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Why is studying so difficult?

Blahblah1805 October 6th, 2023

I'm supposed to study hard as I've already missed one chance to get into a good university. I've taken a drop after fighting with my parents as I want to be in a reputed uni. But now here I am not being able to study. Just sitting idle and doing nothing, maybe overthinking mostly. I try every single day to interest myself in studies or to pamper myself like just 1 more hour but still it doesn't last for long. This was same last year and I can't get new results with same mistake. I don't know what to do. It's really tiring to study and even prepare myself to study. I'm like this even when I know that if I failed this time maybe my parents would decide my career. I have no motivation. 

I need advices and tricks or anything you know. Thank you so much for reading till the end ☺. 

limesnlemons44 October 6th, 2023

@Blahblah1805 You know what helps me study? music. Any type too, It can be heavy metal (not recommended) or it can be Chill lofi hip-hop (very recommended)

Blahblah1805 OP October 7th, 2023


Thanks for your advice. But music doesn't disturb? I mean I've never tried so I'm just asking. 

Have a great day☺. 

bestVase7265 October 8th, 2023

I work at a university and we give out lots of study tips. One of the biggest ones is to change locations where you are studying regularly. Also, get outside more and take lots of scheduled breaks. I find that I work best in really short stints followed by really short moments where I do something else. I even go down to 15 minute intervals. Also, give yourself lots of praise for everything that you do accomplish. Putting yourself down makes things harder. @Blahblah1805

Blahblah1805 OP October 8th, 2023


Thank you so much❤. It's just I keep on thinking that taking more breaks would waste my time but I keep forgetting the fact that I'm not able to study by pressurising myself either. I'd surely make changes regarding breaks. Thank you so much. 

Sending hugs to you 🤗🤗

bestVase7265 October 9th, 2023

The breaks will make your study times much more productive because you won't be staring at the wall or the page of the book. Try it for a day or two of maybe 15 minutes on task, 10 minutes off task. See whether you are getting more done. Experiment until you get the right interval for you. @Blahblah1805

Blahblah1805 OP October 9th, 2023


Okay sure I'll try it! Thank you very much❤. 

bestVase7265 October 10th, 2023

Let us know how things go. @Blahblah1805

Blahblah1805 OP October 11th, 2023


Hey! It actually worked. Though the duration of studying isn't that much still I'm studying without being fed up you know. Thank you so very much for your advice❤. 

Sending lots of love to you ☺. 

bestVase7265 October 12th, 2023

Yay! I am so glad that it helped. @Blahblah1805

rainmakerhere October 9th, 2023

Honestly the only thing that ever helped me was studying in a public place, where all the other people were concentrated too. Watching other people study made me want to study as well.

However, what I finally realised, after many years looking at other people in my courses do constantly well and never seeming to stop, was that I was simply scared of not being good enough. I'm a perfectionist; if you are too, you might have this problem. Honestly I'm still working on ways to fix that. I'm looking for books to read and advice from other people, but at least I'm glad I realised this.

Try to think "why am I not doing this?" And if your first thought is "I can't do it" it might just be fear. Find someone to study with, get inside a library, fill your day with things go do so you have to use your time wisely.

And if I ever get to the bottom of this myself, maybe I could help you out too :)

Blahblah1805 OP October 9th, 2023


Thank you so much for your advice. Yeah actually I've that fear that what if I can't do it in one day I'll be lagging behind and then the tasks pile up and I just end up doing nothing. Well actually I'm a dropout and all my friends are already into uni and in library yeah again I've to face this thing that I didn't get into uni so idk if I'd try. But thank you so much for replying ❤. 

Have an awesome day☺.