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Depression Community - How do you actually feel today?

Laura December 2nd, 2014

Let us know in 1-3 sentences. Post every day!

TheMusicalViolinist March 29th, 2015

I'm not really feeling well today. I don't think I want to keep going through this.

awarner427 March 29th, 2015

tired of feeling like all I do is let down the one I love. I don't know why I feel this way but no matter what I do I always feel like a constant disappointment.

NBD March 30th, 2015

Not too well. ive been mentally suffering and My Pdoc wont prescribe me Meds and wants me to see a psychiatrist but I couldn't get an appointment Until A Month after symptoms started. My Appt is on the 2nd. I'M struggling To Make it that far. l dont want To end UP having to go to a crisis center.

MarineMom76 March 30th, 2015

I woke up feeling pretty ok. Then as the day progressed I gradually began to feel worse. I don't know why. I'm tired of feeling like this with the constant changes in my attitude

StrawberryPanda March 30th, 2015

I'm so stressed out over what's stressing me out. It's so overwhelming I don't know how or where to turn to, so many things are going wrong at once including being kicked out early by my landlady. I'm too suicidal to be suicidal, I know it doesn't make sense but I can't plain it

purplePear1228 March 30th, 2015

Sorry to hear that Panda. I don't know what to say. Just now I've read your post. I'm sorry. Hopefully things will get better.

StrawberryPanda March 31st, 2015

Thank you kind soul, it means a lot xxx

scarletTree944 March 30th, 2015

I feel really low at the minute insomnia is kicking in again I haven't slept in 2weeks I feel suicidalcrying

biologygirl March 31st, 2015

I feel much better than I have in the past! No more cutting, no more suicidal thoughts. Behavioral cognitive therapy, taking lots of supplements, medication, and exercise has worked wonders for me. I hope all of us who struggle with depression find a combination that works for ourselves. Sending love to you, wherever you are

StrawberryPanda March 31st, 2015

Lovely to read some positivity :) what has motivated you most to make changes?

biologygirl April 2nd, 2015

What motivated me most was my grandma. I'm my grandma's only granddaughter, and seeing her love and support for me really pushed me to get the help I needed.

biologygirl April 2nd, 2015

She's one of the only people that got through my fog of major depression, which was quite the accomplishment.

csk1985 March 31st, 2015

Cant quite figure out why I always feel down.. which at weekends turns me to drugs and alcohol to erase the feelings I have. 1. Upbringing? 2. Relastionship failure? 3. Alcohol and drugs? Feel like im going round in circles all the time.

tehsoupie March 31st, 2015

I've been feeling down today. I worked two shifts in a row at my job I hate dealing with people I can't stand, and I had a few hours today when I was numb and feeling "soulless." I got off work, I'm home, and I'm slightly less numb and feeling more neutral, but I'm not a 100%.

soccer0624 March 31st, 2015

I feel worthless and empty. Like no one really cares. I feel like this will never go away and it will all just be better if I'm gone. I wish I could just go to sleep and not wake back up. I feel like a failure and that it is hopeless to even try anymore. But it's not like anyone cares enough to notice so I guess it doesn't matter.

Brittnicole March 31st, 2015

Today I actually had thoughts of jumping off a bridge because this might sound like a very stupid reason but because my boyfriend kinda broke up with me because of my family getting involved in our relationship but ever since than I've felt so depressed and lossedbecause I don't have him

ShatteredButterfly March 31st, 2015

Today I actually felt like giving up on everyone and everything. I felt like my life is just falling apart. I feel like I can't do anything to stop this darkness that is overcoming me. :(

hellofriends March 31st, 2015

I feel like total shit, excuse my language, sorry. :/ I do everything in my power to reach out to people and be kind and sweet and thoughtful towards them, but somehow I still don't have any friends, and I'm alone most of the time. I rarely ever get invited out and usually I have to invite myself or coordinate the activity. I feel so neglected and sad and just want a friend. Someone who I can live life with, not talk to in some online chatroom.

hellofriends March 31st, 2015

I feel envious, sad, and lonely. Horny and fat.

serendipity33 March 31st, 2015

today I actually felt like taking all of my sleeping meds. I don't know why I can't seem to conquer this depression that continues to take over my body & not to mention, my everyday schedule. I am almost to the point of cracking, the one place I told myself I would never get as low to. the negative thoughts & pictures playing in my head are suppliers to these feelings I have of sadness & emptiness. it's almost like I'm not myself anymore but only a lifeless body.

Ellseaa April 4th, 2015

Stay strongsugar and take care. I'm here for you.

I want you to know that I'm always here if you need to talk, as are any other listeners my lovely! Remember that! Whenever you need us, there will always be somebody available for you! You matter to us, I care about you and I hope things only get better for you, sweetheart.

I'm only ever a message away, too - don't forget that.

Best wishes, El.

emotionalStrings7991 March 31st, 2015

I feel like life would become a distant memory. I have gotten a single letter from any colleges and I fear that I might get rejected.I don't college is even in the future for me anymore. It's official. I'm definitely a failure.

OoParisBeautyoO March 31st, 2015

I feel extermely depressed. I don't even know why, but at the same time I do. Life is just becoming way to stressful, and I just don't know how to handle it all. I feel as though, I have nobody. No one cares, and that's the sad thing.

itgirl9698 April 1st, 2015

I feel lost, as though my heart was taken out of me all over again.

I want to cry, but cry about what? The fact that I want more or the fact of looking like a complete idiot again. Because I obviously know what I want, but does he. I want to know before I dig my hole deep enough for me to get out. I let him go once and I feel like I will be doing that all over again.

Will I ever get a different kind of happiness or no.

I thought maybe this time I would, but I guess not.

OoParisBeautyoO April 1st, 2015

Today, was an okay day for me. It wasn't the best day, but it wasn't the worst either. I didn't feel as depressed today. I didn't feel like crying, like I did yesterday. Someday's are just better than others, I suppose.yes

DeadSoul101 April 1st, 2015

Today was terrible I'm slowly getting worst and my thoughts are getting darker and scarier. I thought of committing more than once today and believe that I'm more capable of doing it then I've ever been :/

OoParisBeautyoO April 2nd, 2015

I understand how it feels. You think about it over and over again, wanting to do it more and more each time you think about. But you can't, because you have so much to live for. I don't know who you are and I know you don't know me, but if you ever need someone to talk to when those thoughts get scarier and scarier. I'll be here for you, when you feel alone. I'll be your light, to scare away the dark.smiley

DeadSoul101 April 2nd, 2015

Thank you so much it feels good to know that someone else knows how it feels.

OoParisBeautyoO April 2nd, 2015

No need to thank me, and it does feel good to know you're not alone. I'm here for you, Love.

dynamicBeach4966 April 2nd, 2015

Am feeling so depress.....just want to tlk to somebody.

neatBranch7197 April 2nd, 2015

How do I become a listener? I would like to talk to you

purplePear1228 April 2nd, 2015

Hi! Did you get to talk to someone yesterday? I hope you are feeling better today.

scarletPal2365 April 2nd, 2015

A roller coaster.

GhostIntheNorth April 2nd, 2015

I'm a sophomore in college, and there is always a never-ending list of assignments and things that I "need" to get done. But when I get this depressed and overwhelmed, I can't focus on doing anything. None of it really matters, especially whenIcan barely even function..

yellrie April 2nd, 2015

I feel you. Sometimes I even end up crying.

tidySky8521 April 2nd, 2015

I want someone to just know what's going on in my head because I don't really want to talk to anyone. It makes me feel like a burden. I really just want a doctor to give me pills so I can get threw high school so I can go to a good college from there I can probably do it myself. I feel so alone even though I have a lot of friends. I don't want to talk but I want someone to listen. I'm probably not making sense...

emotionalPal7770 April 2nd, 2015

I hear you. I feel the exact same way.

Ellseaa April 4th, 2015

Stay strongsugar and take care. I'm here for you.

I want you to know that I'm always here if you need to talk, as are any other listeners my lovely! Remember that! Whenever you need us, there will always be somebody available for you! You matter to us, I care about you and I hope things only get better for you, sweetheart.

I'm only ever a message away, too - don't forget that.

Best wishes, El.

james8snell April 2nd, 2015

I feel depressed and completely hopeless, and one moment I feel like I'm getting better then I just feel worse :(

tidyCake1103 April 2nd, 2015

Today I was sad. I've been sad for two weeks. I've been trying to distract myself by binging on K-Drama's but once they are over they just leave me feeling more upset than I was before. I'm really lonely. And i'm sick of the saying that "you have to learn to be alone before you can be open to others"because I've been alone my whole life. I didn't know what I was missing you know? I had emotional chemistry with a guy about a year ago but he's much older and in a relationship now. Two weeks ago I dated a guy and finally understood physical chemistry. Ignorance is bliss my friends. I had no idea what I was missing out on in a relationship. But he moved away to start work. I'm really sick of bad timing. For once I want it to be perfect timing with someone I have emotional AND physical chemistry with. But I'm graduating college and moving to a whole new place in a couple months. There's no way I can start something now. But I want it now. I'm so tired of being alone. Interestingly enough,I'm still able to make a valid attempt at "pressing on" with my life. Trying to get things done like I always do when I'm on autopilot mode. But this time is weird, because the inner me, the one that feels all the pain, and turmoil, is for once not even attempting to mask itself from the world by way of the outer me, who is driven, and aloof, maybe a little over confidant. I'm a little glad that the two versions of me are meeting somewhere in the middle. I've been wanting to break that wall for a while, but the adjustment is rough, and my last quarter of school is suffering for it.

I was sad today. I'm still sad.