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Depression Community - How do you actually feel today?

Laura December 2nd, 2014

Let us know in 1-3 sentences. Post every day!

JupiterRising December 14th, 2015

I can't make my life work. Nobody will hire me and this month I am looking at losing everything. This is the first time I have ever been completely bed-ridden and looking up how to get ahold of cyanide, etc. I am afraid of people now and what they are capable of. I

faithfulBlueberry4743 December 14th, 2015

I feel like the song heart

bestPal1223 December 14th, 2015

I feel worse than usual

FearlessWoman December 14th, 2015

I feel lonely even though I have my family right next to me. I've been crying all day for no reason, this really sucks. I am trying so hard to stay positive but for some reason I just keep feeling worse and worse. help me 😭.

Georgie15 December 15th, 2015

Hi (I'm new here so let me know about any tips or good feeds, whatever)

I'm feeling okay today I suppose though my friend was with a bunch of other peopl so I was shut up with myself a lot today. School was okay because we had a lot of individual work so I would sit in a corner and be ok with no humiliation. Only downside today was my mom saw my scabs from my... I don't accutauly know what to call it, some form of self harm I guess. Anyways I got through that okay without much suspicion and there healing nicely to so ya... Guess that's it with out spending 20 years talking your ears off.


poisontongue December 15th, 2015

I don't think I've been so depressed in a long time, and there's nothing I can do. I can't even die.

tallGrapes9115 December 16th, 2015

Everyday it feels like my head is filled with this fog, and it's really hard for me to function throughout the day. At night I get so sad and it hits me like a ton of bricks. I don't know if it's my depression or bipolar disorder or what.

thehoodlum December 17th, 2015

I'm filled with anxiety, I'm still treated like a disease by my mom and I seem to not matter because I'm not 18, I can't express my issues because I'll be mocked by my own family for my anxiety and depression and I feel so helpless

jenniferlobsinger77 December 17th, 2015

i am filling very sad cause another one of my suports i am not doing well at all

gingerlime December 17th, 2015

I feel shitty. Im taking it day by day.I talk to someone and i get my hopes up and then i crash off my high again. i just want out of this dark never ending tunnel. i want to feel happy again. to enjoy things i used to. to stop crying all the time.

OliviaRaex3 December 17th, 2015

Today I feel okay... Not good but not bad. I still don't like waking up feeling like this

lovingPine3496 December 17th, 2015

I feel a little better

School's out for winter break.. And I basically failed almost every final this week..

I'm home for two weeks and that's enough time to get myself together. I'm not saying "new year, new me" but I do need to get better.

LovePom December 18th, 2015

I don't understand why everyone I meet ends up treating me like crap. Today, one of my "friends" (not anymore for sure) spread a rumor that liked someone. I don't even like them as a friend much less a crush. They found out and they won't stop looking at me with disgust. Everyone thinks I'm a freak and they won't believe me. The other people I call "friends" treat me like trash whenever I try to defend myself from this one person in the group. I just don't understand what I did wrong. I feel like such a disgrace to my parents recently. I just need some sort of end.

energeticSpring4866 December 18th, 2015

Today was bad. Not gonna lie. im feeling lonely and annoyed with life, mainly school. High school is depressing and i just wish i didnt have to listen to the girls behind me gossip and laugh. Takes everything in me not to turn around and tell them to shut up.

istheweather December 18th, 2015

I feel exhausted and frustrated. I keep getting sent to new psychiatrists and I've only just moved here 2 months ago. They keep changing my medications every week. My stomach is in knots, I'm hallucinating more than usual, and my brain is on fire. I just wish this could have happened before I moved so that I would have my support system around me. Don't get me wrong, my dog is a great listener, but I need more. I'm 23 and living in a small town and they won't take me seriously unless I lie and say I'm suicidal (which I've thankfully never been). They just keep throwing benzos at me and call it a day. I just wish there were more options for me. Just because I'm not risking my life doesn't mean that my life isn't at risk.

lovingPine3496 December 18th, 2015

I feel drained..I just wanna sleep and feel better for once

charmingLychee731 December 18th, 2015

I want to feel like I did before, happy

momlife7 December 19th, 2015

I have been diagnosed with having clinical depression. I have good days and bad days. But most of the time I have bad days

I like I'm failing as a parent. I am a stay at home mother. I have a one year old and she is happy, healthy, provided for, and mentally advanced but I can't help to feel like I'm not doing enough. My daughter comes first before anything else including myself. I can't help but to feel like I am not only letting my daughter down, but my boyfriend and myself as well.

energeticSpring4866 December 19th, 2015

Today, I feel more dead than alive. Total honesty here.

Bluestem December 19th, 2015



Less then human

Lisaishereforyoux December 19th, 2015

Like I shouldn't be here anymore. I don't feel worth it.

LovePom December 21st, 2015

On December 24th, it will be a full year since I've last self harmed. Yes, that's good and all, but a part of me, the cruel and heartless part of me, wishes to ruin my own success. I guess I'm not as supportive of myself like I am with others, huh...

findingriley December 21st, 2015

Today I feel sad but also cautiously hopeful.

james8snell December 21st, 2015

A liar surrounded by walls

I'm ok... No that is a lie

How have you been?

I've been great I'm loving life right now....sorry that is also a lie

Do you want to get to know me...just wait while I build my wall , just in case you get too close

Honesty and being transparent is a very hard thing.

True friends are in short supply, I have a handful of them but I haven't seen them in a long time.

I am as bored as it gets, I have nothing left to live for.

My faith is dead

My spirit is dead

I am without purpose

I need more out of life.

Echecok December 21st, 2015

I feel numb.

LittleChan December 21st, 2015

I feel like a waste of space.

LastValhallan December 21st, 2015

How do I feel? I feel like I'll never be good enough for anything. And it terrifies me that I may never amount to anything because I'm too scared to reach for what I want...

Thamakali December 21st, 2015

I'm just okay.. A lot better actually compared to before when I didn't know about 7 cups. Had way too many thoughts in my heard but finally when I spoke someone listened.

eiellesunrise123 December 21st, 2015

I been feeling depressed

lovingPine3496 December 21st, 2015

I feel alone. I get really.. For lack of a better word.. irritated when people start a conversion with me.. Then outta the blue are just gone all day without a word. Makes me feel like I've done something wrong.

Tribute1990 December 21st, 2015

i feel like noone likes me , i feel like im nothing to people , felt like dying today.. oh well

SapphireSong8 December 22nd, 2015

I was doing great all weekend, until about 3 hours ago. It felt like a huge overpowering wave of depression hit me, like it usually does at night. I feel pretty hopeless and awful at the moment... no one really "tries" for me anymore. I put my all in and I get close to nothing back. All this just makes me feel depressed and alone.

lovingPine3496 December 22nd, 2015

I feel ok..but I really don't know..I just need today to end

Darkbeauty December 22nd, 2015

Tired and alone

EmotionalPhangirl December 22nd, 2015

Suicidal and depressed...I feel like somethings mentally wrong with me.

stridentthoughts December 25th, 2015

I was just told I have ADD, bipolar disorder, depression, and potential psychosis, and I thought I was just a slightly more sad and high strung teenage guy. I understand you :)

MartaAshraf December 22nd, 2015

How to get throgh the day when you're depressed. It really helped me.

energeticSpring4866 December 25th, 2015

Today, i feel really detatched, like im watching someone elses life go to shit

lovingPine3496 December 25th, 2015

It's Christmas.. And I'm sadder than ever. My last boyfriend hasn't been seeing due to medical issues and I miss him so much... Today I'd his birthday... And I can't do anything but send him a text to show my love. One I don't think he'll even respond to. He's the only thing I truly wanted for Christmas. To be able to see him again and hear his voice.. He says he's coming back next school year and august is n about 8 months away.. It's still as hard for me to deal with... everyday geeks like he's leaving again and I don't know what to do


stridentthoughts December 25th, 2015

It's Christmas...I should be happy right? I'm athletic, and smart...I should be happy right? I have friends and a good family...I should be happy right? Then why aren't I? Why haven't I been happy for longer than a day these past 4 years? I know that this applies to other people reading this, and I'm just as frightened and confused.