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I just want someone to tell me I’ll be okay.

Gh0sstt June 7th


bestVase7265 June 8th

You will be okay. I am so sorry that you are hurting. Did you want to tell us more? The journey isn't easy but we can support you. @Gh0sstt

Joe85 June 8th


You will be okay. I know things might seem overwhelming right now, but you have the strength to get through this. Remember that it's okay to feel what you're feeling, and you don't have to go through it alone. We're here for you, ready to listen and help in any way possible. We'll get through this together, one step at a time.❤️

rhoda2020 June 21st

Hi Joe, you have a great sense of humor

BlackWood8234 June 25th

What was the joke I missed it.

Max741 July 11th


What's funny about it?

barncat June 8th

Just adding my thoughts and wishes for you.

some days seem overwhelming. Just know others care helps.


You will be <3

decisiveSea4539 June 9th

You’ll be more than okay 🫂🫂. I’ve heard a saying a lot that states that , “ it’s okay to not be okay’ so even when you aren’t okay, it’s okay and will be okay🌹

AmyPondd June 12th


That is actually very encouraging for me today.

decisiveSea4539 June 12th


AmyPondd June 12th


Baby steps.

You will be more than okay. Take care of your heart, be gentle to yourself. I am sending you a warm smile.

Gh0sstt OP June 12th

Everyone is so sweet ❤️ Thankyou all for your messages, it means a lot.

bestVase7265 June 13th

I hope that today was a better day for you! @Gh0sstt

akunknown June 13th


You will definitely be ok. Bc of your situation you may not realize it now which is completely ok and normal but you are more than ok even now. People who go through depression or are depressed don’t believe they’re ok. Just bc they’re depressed doesn’t mean they’re not ok. Please know that. Also know im here for you if you need me. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you want. 

MusicalStar0407 June 13th

You will be ok! Keep on keeping your head up:,)

Tinywhisper11 June 13th

@Gh0sstt gives you a giant tiny hug ❤❤squeezes you tightly ❤ it's all gonna be ok, we are all right here for you

LostBoi1989 June 13th


Everything thing with be ok and I'm here if you ever need to chat

kindVase5258 June 17th

@Gh0sstt It'll be ok. Life is tough but.. let's try to hold on ok..?

cyanTurtle8500 June 17th

I know how you feel, you haven’t got to suffer alone. : , )

kindForest1498 June 25th

u r ok @Gh0sstt

kindForest1498 June 26th

U are okay 🙌🏻


@Gh0sstt Everything will be just fine. We are all here for you with open arms. 🫂

diligentShip1146 June 29th


You will be okay :) we all will be, eventually. And I believe we will be even more than okay. Yesterday I read a really inspiring article on pain, especially for those Moments when it just hurts too much. The author wrote: "The pain first becomes bearable, then manageable, then an afterthought." I found that really comforting, like someone gets it. 

I hope you feel better soon, wish you all the best in the world! <3

kindForest1498 June 29th

@Gh0sstt You Got it You will be okay 🙌

Melon5369 June 30th

@Gh0sstt You will be okay! Trust in it <3

@Gh0sstt well i could say it to you but i don't know if it's the case

PurpleJar3 July 1st

@Gh0sstt You'll be okay. Everything will be okay. It has to be okay.


You will be okay. You are not alone :) You got this 🫶🏻 you are amazing! :)

greenVase6086 July 1st

@Gh0sstt you'll be okay,everything will be fine

RedWell July 1st


I know the feeling! It IS going to be Ok!

Today, real people with nothing to gain (like me) felt compelled to write you and love you out of nowhere!

That's probably proof that you've sent out love to others that hasn't come back to you!  That love is circulating around and WILL come back. Here is but a small part of it. Watch out, love is coming!

Gh0sstt OP July 1st

this is beautiful. Thank you

CoolMeCool July 3rd


you will be okay, and things will work out for you 💪

helpfulShade6045 July 3rd
@Gh0sstt se hai bisogno di parlare ci sono
greenSkies3876 July 4th

@Gh0sstt You’ll be ok! Don’t worry, never give up, remember that hope is a virtue! God shall bless you and keep you though life is hard. 

EricaKhanna July 5th

@Gh0sstt you'll be okay. It's okay to go hard times you'll eventually be alright.

sereneSunshine00 July 5th

@Gh0sstt it’s okay to not be okay. But you will be okay! 💕 Please believe in yourself and in the hope that the rainbow is coming after the storm. 🌈

Angelanj July 11th

@Gh0sstt You will be okay. Here's a virtual hug, sent with all the warmth and strength I have 🫂💗.Hold on to it for as long as you need. Even if things feel shaky right now, you have the incredible ability to get through this. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. Whatever you're facing, take it one step at a time. And if you ever need someone to listen, I'm here to give a listening ear.

neverenoughgirl July 11th

Hey u will be okay. Ik it's tough but lose hope. Don't give up. Look how far u have reached. Pls don't give. It will all get better I promise. Love you ❤️

niceOrange4578 July 12th

@Gh0sstt I am feeling the same way and I don't know how to feel okay , I know people say that your should be okay everything will change but at this minute everything looks like it has paused it's attacking me it's going to choke me I will never be successful 

celestialwizard July 13th

You will absolutely be okay. It might take a while, and you might not realize it while you’re getting there, but someday things will get better. They always do. I don’t know what you’re going through at the moment, but whatever it may be, you are more than capable of getting through it and coming out okay on the other side.