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Depression Community - How do you actually feel today?

Laura December 2nd, 2014

Let us know in 1-3 sentences. Post every day!

Spes September 8th, 2015

@OceanMermaid, sorry to hear that, lovely.

How are you feeling today? I really hope the pain of blissters did lessen a bit.

LoneWolfAshes96 September 7th, 2015

I feel lonely. My cousin I haven't seen in twelve years said he is coming then I yelled at him because he said that before and never follows through. I miss him a lot but he is not putting any effort into coming back into my life.

Spes September 8th, 2015

It's okay, @LoneWolfAshes96, sometimes we act in anger, because we feel hurt and vulnerable. You are missing your cousin a lot, you don't want to be disappointed again. It's good that you are aware of your emotions. It takes a great deal of self-awaraness. Would you consider apologizing to your cousin and telling him that you miss him? Maybe it can bring you some relief.

Please, let you tell me how are you feeling today. Lots of love!

lavenderFarm4174 September 7th, 2015

I feel uplifted after spending a week at my boyfriend's house relaxing away from home. Came back today in a great mood then put straight back into my home environment and was reminded why I ran away for the week :/ moving back to uni next week thogh so I some light to hold on to :)

Spes September 8th, 2015

Great to know, @lavenderFarm4174!

I know how stressful is moving in and out, even when it seems simple and straightforward, so I wish you the most uncomplicated and relaxing process ever.


creativePlace744 September 8th, 2015

Scared stiff, empty, & lost.

Spes September 8th, 2015

Sorry to hear that, @creativePlace744. Are you scared of something specific or is it anxiety's making? Either way, it must be heard for you. I'm proud of you that you've reached out. It was brave, wonderful.

Sending hugs!

DreamerGirl16 September 8th, 2015

I get headaches when I`m stress, i usally sleep it off but I have a presentation tomorrow. It`s only 5 mins, which feels twice as long, and i`m nervous of breaking down in tears again. Two weeks back in college and i already hate it.

easyWater4109 September 8th, 2015

My teeth ache when I'm stressed...anyway, I know how you feel about presenting in front of people. I hate it. But one thing that helps me is thinking of one person who looks up to me (my son for example) or someone who is supportive, and pretending they are right there with me. It gives me a secret edge of confidence. Good luck. And remember, college won't go on forever.

BlueNight1 September 8th, 2015

I feel controlling, manipulative, overprotective, and jealous about my girlfriend. But only because I care too much about her. It pains us both but our love is strong. I mean, to make a muscle stronger you first tear the muscle so it heals stronger. The heart is a muscle, every time it breaks you can let it heal stronger

Spes September 8th, 2015

@BlueNight1, you're right, changing is time. It's good though, that you are aware of your insecurities. Knowing them is already a half work done on the path towards resolving your problems. We believe that you can overcome anything, lovely.

Lots of love!

BlueNight1 September 8th, 2015

Thank you! @Spes

bubbleField822 September 8th, 2015

Honestly, today was going better than most days. I didn't wake up sad, I made it out of bed to spend time with the kids, took them to practice even made homemade pizza today. But then it just takes one thing, or person to make you feel horrible again. I've always been a disappointment to everyone. I've never been smart enough, good enough, tough enough, now I'm not pretty enough or skinny enough anymore. It's not just that though, everyone has different expectations of me and I feel hopeless because I can't meet any of them. I'm no longer a good wife according to my husband, I talk to much, even though I never talk anymore, everything is always my fault. My mother was and still is similar so now I feel like I'm just reliving my childhood. So that's how I'm feeling now. I'm hoping for a better day tomorrow. 😢

thisworldis2d September 8th, 2015


annoynomous101 September 8th, 2015

I really hope tomorrow is a better day for you. I was in that boat less than a year ago. Help from my family and Zoloft has turned my life around. My anxiety is still quite bad but I never have horrible days anymore. Maybe you could try that?

Hollywoodglitter September 8th, 2015

I feel tired and lonely. Mainly tired though. I just want to sleep and late everything fade away for a while.

Hollywoodglitter September 8th, 2015

Right now I feel really good.

Spes September 8th, 2015

Great to hear about your mood improvement, @Hollywoodglitter. Could you tell us if you done something specific to help you ease the tiredness or did it lift off naturally, thanks to the time and your patience?

Sending hugs!

Hollywoodglitter September 8th, 2015

I helped someone. I took on a role I haven't done in a long time. I counseled someone and I realized how much I enjoy truly helping someone work through something

yasmin513 September 8th, 2015

It's one of those days where I'm dying inside but I have a smile on my face

Spes September 8th, 2015

@yasmin513, sorry to hear that. Pretending to feel fine is exhausting, and we don't have a lot of energy to begin with. I hope this day will be kind to you and will end soon, so you don't have to push yourself anymore than it is really necessary.

Lots of hugs!

discreetAcres6234 September 8th, 2015

Exhausted from only getting one hour of sleep last night and having a long day of things I had to get done today. Other than that, I'm pretty okay.

Spes September 8th, 2015

It's good to hear that despite the tiredness, you are doing okay, @discreetAcres6234. You deserve a proper rest, so remember to take care of yourself.


LuxAlaska September 8th, 2015

I'm feeling lonely and hopeless today. My best friend told me yesterday we can't be friends any more and I don't have anyone else. He threatened to call the authorities on me if I don't respect his wishes. I'm in shock

Spes September 8th, 2015

@LuxAlaska, I'm so sorry to hear about your friend's treatment of you. I can understand why you are feeling low.

You are worth lovely and nice connections with people who care for you. Life can be brutal, and sometimes relationships just fall apart gradually, or break suddenly, like the sound of thunder.

I'm sending you lots of hugs, so you will know there are still people who want the best for you. Love!

StoppedFakingHappy September 8th, 2015

I'm feeling tired and anxious right now. I'm gonna go lie down and try a short meditation from the self help section.

Spes September 8th, 2015

@StoppedFakingHappy, I'm glad to hear you're so proactive. That's a wonderful attitude, and you inspire me a bit ^^ Please tell us how are you feeling after relaxation.

StoppedFakingHappy September 8th, 2015

I just listened to the:

Guided Meditation for Love & Positivity (6:34)

I felt better while listening, but then felt stressed trying to find this post to report back. I'm having trouble navigating back to conversations. But I did find it , so here I am:)

Spes September 8th, 2015

Sorry, @StoppedFakingHappy, I didn't want to make you stressed again ^^; I was just curious. Thank you for letting me know about your exercise, I appreciate it.

StoppedFakingHappy September 8th, 2015

You didn't make me stressed, I really appreciated the connection. Thanks!

StoppedFakingHappy September 8th, 2015

I copied and pasted the title, it didn't look that ENORMOUS while I was writing it...It makes me giggle to look at it:)

Lemontime20 September 8th, 2015

Hahaha I was wondering why it was so huge, at first glance it looks like an advertisement haha this made me laugh, I'm glad the meditation helped :)

coach79 September 8th, 2015

Doesn't seem like this should be hard to answer, but it is. Today I feel... a little internally numb, like there's a weight on my shoulders, like there's nothing exciting to look forward to, and very tired. I don't sleep very well anymore which is making my emotions harder to control. I have always prided myself on my internal strength, but lately I just feel drained.

Spes September 8th, 2015

I'm sorry you have such a hard day, @coach79. It's okay to feel tired. In times like this is crucial to be gentle and kinder with yourself. You are strong for so long, but we all deserve a rest.

Treat yourself today, lovely, you deserve it.

Sending lots of hugs!

Medic88 September 8th, 2015

How do you get over a friend who has died. I can't cope with her loss.

Spes September 8th, 2015

@Medic88, I'm so sorry. It must be hard for you, lovely. Let me just:

*hugs you tightly*

I don't know if you already know about it, but there is a grief support forum. Maybe you can find some relief in there.

Sending you all my love, darling!

Medic88 September 8th, 2015

Got home from work now. Feels as if I can't remember the last 3 days. Kinda in a hole. Like sitting in a mental institution watch the world go by and I'm stuck behind bars watching but unable to move speak.. Just breathing.

StoppedFakingHappy September 8th, 2015

Hang in there. Just breathe. Sounds good for now.

lovingPine3496 September 8th, 2015

I feel horrible. I want to cry. I just want t silence myself forever. Go to sleep and never wake up. I can't do this.

Spes September 8th, 2015

@lovingPine3496, I'm so sorry you feel such despair, lovely. It's okay. It is hard, you have every right to be tired. Let me hug you. You are courageous for fighting bravely for such long time. I'm proud fo you.

You are feeling awful right now, but every day in your past, every breath you take is a proof that you are a warrior. And that it is possible to survive this despair. No matter how hard it is, the sun is still on the sky. And so are you. But this darkness, this hopelessness will pass, because emotions just come and goe, like ocean's waves. It will pass, lovely. It always passes.

Sending you lots of hugs!