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Depression Community - How do you actually feel today?

Laura December 2nd, 2014

Let us know in 1-3 sentences. Post every day!

Celaeno August 22nd, 2015

Bitter that depression seems to consume my whole world.

Tired of fighting.


modestWatermelon4453 August 22nd, 2015

Let's encourage each other to fight..i need ur encouragement too

Celaeno August 22nd, 2015

@modestWatermelon4453, here's my strength and persistence to help you overcome your bad times. Here's my softness to ease your bruises from constant battles with yourself. Here's my voice to help you reach out and tell others about your worries.

No matter what, we will not be defeated. We can be weaken, but we are not weak. Take a good care of yourself!

modestWatermelon4453 August 22nd, 2015

Dear Celeano, cannot thank u enough for ur kind good xx

Jessica797 August 22nd, 2015

I'm scared, unsure, inside I feel so numb. I had a really bad panic attack early this morning, which has affected me. These past three days I tried so hard to stay positive but now I'm back to how I initially felt. The closure I wanted as now rejected me, the person I seeked council in as literally ran away from me and all I feel is fear. I just wish I could talk to someone, that's all I ask.

Celaeno August 22nd, 2015

@Jessica797, we are here to listen, your feelings are valid. Pretending to be tougher than our struggles and indifferent to them can be exhausting. But you don't have to always stand tall. You can lay down, you can rest, you can let go and listen to the beating of your own heart. You can doubt and be afraid. You can reach out to us and talk about the turmoil in your head. It's okay. You can be in pain, but you don't have to suffer.

Hugging you so much!

Jessica797 August 22nd, 2015

Thank you.

daxid50mg August 22nd, 2015

Depression is a villian

Celaeno August 22nd, 2015

... and we are superheroes, @daxid50mg. We just don't wear capes ^^

amicableTiger768 August 22nd, 2015

I feel like im nothing

chattymeow August 22nd, 2015

Afraid. Desperate. Tired. Weak.

Hopelessly hoping to see hope.

YoungGirl August 22nd, 2015

Sad. Angry. Worried. Alone....

hardworkingTortoise2831 August 22nd, 2015

I don't feel like myself, I feel like I'm acting and faking what I'm supposed to be or what I used to be like. I feel distant from people I love and I forget what used to make me happy. I don't want to wake up cause the world is too scary and demanding to deal with.

Celaeno August 22nd, 2015

@hardworkingTortoise2831, I can sense that you feel a lot of pressure. You think you should be someone else - someone who is wiser, and stronger, and honest, who doesn't ever hesitate, who can overcome all the hardships alone, who will make your loved ones proud, because you don't want to worry them in any way. You feel disconnected, both with your past self and your ideal template of a human being. You're stuck in a middle, unable to make a right move, because you already feel as if you lost in this game.

Lovely hardworkingTortoise2831, these are the most human feelings in the entire world. It was hard to grasp for me, but we are already worth everything good in this world simply by breathing its air. If you feel confused and lost, like a forger of your own life, it's okay. I also have no idea what I'm doing with my life, I'm just living it one day at a time, and sometimes that's enough. You, on the other hand, are definitely enough - you don't have to push yourself though the threshold. If you feel anxious, embrace it. Let it be, just for a little while. Listen to songs with lyrics written by someone who experienced the same things as you. Read books about the same fears and struggles. Watch movies to see how others overcome them. You'll see we are never alone in our battles and only newborns don't have insecurities. We are a species of a doubters and thinkers and warriors and lovers and explorers.

You are not alone. If you can't reach to the people you love, reach out this community and we will listen. Life is hard, but it's a bit more manageable together.

And I've started this reply to tell you that I care but somehow I wrote so many words and there's no endpoint to them, so I will just end it with a hug ^^ Please take a good care!

MadAlice1109 August 22nd, 2015

I don't know. It's 11:22 pm right now and im remembering so many things. I hate never forgetting the experiences that hurt me in the past.

Celaeno August 22nd, 2015

I'm sorry, @MadAlice1109 that your brain decided to dwell in a painful past. It's unfair that our memory seems to remember so thoroughly the most dreadful hardships, but have problems with recollecting last time we've felt hopeful. As if the intensity of our experiences differed that greatly.

Would you like some kind of distraction? Shifting your focus could maybe help you go to sleep, if you'd like that? If so, here's one of my favourite game to calm down, and here you can listen to the stars reassuring you.

I can't do much more, but please accept these soft pillows and my hugs. Let this day end - I have a tip-off that tomorrow will be better.

MadAlice1109 August 23rd, 2015

Hi thank you for your kind words @celaeno. I'm not much of a gamer but i'll listen to the music you shared. Thank you so so much! :)

TaylorTheLemonSlayer August 22nd, 2015

@alice I completely understand how you feel :-/ The brain is a completely strange thing

MadAlice1109 August 23rd, 2015

@taylor, hiii! we can do thiiiiiis! :) i hope.

enthusiasticBlackberry3865 August 22nd, 2015

I've been feeling off today, even more so than in the past few weeks which have been pretty bad. It's made worse by my mother's lack of understanding. She tends to get angry when I'm not feeling well and keeps pushing me. I don't know how to deal with that, especially considering that she's pretty much all I've got.

lucy88 August 22nd, 2015

Have you have a heart to heart with her? I have with my mom but sometimes it takes someone with similiar problems to really understand what ur going through. But communication is the first step

hardworkingTortoise2831 August 23rd, 2015

I'm going through something similar, my mom gets really angry when I try to get support from her. she says there's nothing she can do to help and talking to her just makes everything more stressful. It seems futile to try to get her to understand that it's really difficult for me to be going through this. i guess it's hard as a mother to not be able to help their children with this kind of thing themselves, and to not even understand what exactly the problem is. My mom doesn't believe that mental health can be a real issue so she sees my problems as something I can just deal with later, not what makes every day a struggle. It's really difficult to try to be the mature one in this kind of situation but I've found it works best if I make my own appointments and try to get help by myself and explain it to her on her terms that it is what I need.

hope things look up for you soon <3

enthusiasticBlackberry3865 August 24th, 2015

@hardworkingTortoise2831 Thank you. It's nice to see that someone understands what I'm going through. I agree that it's better to just let it go and deal with it myself. I am doing better today. I hope you're having a good day, too.

rory60 August 22nd, 2015

I feel really low and isolated

BrookeH August 22nd, 2015

I feel unmotivated and can't do anything. Like it will even take all my effort to get out of bed. I feel like a disappointment, stupid, annoying. Just overall terrible.

Vcarocks August 22nd, 2015

My fiancé and I broke up after being engaged for 2 years. I love him with all of my heart but can't deny the fact that I was what ruined our relationship. I didn't try. I took all of the love that he gave but wouldn't give any in return. He was my everything. We've been broken up for 2 months and it's still rough for me.. so much that it's hard to get out of bed and go to work. My emotions are making my mind race and my actions are all impulse actions that I do without thinking (like texting him, calling, flirting, trying to hang out, trying to give him distance, etc). He called today and told me he wants nothing to do with me because I've changed and there's no reason for him to stay. I want to change all the negativity within myself not only to repair myself but this relationship, but I can't help but feel hopeless. I dont know where to start and I need help. The heartbreak and the pain is too much for me.

TaylorTheLemonSlayer August 22nd, 2015

My anxiety is consuming me, and my mind is like a prison

Celaeno August 29th, 2015

Hi @TaylorTheLemonSlayer! How are you feeling today?


TaylorTheLemonSlayer September 3rd, 2015

I'm not too bad @celaeno :-) yourself?

*hugs back

Celaeno September 3rd, 2015

Glad to heart that, @TaylorTheLemonSlayer ^^

I'm ok, a bit sleepy now. Thank you for asking, lovely.

Sending hugs!

guinea627 August 23rd, 2015

struggling today. I woke up this morning early for a breakfast date with my significant other. my heart felt heavy the moment I woke up. I felt sad and distressed. I didn't talk throughout most of breakfast and my mind didn't want to focus.I came home and laid in bed. Already exhausted from today and its only 11am. I

Celaeno August 29th, 2015

Hi @guinea627! How was your day today? I hope you're feeling better.

Sending hugs!

Hickstjo August 23rd, 2015

I have been weaning off of my anti depressants cause I have no insurance to have them filled. I just took my last of the lexapro that I had last night. Afraid I will not be able to handle the ups and Downs.

Celaeno August 29th, 2015

Hello, lovely @Hickstjo! How are you feeling today? Are you completely out of your meds? Let me know how are you doing. I care about you.


Celaeno August 25th, 2015

I feel hopeful, despite my low mood, and it is thanks to you, lovelies.

I am so careful not to shatter this fragile feeling.

littlesadcutebunny August 25th, 2015

I feel like shooting myself in the head

Celaeno August 25th, 2015

I am sorry, @anxiousandepressed, that you are in a such pain that your brain gives you this dreadful vision. It must be really hard for you. I want to hug you tightly and draw all of your pain from your mind, heart, and body, so you could feel at rest, even if only for a little while.

Can I make somehow this passing minutes a bit better for you? Would you like some kind of a distraction? Maybe soothing sounds? Show? Or a song? ? A cute live animal feed? A game? A relaxing video? Or would you like to talk to me? I'm not a listener, but still I care about you. I'd love to ease your heartache, help you carry this unbearable weight, because you don't deserve it.

Sending soft pillows, a blanket, a bright night sky and stars for you to admire. Hugs!

littlesadcutebunny August 25th, 2015

ur really sweet and it's good to read all these nice words when I'm so down. thank you ❤️

Celaeno August 25th, 2015

Anytime, @anxiousandepressed ^^ We are here for each other.

Lemontime20 August 27th, 2015

I've been reading a few of your replies and you are literally the sweetest person!