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UnassumingFrosty August 7th

I lost total trust in people. I prefer to be alone. I once believed there was good in the world. It is so hard for me to even reach out now. I feel like a problem. I was also told if you u not getting help be your own advocate. Yet, here I am. Told that my community doesn't have the resource I need and or I don't the resources. It's because I cry for help so loud everyone gives up. If I die then I'll die. Refused treatment. Yet, is that really what it is or a painted picture over the blood (metaphorically speaking). Idk why I write this I guess just needed this heard by someone anyone.

What do I want? Idk just agree or agree to disagree comfort or don't. View points are welcome.


Sorry if this is not appropriate or in wrong place. I'm new. And just needed for someone to hear my voice.

I can guarantee my safety and well being before anyone asks. Not going self harm all that. Just speaking my voice to the void of dispare. Nothing more nothing less.

FluffyBakedPotato August 7th

I'm sorry you are going through such difficult times. There are definitely lots of meh people in this world but there are good ones too. They are hard to find but they are there. Don't lose hope. There is always a rainbow after every storm. You got this!! Sending some positive energy your way (: Just keep swimming..

UnassumingFrosty OP August 8th

I'd like to believe that. Yet all I see is the rich getting richer and the poor suffering. Mental and public health workers are nothing more then a lie away from saving there own skin. There is no one that wants to loose and what it takes to win in life is pushing everyone and everything around you down. Being physically or mentally strong doesn't matter anymore. Narcissistic behavior is the normality of the world.

Doom and gloom nothing good to say? Well I guess that's why I have depressed and that's my fault for not Participating in the worldly ways. Suffer alone I will.


Ty for being the one person who comments.