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Triggered- Filled out a therapy intake form

determinedHemlock9877 August 10th, 2023

Has anyone else felt awful after filling out their therapy intake forms? It’s literally like having to relive all the stuff you want to not think about. I want to feel better. I’m trying to tell myself that it’s ok, it’s just so the therapist can help me to understand what I went through, where I am and how to guide me through healing. I’m taking deep breaths. Has anyone else felt like this?

mich765 August 10th, 2023


YES!!!!! They’re the worst and can be so triggering. The intake interview as well. What helps me is to try to be extra kind to myself and keep myself occupied after completing one. The fact that it is triggering means that we need the help. And being hopeful for what is to come is a huge step!

determinedHemlock9877 OP August 10th, 2023

True. Being kind to yourself sounds so wonderful. Like intentionally doing that. I love that. It makes me think of like when people say treat yourself like you would a person or a child

in need. You automatically want to give comfort in those situations. It takes you out of fight or flight. Thanks for that!

bestVase7265 August 11th, 2023

Yes, of course. But remembering that they are trying to help you and aren't judging you makes things easier. @determinedHemlock9877

GlenM August 11th, 2023

@determinedHemlock9877 excellent insight! the intake process needs to be redesigned with the client in mind. some therapists do an excellent job of this by building rapport first and then weaving in history taking into the conversation. others just give the form or go through it and it is too much. i'd love to see more innovation here to better help clients and therapists succeed.

determinedHemlock9877 OP August 11th, 2023

I one hundred percent agree. It felt like I had to bare my soul and we never had a conversation. I have to tell her that when we have our first session. Glad I’m not the only one who feels this way. Bringing it to her attention may help down the line. Especially if I am one of several people who say it.