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Depression Community - How do you actually feel today?

Laura December 2nd, 2014

Let us know in 1-3 sentences. Post every day!

unicornwithafirehorn March 12th, 2015

I'm actually really happy right now, but probably because I just got laughing gas from the dentist. But other than that things are doing sort of okay. Some anger here and there but faking happiness helps a lot, surprisingly!

Roadie March 13th, 2015

Hi @unicornwithafirehorn

It's ironic how that works, isn't it? I use that for my social anxiety as well.. faking it until I make it works well.. however depression is something that really feeds on yourself.. perhaps that's the answer

JamieGardevoir March 12th, 2015

Well, imagine a brain that's been modified to feel nothing but as pain as it physically could. Congratulations, that's nothing compared to what I'm going through because it can't be put into words.

Roadie March 13th, 2015

Wow @JamieGardevoir

It really sounds as though you are going through some incredibly difficult things at the moment. I really encourage you to reach out through 1-to-1 listener chats, group support, and the forums. We're here for you!

easyNorth7649 March 12th, 2015

I'm actually feeling pretty okay today. I'm not just merely existing. Actually making progress. Not beating myself up so much.

Roadie March 13th, 2015

That's great @easyNorth7649. Keep it going! :)

scarecrow87 March 13th, 2015

I don't feel great. I had an amazing day at work because I was working with someone who I never get to see. Rather than finishing the day feeling happy about seeing him, I feel sad because I know that I won't get another day this hood for months. I wish I could have coasted on the positive for just a little longer, rather than feeling abandoned and alone.

Roadie March 14th, 2015

I can totally understand where you're coming from, @scarecrow87, because I get those depressed feelings after something really positive as well. It's like being on a real high and then when you come down from that you don't feel at a normal level but at a real low.

I guess what I would say to you however is to not be sad about the fact that you may not see them for a while but think happily about the time that you do spend with them. It's a slight change of frame of reference but it may help?

understandingPeach5244 March 14th, 2015

I just want help. I'm so tired. I just want someone to help me. Where do I go? Who do I speak to? Everything is so complicated and vague and I don't know who to turn to, I don't know where to find a doctor or psychiatrist and I'm scared about the fact that I'm getting so much worse.

purpledragon87 March 14th, 2015

I'm in a very similar boat...not sure how to verbalize my feelings/what goes on in my mind, and I don't know how to find the right help. It's so frustrating, especially since the mere thought of meeting & talking to a new person is anxiety producing (the idea of finding a therapist stresses me out too much to even reallytry).

tallShade5419 March 14th, 2015

Same advice to @ purpledragon87. ... Plz hv a chat with ' imran sheikh' . good luck!

tallShade5419 March 14th, 2015

Hey @ undrstandingpeach5244, plz hv a chat with the listenr 'imran sheikh' n ask for a session. He wil help u definitely n u wil b need to get help from any psychiatrist..blv me! He wil b available after 2 weeks from now onwards.

8321nightshade March 14th, 2015

I'm very tired. It's a very very low day. I can't see a point to anything.

Forea March 14th, 2015

I just desperately want to connect with someone. I feel empty and alone. Tonight has been a bad night for me.

Leah9891 March 14th, 2015

I feel stuck, alone, depressed and annoyed. I just wish I could sleep. I am so lonely. My husband is too busy being depressed about being unemployed to see that I am checking out. I find that I am snapping and unable to manage my emotions very well, but I also feel like people at work have tried to pick on me when they were they were all guilty of living in the same glass house.

kindRaspberries59 March 14th, 2015

My cheeks hurt from faking a smile all day today. My mind hurts from all the side comments and insults made about me. My arms are still dripping blood, and ive had at least two anxiety attacks today. Truthfully? Im currently feeling like i shouldnt even be able to move form how destroyed i feel today.

tallShade5419 March 14th, 2015

Hapy, light.. Contented:)

LovePom March 15th, 2015

I feel a lot better than most days. It's surprising, but I also feel a bit annoyed that there's still no acknowledgement of how sad I can get and how much pain is really there. I know that soon I will be crying hard again and wishing I wasn't here. Feeing happy is a temporary feeling to me now. My family doesn't notice crap...

purplePear1228 March 15th, 2015

Hi, sadness hardly will be acknowledge by others. Important thing to remember is you are not alone. You are needed. Don't gjve up, ok?

flowerchild74 March 15th, 2015

I feel lost and alone, that is my usual feeling. A feeling of real happiness is so rare and fleeting, that sometimes I wonder if it really happened.

mistpete75 March 15th, 2015

Tired, alone, self judgemental

balletmaria26 March 15th, 2015

I feel the same, but you have to remember that you're beautiful, even if it's hard. I know I struggle with self esteem, but I try to veer away from things that I know will lead me the wrong way. Always here to talk if you need me. 💕

LilacSquare March 15th, 2015

glad,Bored, confused, frustrated that I don't want to be here

purplePear1228 March 15th, 2015

You ARE needed here! Please don't think otherwise.

papafish20 March 15th, 2015

Long day at work so tired. But trying to relax and enjoy house of cards. Only thing keeping my sanity in check at the mo

calicofish March 15th, 2015

Like the weight of the world is on my shoulders

Emichelle March 15th, 2015

like my world is balanced on a pin in the midst of a tornado.

musiclover1127 March 15th, 2015

Today hasn't been a good day. The depression is getting worse. I don't know how much longer I can hold out.

purplePear1228 March 15th, 2015

Hey music lover, please don't give up. I've been there and still not completely out of the woods, but it it's worth to keep fighting.

TheMusicalViolinist March 15th, 2015

I was starting to feel bad today but I remained positve and kept going. I feel okay now.

balletmaria26 March 15th, 2015

That's good! Stay strong 💕💕

balletmaria26 March 15th, 2015

I feel self conscious, alone, and hopeless

persistentCity8553 March 15th, 2015

I feel blank at this point... In search to a solution to my problem..

siqen1673 March 15th, 2015

I feel pointless, worthless, lonely and sad.

mcrt23 March 15th, 2015

Alone, sad and worthless


I feel alone. I know I'm not but I feel it. Worthless, dumb, pathetic, awkward, ugly, pointless, retarded, fat, stupid, paranoid.... just a general mess. I just want to curl up in a corner and die. But I have to stay strong for my ma. (major depression and paranoia, she's out of hospital and on medication now though) So there's that. Not that anyone is going to care about my problems xDDDD it's just nice to vent sometimes :3


I feel alone. I know I'm not but I feel it. Worthless, dumb, pathetic, awkward, ugly, pointless, retarded, fat, stupid, paranoid.... just a general mess. I just want to curl up in a corner and die. But I have to stay strong for my ma. (major depression and paranoia, she's out of hospital and on medication now though) So there's that. Not that anyone is going to care about my problems xDDDD it's just nice to vent sometimes :3

brightLion2227 March 15th, 2015

I feel the same way sometimes :( and on some days I feel normal. Btw I care haha, it's nice to know there are others going through the same thing as me


:3 >u< thank you, what I've found useful is going through 7cups forums helping other people. Kinda makes me feel like there's a reason for me to be here xDDD maybe it would help you to do the same?? Idk

brightLion2227 March 15th, 2015

Aw you're so cute :o , lol talking to happy people makes my day a little less crappier