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Can't try anymore...

Blahblah1805 January 2nd

I'm feeling this way for long.. very long time. Everytime I feel like doing nothing, slowly I start motivating (or forcing) myself. Then I start doing my work (studying). Gradually I improve and then again after a few days I end up being at the place from where I began. It's a cycle I guess. 

Now I can't force myself to sit for studies again as now I know I'll end up here again so why should I try. 

But I'm also supposed to study hard as my exams are in 3 months and I don't know what will I do. 

Thank you for reading till the end. 

181005 January 2nd


Aww dear I can understand your feelings. Being trapped in depression can really drive your motivation away. 

If this is going for a long time, have you considered seeing a professional? 

Don't worry hang in there you got this ❤. 

Blahblah1805 OP January 2nd


Thank you for your words😭. I badly needed a reply today. 

I did think about going to a professional but I just can't... 🤐

Blahblah1805 OP January 2nd

@jakii @searchingsoul01 @Tinywhisper11 @WeEarth @IngeniousFriend590 

Where are you guysss😭😭!! I need some soothing words today!! 

aslswift89 January 2nd


hi dear, i hope you are feeling a bit better now. maybe what you are doing wrong is doing everything at once. at these times you need to have a very and doable to do list and go trough it with patience and if you set your goals realistically to your current strength and stamina then you will be consistent with your schedule and therefore being able to cross those tasks off however trivial they are, they will make you feel more motivated. otherwise if you force yourself to do everything you will succumb to the pressure and go back to square one. i wish u luck buddy    

aslswift89 January 2nd


*i meant very short and doable to do list

Blahblah1805 OP January 3rd


Yeah I know that but I can say I have tons of work pending so whenever I sit for it I get overwhelmed and just can't do it. Though I'll try to make a doable list now. Something is better than nothing 😬. 

Thank you for your response ❤. 

Tinywhisper11 January 2nd

@Blahblah1805 hey sweetie ❤ I'm sorry I just got on here 20 minutes ago. Gives you a giant tiny hug ❤ I know it can be hard, you try so hard, for what seems like a waste of time. But it's not a waste of time every high is a victory something to be proud of. You know you are extremely intelligent and I have every faith in you ❤❤ on the bad days, take some time to yourself, studying is important but your health is more important. Don't put to much pressure on yourself sweetie. Gives you a giant tiny hug, let's you know everything is gonna be ok ❤❤❤ I'm here for you ❤❤

Blahblah1805 OP January 3rd


Thank you thank you soo much Lola. I know health comes first but actually this has been going on for like 4 months now. So I stress myself saying it's gonna continue so sit and study now. 

*hugs you tightt❤*

Tinywhisper11 January 3rd

@Blahblah1805 hugs you tightly ❤ I've never been to school or college, so I don't fully understand. But I know how much pressure is put on you and the stress that must bring. I'm so sorry your struggling with all this. But just please take breaks when you need to, look after yourself. And we are all here for you ❤ how are you feeling today? Any better than yesterday?? Are you under a lot of pressure like from your parents??

Blahblah1805 OP January 3rd


I love you🥺❤. Yeah I'm better today though not the best but yeah I'm trying. Actually I don't have direct pressure from my parents but I failed college entrance exams once and this is my second try and they have high hopes on me and I'm here falling in the same trap so I'm afraid of disappointing them. Also, if I fail entering college this time too, I'm not sure if they'll allow me for a 3rd try. So there are many things and I feel stuck. 

Tinywhisper11 January 4th

@Blahblah1805 😞 hugs you tightly ❤ I believe in you, I'm pretty sure your gonna pass and have a wonderful future. And I'll be here cheering you on🙂 my arms are always open, whenever you need a hug ❤❤

I'll tag you on my latest post, maybe that will cheer you up a bit ❤❤❤

Blahblah1805 OP January 4th


You're so good at comforting people 🤔❤. 

How are you btw? 

WeEarth January 2nd


Blah, I totally get it; the study cycle can be tough. Remember, breaks are okay, but you're capable of breaking the cycle too. Take a deep breath, believe in yourself, and tackle it one step at a time. You've got this, I believe in you! 🚀

It might sound like advice, but usually, I don't give advice. Its a suggestion from me that really worked for me! My friend, I believe in you whatever choice you choose. 

Blahblah1805 OP January 3rd


Thank you so much Earth❤. Though I have no motivation right now I'll manage my emotions and start taking little steps. I'll give it a try once again. 

bestVase7265 January 4th

How are you doing now? @Blahblah1805

Blahblah1805 OP January 4th


I'm better now. I hope I won't become sad again and the cycle will be broken now😬. 

Thank you for your reply❤. 

bestVase7265 January 5th

Come back here any time that you need a pick me up. @Blahblah1805

Blahblah1805 OP January 5th


Aww you're so sweet!! Thank you so much for your support ❤!! 

Tinywhisper11 January 4th

@Blahblah1805 I'm not going to lie, I've also been struggling mentally, but trying to stay positive 😁❤ be are both very strong, we can do this. I have no doubt your gonna do awsome in your exams ❤❤❤ 

Blahblah1805 OP January 4th


You're the strongest person I've ever seen!! You comfort and try to make others happy even when you're struggling yourself. You are like an inspiration to me ❤!! 

Tinywhisper11 January 4th

@Blahblah1805 awww your sweet ❤ I get great inspiration from all of the people I meet here at cups, it's amazing how through it all we still can love and support each other, and fight through even the hardest times ❤❤ how's your day going? Are you feeling ok?

Blahblah1805 OP January 5th



Yeah my day's just okay. I can't make myself study yet but atleast I'm not sad (:

Tinywhisper11 January 5th

@Blahblah1805 that's ok take I time ❤ and yaaay! Not feeling sad anymore is great ❤ doing something nice for yourself, then study tomorrow ❤ gives you a giant tiny hug ❤