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Depression Support Check-In: August 1st - 15th 2023

MeaningfulSilence August 1st, 2023

A big hello to every member of our community!.... and to everyone popping up on here 😊

Here we are with a new month, wishing you a good August 🌸

* how is your summer so far?

* did you discover any pleasant or useful routine during summer time?

* what's your plan for the month?

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MeaningfulSilence OP August 1st, 2023

(adding our community tag list)

@0Lras0Bec0 @50firstLates @ace888281 @aceonthecourt @adaptableOcean4193 @Aiden @akliis @alicias777 @allyswift @ambitioushope1234 @amiablePal9825 @amusingShip7514 @Anna @AnnMarie0711 @Aryanmeow @asgravity @ashleykae @astray @AstronomySkies @azureBalsam6854 @barma @BellaWalker1 @BenjaminF @bestVase7265 @Beth11 @bgdave @blossombreathe @BlueBetta @Bluelovelyrose @BountifulBreeze @brainybrainy @brendenjnsn @Briggsycakes @Brikatc98 @BrokenMedic @BubbaA2 @bubbleLemon6999 @BurkeDevlin @Bxnnily @CallMeNaman2002 @CalmLemon5288 @calmmoon2104 @Capricorncom @Carrot2657 @CarverTea @CatCrazy0430 @CatDog20131994 @Cathrithis @cellogirl @Chanie @CherryBlossom012 @ChloeTheDuck @chulien123 @comfortableCat5294 @compassionatePine7335 @conscientiousTriangle7825 @considerateAvocado8135 @considerateParadise6717 @CookieBears @CordialBeing @countrygirl1231 @courageousKiwi7142 @creativeField7705 @crystallizedrequiem @Cupcakethe3rd @cuteeeezombieeee @dapperNectarine82 @DarkFairy0316 @darosello @decisiveOcean892 @demersus @doeji @DragonessCocoa1 @DriftingAway @DudeHope @DylanletterR @dynamichemlock1736 @Dystopiatae95 @elektra1717 @elizabethunter @EmmaE @emndee @EmpatheticPanda93 @enchantingvision94 @Endowments @energeticThinker3129 @enthusiasticpond5679 @eugenNerd @exuberantMaple397 @fairmindedFriend3493 @Faithmagic @Fakekiwi003 @fildontsurf @flamenebula @Flornhope @focus4000 @Fomo02 @friendlyCat50 @friendlySpring3273 @funnyTangerine6195 @Gagaintheroom @galaxyGirl299 @Genji @genuinePumpkin990 @gladskw @glasstree @godblesseveryone @Goldcherry2113 @goldenPalm71 @greenhippie @greenYard3288 @Harley5117 @Harvesterofchrist91 @HealingTalk @HelpfulSensitiveCaring @highlandramtv @Hiroki98 @Histerikal @hobbes1978 @holdonpainendss @Holly74 @honestPark3372 @humorousBeing8966 @HydrangeaField @Iamwhoiamwhoami @imlistening01 @inneryu @integrityblues @intuitiveOak709 @intuitiveOwl7027 @intuitiveSailboat4560 @Invisibility101 @IsaboeOfLumatere @ItGetsBetter4975 @Itsgabby @ItsReganingRain @japanrot @JarofSeeds627 @JeanneDarc @Jenim @JetBlackRose9922 @Judy7 @julianmerry @Justme1225 @jvrjrz @k87 @K87 @Kachidim @kdsyahirah @lambkin @lavenderpeach1107 @Lavenderxox12 @LeonardoMarino @lightstar7 @lilyofthevalley17 @littleBear2018 @LotusFlower285 @LovelyKittyCat @loyalBanana3550 @loyalPeach8578 @lucidpanic @luv2shop @lyricalAngel70 @mackenziemeyer14 @maddyhere4u @MaisieDaisy @mandodjarin @Markysim1 @marspock @MCaro99 @Mell20 @Mellietronx @Mercutio7 @meremuse @Miles224 @modestPear8910 @modestWatermelon2938 @monsoonGreen @MoroseTigger @mrcheeeku @MrMadPhilosopher @mushris @MyNameIsNicole @Namangoel2002 @navyBlueberry2704 @navylady @Neonpaint21 @nep2une @newsiesstoptheworld @Nicola2468 @NihilNovi @NikaBee @nobodycaresaboutme1234

WharfRat August 2nd, 2023

* how is your summer so far?

It's been pretty crummy. I haven't been able to do anything for a month because of my broken rib - no bikeriding, etc.

* did you discover any pleasant or useful routine during summer time?


* what's your plan for the month?

No plans

bestVase7265 August 2nd, 2023

Sending strength, peace and healing. @WharfRat

MeaningfulSilence OP August 2nd, 2023


Hello there, hope you are healing so you can start soon with your favorite activity

Best wishes!

creativeBlueberry7475 August 2nd, 2023


* how is your summer so far?

My summer has consisted mainly of work. Which is both good and bad. My boyfriend has been able to travel a good bit and I am definitely feeling some FOMO.

* did you discover any pleasant or useful routine during summer time?

I have been starting my day with a cup of water and that has helped tremendously with energy problems.

* what's your plan for the month?

My birthday is this month so I am excited to celebrate with a few friends. The current plan is to go horseback riding.

MeaningfulSilence OP August 2nd, 2023


Hello πŸ€—

Nice that you are going to celebrate your birthday with people close to you πŸŽ‚πŸŽˆ

Thumbs up for your new healthy routine, glad you already saw its beneficial effect!

Sorry I don't know what fomo means, so i didn't understand that part.

wishing you an amazing coming birthday!

Take care

PoliteOcean August 2nd, 2023


* How is your summer so far?.....Going well, its summer, so its the BEST season!

* Did you discover any pleasant or useful routine during summer time?.....Yes, AQUA KICKBOXING!...Its an amazing Aqua Fitness class . Which is a great routine during these hot summer months.

* What's your plan for the month?.....To get back on track with all my Goals... Afterall, AUGUST is National Wellness Month!

MeaningfulSilence OP August 2nd, 2023


Hey there, that's cool!

It sounds like a lot of fun and a refreshing activity!

Glad to hear your summer is going well πŸ–οΈ

Sending you my best wishes for your coming new goals!

PoliteOcean August 2nd, 2023


Thank you for the kind reply and the Well-wishes! They are greatly appreciated :)

MeaningfulSilence OP August 2nd, 2023


You are welcome PoliteOcean, thanks for sharing, hope to keep reading you in Forumland!! πŸ€—

akay06 August 2nd, 2023

How is your summer so far?

It's been a rough one. It's been one of those summers where everything seems to go wrong simultaneously, but things are starting to look up. I am working part-time again for the first time in a long time. I love my new boss. She's amazing! My complicated pregnancy is over, and my baby girl is healthy and gaining weight. I've been able to breastfeed successfully so far. So hopefully, the rest of this summer turns out better. My depression has me wondering when everything will fall apart again and telling me this won't last long.

Did you discover any pleasant or helpful routine?

No, I wish I did. I need to improve, but my depression and anxiety hold me back so much.

What’s your plan for the month?

I plan to continue with therapy and hope I can keep working and save up some money.

MeaningfulSilence OP August 2nd, 2023


Hi akay06, first of all congratulations for your newborn!! 🍼

It's a relief that she is healthy and I hope you can be less worried now! A difficult pregnancy isn't a joke, it's finally over. πŸ‘

Really good to have a boss you like! That's good news, isn't it?

I think that you can be proud of yourself because you are caring for your baby, working part-time and going to therapy! Time to congratulate you, i wish you can be proud of yourself πŸ’œ

Fingers crossed that soon you will be able to count your savings!

If possible try to be focused in the present moment, because worrying for what can/could happen next, won't help you nor the possible coming situation.

Sending you my best wishes ✨

Mariegeporras August 3rd, 2023

I sometimes feel so out of place, like I don't belong.

bestVase7265 August 3rd, 2023

I am so sorry. Do you want to tell us more? We are here to listen.@Mariegeporras

Mariegeporras August 3rd, 2023

Thanks, it's like I am an alien or something. I feel that the others are.. or can be so aggressive. And I try to be kind but sometimes it hurts to be or want to be so kind. But strangers can have kind gestures too. Like giving you a seat

bestVase7265 August 5th, 2023

You are right about getting stepped on sometimes. It can be very painful. What I try to do is just imagine that the person was having a bad day whether or not that is true. Then I can see what happened as an aberration which had nothing to do with me. @Mariegeporras

Mariegeporras August 5th, 2023

I'll try it

bestVase7265 August 7th, 2023

Hoping that things are going a bit more smoothly today. @Mariegeporras

convivialVillage7837 August 3rd, 2023


*how is your summer so far?

Its been sad. A lot of my friends have ghosted me. July was especially hard. I'm hoping August is better.

* did you discover any pleasant or useful routine during summer time?

I try to use the night to focus on my mental health. I try unwinding.

* what's your plan for the month?

I don't have any trips planned. Just continuing with my part-time job. I would try to reach out and hang out with my friends but I don't have them anymore I guess.

MeaningfulSilence OP August 5th, 2023


Hello there!

Sorry to hear about friends ghosting you. Do you think that with your current part time work you will have chance to meet new people and make new friends?

Wishing you a better August than the past month!

Take care πŸ’œ

okeyyyy August 3rd, 2023

@MeaningfulSilence Hei , As always is really nice to receive such lovely notifications :) August is going good i think with ups and downs , but good. Well actually is winter here, but we have kinda spring ish almost summer weather for a few days which i really like.

A lot of times when I have some issues with people outside of here, I always remember who having this safe space of 7 cups can help me to relax and going back to healing.

Thanks and you too have a great day, and how is going August for you? :)

take care

MeaningfulSilence OP August 5th, 2023


Hello there okeyyyy!

I'm fine thanks for asking :)

It's good you have your safe space for relaxation, do you think there's something you can do to prevent or manage the external negative interactions ?

Wishing you a good August 😊

charmingSky5972 August 5th, 2023

* how is your summer so far? It's been hot lol but anyways I'm not big on summer. I had some challenges but I also have had the best boyfriend I can ever ask for there by my side through it all keeping me company. I WOVE HIMS

* did you discover any pleasant or useful routine during summer time? NOPE

* what's your plan for the month? I am gonna focus on my health, see my doctors, and start attending class again. :)

MeaningfulSilence OP August 5th, 2023


Hello 😊

That's very positive, a good partner is a positive life experience on relationship side!

Then what are your refreshing tips for this hot summer? ⛱️

Best wishes for the coming classes!

charmingSky5972 September 1st, 2023




Buzzingbeezon August 8th, 2023


* how is your summer so far?

Mostly it consists of making plans and not fulfilling them. Promising myself that the next day I will do more. But then finding myself too wearied, too anxious or confused.

But I survived this far. So it could be worse, I guess.

* did you discover any pleasant or useful routine during summer time?

Not really. Frankly, I feel like I became even more neglectful. I don't want to do anything. I force myself to wake up and go to work.

* what's your plan for the month?

I'd like to… put myself together. Find a way to make it more tolerable .

MeaningfulSilence OP August 8th, 2023


Hi there, glad to hear from you!

I sense that behind all the struggles you have the strength to find ways to let things improve. That's valuable πŸ’œ

Unfortunately when energy is low it's difficult to do many things, i would say that do the basic priority tasks is already all you can do.

If there's something that makes you feel good, even a little, go for it during me-time moments.

Please take good care of yourself πŸ’œ

Buzzingbeezon August 8th, 2023


Thank you for your kind reply.

To my surprise, I'm finding that after articulating what's going on here on the forum, I have a clearer head. I can negotiate with myself to do small things and carry on. I'm glad I found it πŸ’š

So again, thank you for your time. Take care of yourself as well.

MeaningfulSilence OP August 8th, 2023


I'm so glad to hear that! ✨

Surely to put thoughts and emotions in words, can help processing them, means you can reach out again the forum whenever you feel to!

Thank you for your good wishes, sending you good vibes! πŸ’š