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Depression Community - How do you actually feel today?

Laura December 2nd, 2014

Let us know in 1-3 sentences. Post every day!

Smiley1515 December 1st, 2015

I'm sure you have people who love you

neonOak5821 December 1st, 2015

Lost. Worthless. Stupid for thinking someone would defend mw

GreyInfant December 1st, 2015

I feel anger, frustration, and despair.

Smiley1515 December 1st, 2015


Allifeelisnumb December 3rd, 2015

I feel this most every day it is alot to bare huh?? Hang in there! Why? I try and ask why all the time.....never finding an answer!!

LostButFound27 December 1st, 2015

Lost and I am not sure why. I have a daughter who is wonderful. A husband that works hard. A home, a job. Animals to cuddle. But when I get home I am sad, unsatisfied, lonely, just lost. I also feel resent. I feel angry. But why?

oliveCucumber9958 December 2nd, 2015

I feel like life is a punishment.

lovingPine3496 December 2nd, 2015

I feel numb

I hate that this morning when someone asks me a question involving my confronting my ex about something he openly says "she hates me. Like seriously hates me." Yeah. I do. And I believe I have proper grounds to have those feelings.

I hate that I'm such a b*tch to everyone..I can't keep friends cause I run them off cause apparently I'm too difficult to handle. I can see where they're coming from..who's want someone as a friend and all they do is complain about every little thing .

I hate that I don't know how to feel since he left.. I don't wanna get close to anyone cause I can't be too sure if what I'm feeling is sincere or if its just cause I'm lonely...

I seriously don't wanna be here anymore..

carefulNest9549 December 2nd, 2015

I don't know you at all but I want you to know that I think you're pretty great.

faithfulDime9804 December 2nd, 2015

You've been hanging out with and dating the wrong people. That's the only problem.

poisontongue December 2nd, 2015

I have no personality because I've been dead for a long time..

lovingPine3496 December 2nd, 2015

Don't feel any better than I did yesterday.. I feel worse actually

Strawberry535360 December 2nd, 2015

So incredibly broken.

I've let bad decisions ruin my life. So many suicidal thoughts. Surrounded myself with a web of lies to make everyone think I was okay - head girl, pretty, well-liked: they had no reason to think things had changed.

Two years down the line, I've failed all my university subjects due to anxiety and depression, and I'm about to be kicked out of my course. I can't go home - abusive environment.
My long-term boyfriend is in Europe for two months and only speaks to me once a week. I know he'll break up with me when he finds out what a loser I've become. Judging by the lack of contact, he's already lost interest.
He is honestly the only light in my life - I love him more than anything. I can't go on without him. I don't mean the same to him. He loved me when I was happy and successful and confident. No one loves a depressed insecure failure.

I can't fix this. It's too late. I've had too many chances. I've just fucked up my entire life.

headuphigh13 December 3rd, 2015

Keep your head up, you will know what to do when you need to. Dont tell yourself these negative thoughts. Life goes on. you will be okay. Please don't just give up. You're worth so much more.

carefulNest9549 December 2nd, 2015

I feel stronger than I did yesterday. I feel like we all have our mountains to climb that no one else can understand. I feel like the climb is worth it.

faithfulDime9804 December 2nd, 2015

I feel depressed, like I will never claw myself out of the hole I am in.

carefulNest9549 December 2nd, 2015

I feel stronger than I did yesterday. I feel like we all have our mountains to climb that no one else can understand. I feel like the climb is worth it.

Kayles86 December 2nd, 2015

I feel down most days I've just started a weekend job as checkout op but it really isn't me being all smiley smiley etc being stuck in one spot. I just want a job where I'm on the go and I don't have to deal with customers and put up with abuse. I just feel like I'm going no where. It's dragging me down.

headuphigh13 December 3rd, 2015

Honestly, I feel like a crumbling building...but I know I'll be okay, and so will you :)

Allifeelisnumb December 3rd, 2015

I move through life day by day feeling stuck in an endless go around! I feel like I have Noone and truth is I have friends family but I don't want pity,too be judged. The look is enough I just stay a daze a haze!

Centaurii December 3rd, 2015

I'm just ugly that's my biggest problem. I hate myself and I want to die.

Idk9419 December 3rd, 2015

I'm filled with rage I hate other people's happiness I'm invisible and I wish the earth would explode

Idk9419 December 3rd, 2015

I'm filled with rage I hate other people's happiness I'm invisible and I wish the earth would explode

lovingPine3496 December 3rd, 2015

I feel sad

I can't sleep the entire night.. I know somewhat what happened to my last boyfriend.. I won't see him again until August and that hurts.. hopefully he can visit me at least once before then.. I miss him dearly. Most people are angry with me.. And I've only gotten somewhat forgiveness from one of them.. He's still distant.. I really wish Sean could come back and that I didn't mess up everything

mjiyn2010 December 3rd, 2015

For the first time today, I am missing a work thing (after school parent's meeting) because I feel so terrible. I needed to leave and go to bed. I feel like such a failure for letting this run my life. I'm already leaving my job at Christmas break to move back to the states because I need help. But now I can't even handle the things I'm expected to do for the next few weeks.

shuang December 4th, 2015


LordJenthulu December 4th, 2015


bleubellejune December 4th, 2015

I feel alone and apathetic especially when I can't find words to reply to others even in normal conversations. It's an up and down battle, a Rollercoaster of emotions and lack of it.

Keiro December 4th, 2015

Just feel empty.. Stuck in a rut and my life isn't really going anywhere. I'm alive but I'm not living. What's happiness? What am I missing? How have I gone this long without realizing how hollow my life actually is?

Centaurii December 5th, 2015

So low

Monarda December 8th, 2015

@Centaurii I'm so sorry you feel this way. It can be really rough, but you can get through it. I mean, look at you! You've done so much in your life. When you were doing really bad and wanted to hide away, you woke up and got out of bed. You've been coping with so much and not many people can handle it. You are awesome. Keep on keeping on! smiley

Centaurii December 8th, 2015

@Monarda thank you

Monarda December 8th, 2015

@Centaurii You're so welcome ^-^

jenniferlobsinger77 December 8th, 2015

@Centaurii so do i i fill depressied and alone i hope some day peopile get that depression is not a joke. cuse i even think my docter thinks its a joke. some day peopile will lison

Nunah December 5th, 2015

I'm scared. I don't know what to do or think anymore. I just wanna cry all the time.

Monarda December 8th, 2015

@Nunah I'm so sorry, that must feel so isolating! I know how you feel, but I'll try not to empathize too much because sometimes, people need more than that. So, let me tell you something. No one really knows what they're doing at all. Not even that person you idolize. Even that person feels like that sometimes. It'll be okay, even though it doesn't seem like it. Try and fill your brain with nice smells and calming music and smiles and happy thoughts <3. Do what you love, as long as it's not self-destructive! I want you to know that I do care. Best of luck!

AeroRoze3 December 7th, 2015

I really want to just give up but I keep trying to push myself not to.. If I could just pack up and leave it'd make me so happy

Monarda December 8th, 2015

@AeroRoze3 I am so glad you choose not to give up. That means that there is this tiny speck of hope inside you. I know it seems unreasonable. You're saying "I want to give up", etc. But a tiny part of you is begging you to hold on. Try and find that little part of you and listen to it, okay? You don't have to escape a stressful situation (unless your health is being affected, of course!), so try and cope. What's something you do as a hobby? When you feel distressed, do that thing. It'll be okay. You can get help. I promise.

XoxoG December 7th, 2015

I felt like I needed to smoke today or be on something take some pills .. I hate when memories kick in :/

poisontongue December 7th, 2015

10 years of every day wishing I would die... 10 years of loneliness. Or more.