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Confused/heartbroken/feel depression.

moonligt July 21st

Hi guys, I'm Moon!

I'm new here, and I decided that I should write about my experience with one of my friends, because I think then I could see this situation from multiple perspectives, so probably I would understand it better.

(To be honest I don't usually post anything anywhere, so I'm a little bit nervous, and ashamed, but I will try to explain.)It will be long, sorry!

So, I was around 15-16 years old, when I met him, (so we know his gender) he helped me when someone bullied me, he was kind, so we quickly became friends.

After a while, we stopped talking, and we haven't talked for around 2 years.

He texted me perivous month, and asked me If I remember him, and If I wanna talk with him again, I agreed.

In the first few days nothing special happened.

We just told each other what happened while we weren't talking.

So It was just simple "getting to know each other more" conversations.

Later he asked me, If I ever had boyfriend, and what kind of relationships I like, and the point is that I said I also prefer a long-distance relationship, but he doesn't like it.

I respect anyone's opinion, so not that was the problem. The problem was that he didn't respect mine, because he acted like If he wanted to decide my feelings, example he said that "Moon, you can't be in an online relationship" which hurted me, I hate the ex-bf topics anway, so he apogalised, and promised me that he will never talk about it again.

[ ] Soon he started calling me example "my love, darling, honey,sun, precious" and that "you are so beatuiful" , he asked me weird things like "Can I kiss your neck, what would you do If I were kiss your lips" when he called me "my love" for the first time I thought that he is joking, but when he called me the girl of his dreams, and even asked me that If I were met a boy like him, I would like to be the boy's gf, then I started to think about that he has a crush on me. And he also asked me If I wanna be in a relationship with anyone, I answered him I'm not ready for a few reasons,example 1-2 weeks are not enough to get know someone (after 2years people can change) , but NOT he is the problem If he wanted to ask me out. He became upset, so that day he went to sleep earlier. I ovbiously noticed later, so I told him that I don't have problem with him, he looks like good, he is smart etc., and I respect him. I even drew about him and I to my diary, I showed him and I told him that I didn't want to hurt him. He answered that he appreciates it, and anything happens he will support me. But compared to that, next day he asked me If my exes are better than him, I were ready for them, and I answered that I was 12-13-14 years old, and I couldn't think rationally, but I learned that good look is not enough for a relationship, we also need to know that person. And I asked him If he haven't told me before that online relationships are don't exist, and he said: "Then I said that. But for now, I say It's true." Then It made me confused, after It he random started that I'm lied something about one of my exes relationship, because I didn't mention It before, and he never heard similar situation, and that I don't have values, he is laughing at me, If I believe my fairytales then something is wrong in my mind, I'm a liar and he stops the conversation. I didn't lie, but I don't think It was fair from him that he accused me, but I could accuse him for more things: He doesn't trust me, he didn't take into account that I'm not ready, he promised he would never mention the ex-bf topic again but he did it second time. He started nitpicking with me, and made fun of me, insulted me. I know the "no " can be hurtable, and he had bad experiences, but he still doesn't have right to treat me like that. I really tried to be fair, but I ended up being the scapegoat. All of these things happened fast, when this arquing happened I couldn't tell my "accuses" to him. I'm still confused on some level about this. I still have unanswered questions. So yeah, that's my story. And I really didn't want to be unrespectful to anyone. Thank you If you read it!

moonligt OP July 21st

Edit: I often feel that nobody loves me (1-2 person are expection) and I'm sick of it that I'm not enough good for anyone, and in these days, I think about that everything is over😭😭😭😭😭💔 I have self love, so not that's the problem. But it still can hurt me that others treat me like that .I know that I have mistakes but that doesn't mean that I will be automatically a bad person😭😭😭

Sublimetech July 26th

@moonligt It's understandable to feel the way you're feeling, anyone in similar situations would but know that you're a wonderful soul and you deserve more than you've been getting. Everything will be okay Dear .

moonligt OP July 26th

Thank you!

tranquilVision571 July 26th


Thank you for sharing your story. It takes courage to be vulnerable and honest about your experiences.

It sounds like you've been through a complex and emotional situation with your friend.You deserve respect,kindness & understanding in any relationship & it's clear that you didn't receive that from him.His behavior,such as not respecting your boundaries,making assumptions about your feelings & insulting you,is not acceptable.You have every right to feel hurt and confused.But remember that his actions reflect on him,not you. You are not defined by his behavior or opinions.You are worthy of love,care,& respect,regardless of your past experiences or relationships.

It's great that you have self-love and recognize your own worth. Keep nurturing that!You deserve to surround yourself with people who uplift and support you.

If you'd like to talk more about your feelings or explore ways to move forward,I'm here for you.Remember, you're not alone & there are people who care about you.Wishing you well!

moonligt OP July 26th


Thank you so much for reading it, and answering, I really appreciate it, I also wish you the best, and yes, I would to talk about it more (If It's not problem) have a nice day!

tranquilVision571 July 26th


Alright buddy,I'd love to listen to you vent.Can we schedule a time to talk? I'm looking forward to hearing from you and supporting you!(:♡

moonligt OP July 26th

Yes, I would like😄

moonligt OP July 26th


You can text me anytime! I wanna make friends anyways If cringe if not

tranquilVision571 July 26th


Haha,no cringe here.Let's definitely text & become friends!:3♡

tranquilVision571 July 26th


@tranquilVision571 - you can text me,as listeners cant text members.

moonligt OP July 26th

Then I will

moonligt OP July 26th

But how I can text you?

moonligt OP July 26th

And Is It wrong If I'm 18 and half?

moonligt OP July 26th


I have 1 another idea, because I couldn't find you in the "find listener " search

tranquilVision571 July 27th


No buddy there's nothing wrong if you're 18 and half,everybody are welcomed here in 7 cups!And if you can't find me the "find listener" space,you can just go into my profile from here & send me a message (:♡,and i would like to hear about your idea~

moonligt OP July 27th

If I were start "find listener" then you will be able to text me!!!!Just we need to talk when will we join

tranquilVision571 July 27th


Ohh that's an awesome idea,im available anytime around 10:00-11:00 pm IST tomorrow(12:00pm-3:00pm ET-7cups time zone)

moonligt OP July 27th


Idk that time zone, but for today and tomorrow I will be available only at 6-7 PM because I go to swim, but monday I will be online all time just text me

European-Hungarian time-zone: Is (CEST, UTC+2)

moonligt OP July 27th

Example: right now here the time is : 10:16 AM

tranquilVision571 July 27th


Oh buddy alright then let's just schedule the time for monday when you'd be online all day because i'm neither much familiar with the hungarian time zone.

moonligt OP July 27th

I'm not fine... I think everything is over and I will do suicide or idk because I had enough about everything😭😭😭😭

tranquilVision571 July 28th


Please know that you're not alone & there are people who care about you & want to help.If you're thinking about suicide,please reach out to a trusted friend, family member, or mental health professional for support.Please reach out to call emergency services (in the United States), at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or contact the Crisis Text Line by texting HOME to 741741.

Remember,things may seem hopeless right now,but with support & resources,you can get through this. You are valuable & your life matters.

moonligt OP July 28th

I'm here, I changed my mind

moonligt OP July 28th

Just something bad happened😭😭😭

moonligt OP July 26th

Also: If you or anyone have any problem, I'm here too