Weekly Prompt #26: Think about a metaphor that represents your experience with depression in 2023.
Welcome back, group! I hope you are all being easy on yourself this week.
Last week we discussed: How do the expectations and social pressure surrounding the holidays affect your mood and energy levels? Thank you to all who participated and shared their thoughts and questions for discussion. They were thought-provoking questions and thoughts. I hope you all did too. If you didn't share yours, please share them here and I look forward to reading and discussing them with you
This week's prompt: Think about a metaphor that represents your experience with depression in 2023. What image or symbol comes to mind?
Please know all thoughts and experiences are valid so no matter how small or big it seems, do share with us and we will discuss our thoughts on it together.
My depression is like walking through a muddy swamp, every step harder than the last as you sink down into the mud. The deaper you sink the harder it is to pull yourself back out.
The metaphor that describes my depression for 2023 like a balloon filling slowly up with water waiting to burst
@pamharley003 That sounds like a powerful image. How does it feel to have this balloon filling up?
when it fills up to me means I took on too much to handle and have to start prioritizing my issues to release the balloon some. That is when my coping skills toolbox is used
A Saw movie. Only the twist is the place where everyone, everywhere and everything meets are the players and I'm the architect and antagonist, the villian, and most shocking of all, the only way out. It's pretty intense.
My depression in 2023 was similar to that of a snowy hill slope and you are going sledding down the passage, until you get to the other side, only to realize that you have to climb back up the hill to get to the top again.