as clear as it used to be. I enjoyed my day but nothing seems to fully calm my anxiety or pain anymore and it's exhausting and I feel guilty for even trying to be okay.

loveNbaking003 January 1st, 2016

I had a pretty good day but as soon as I go to bed, I'm numb and restless and break down crying. I feel so lost and alone.

PandaTearz95 January 1st, 2016

At first I felt miserable..but I looked forward to the new year and I tried to say to myself that things will get better. I feel ok now.but not happy

loveNbaking003 January 1st, 2016

I had a pretty good day but as soon as I go to bed, I'm numb and restless and break down crying. I feel so lost and alone.

AngryAlice90 January 1st, 2016

I have a beautiful house, a man who loves me, and a steady job, but I feel like it's all bullshit. I'm going to spend my life being meaningless and worthless. I'm not pretty anymore, I'm not thin anymore, I know I've gotten dumber, and the depression is sucking out everything that's left of me. I think the only reason he's with me is he doesn't realize he stayed on the life raft and didn't even see how close to shore he is.

Swampyme January 3rd, 2016

I feel like I'm empty inside. I had so many plans and hopes for my future but they are gone. I haven't talk to anyone except my colleagues since summer. I have no intention to go outside on the weekend. I feel like I'm in vacuum. I have panic attack even when I have to go to the shop or to the work. I just want to lay down and die. I have no idea how can I live and what I should do with my life.

dynamicNana536 January 3rd, 2016

Today is a new day! I'm determined to beat this! I'm going to try really hard to have a good day! Chin up! You got this!

Celaeno January 4th, 2016

@dynamicNana536, wish you all the best in this day. Use your positive vibes to the good cause ^^;

lovingPine3496 January 3rd, 2016

Today I feel quite numb.

Yesterday was pretty rough..and my night didn't end too well.

I go back to school tomorrow...usually I am pretty excited to go...just to see my friends. But even that's not enough to make me want go back. Do I miss seeing them? Of course..but the stressful school atmosphere put a damper on it.

I just know I need to get through these last 3 semesters at school successfully..