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Wife and Mom here dealing with anxiety and depression and seeking community and connection with others on the same healing journey. I am also looking to be a light for anyone who needs it. ❤️

Recent forum posts
Celebrating the moment.
Depression Support / by determinedHemlock9877
Last post
August 12th, 2023
...See more I’m not stopping here but I am celebrating every moment that I feel connected to my heart or better yet, every moment that I am not resisting the connection to my heart. This is a big theme for me now. Just wanted to share my gratitude for this and send love throughout the community. It seems to me that we get dipped down into our shadow spaces for a time just so that we can see how resilient and strong we actually are. Just my personal observation. The effort that it requires for us to make it through some of our darkest periods is enormous and I just want to celebrate that effort that each of us is making. Again, I send love throughout the community. Please know the effort is not in vain.
Triggered- Filled out a therapy intake form
Depression Support / by determinedHemlock9877
Last post
August 11th, 2023
...See more Has anyone else felt awful after filling out their therapy intake forms? It’s literally like having to relive all the stuff you want to not think about. I want to feel better. I’m trying to tell myself that it’s ok, it’s just so the therapist can help me to understand what I went through, where I am and how to guide me through healing. I’m taking deep breaths. Has anyone else felt like this?
Feeling Rushed
Depression Support / by determinedHemlock9877
Last post
August 13th, 2023
...See more I have been struggling for the past two days with huge waves of anxiety and depression but I was able to work through them by talking and making the step toward therapy. In the past, I have always thought that when I felt better I would be able to "be happy" very quickly and go along like normal. Having a couple of back to back anxiety attacks shook me to my core and wore me out completely and I still feel a little emotional this morning. I'm ok I just still feel that "cry" inside like I'm still releasing or just working through all of this. These were huge emotional days for me where my mind was beating me up and I was afraid I would have no relief. So now that I am on the other side of that today I am feeling a bit anxious about the fact that I still feel raw. Has this happened to anyone else? I will be starting therapy soon and will definitely be talking about this with them but I wanted to get support here in the meantime. Thanks in advance for help.
Feeling disconnected
Depression Support / by determinedHemlock9877
Last post
August 16th, 2023
...See more Hey everyone. I’m new here. Just wanted to ask if anybody has an insight on what to do when you’re feeling drained and disconnected. I have a hard time feeling like it’s ok for me to just rest and pause. Probably my impatience coming through there but I’ve never felt this disconnected from things that would normally make me feel better. I had 2 anxiety attacks today and have been crying literally most of the day. I feel exhausted. Just wanted to reach out and see if anyone else has felt like this and find out what help you through it. Thanks a million for any help. Much love and light to all.
Anxiety and depression- Newbie here
Newbie Hub / by determinedHemlock9877
Last post
August 9th, 2023
...See more Hello, I’m new here. This app was recommended to me and it seems like its just what I was looking for. I have reached what feels like a breaking point. I’ve dealt with anxiety and depression for a majority of my life even when I didn’t know what it was. I always thought I’d be ok in my own mind and I’d deal with it on my own. It wasn’t until I had my daughter that I finally broke down and started therapy. I grew up in a very strict, religious house hold and I have a very docile and compliant personality. I’m very introverted and never felt like I fit in. I have always been a worrier but that worry turned into anxiety and with anxiety came depression and deep despair. I have wanted to find a community that can understand what I am going through for a long time and today this one was recommended- a day when I had two anxiety attacks, a day full of tears and exhaustion. I’m so grateful for this community and that I have been able to start taking steps to find a new therapist. I thought I was going to find a magic tool that would take all the anxiety and negative thoughts away completely and I’d never experience depression again but I’m seeing that is not the way it works. It’s a journey. I’d appreciate any encouragement and I am here to be an encouragement to anyone who like me is going through this and needing to connect. Much love to anyone who reads this and you are not alone.
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