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I have lost my creativity

User Profile: Gettingbettertoday
Gettingbettertoday May 17th, 2024

37 years ago i make this in my spare time at work. Just pencil on paper.


I now have no creativity. I have not been able to create anything in 5 years. 

User Profile: Lexiii99
Lexiii99 May 17th, 2024


Sometimes we can just draw when we least expect and a sometimes we cant Im sure if you find something that inspires you, You would be able to draeww or think of something Idk ur sititoution 


User Profile: Tinywhisper11
Tinywhisper11 May 19th, 2024

@Gettingbettertoday what about a different type of art?? Is there anything you'd like to do? like a Woodburn pen, or a scroll saw to cut out thin wood designs? Candle making? Pottery? 

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User Profile: Lexiii99
Lexiii99 May 19th, 2024


Yes! So many different options you could be amazing at!!

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User Profile: Tinywhisper11
Tinywhisper11 May 20th, 2024

@Maeeeeebae999 precisely ❤ 

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User Profile: Gettingbettertoday
Gettingbettertoday OP May 20th, 2024


I do blacksmithing now which has a crafting element but most of what we do is not decretive just functional. 

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User Profile: WellsFiction
WellsFiction May 19th, 2024

@Gettingbettertoday Sorry to hear friend. I definitely understand. I'm a writer. Lately I've had some health issues plus family drama and it really harms my creative lifestyle. Sometimes you have to just bite the bullet and do other things until creativity returns.

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User Profile: Gettingbettertoday
Gettingbettertoday OP May 20th, 2024


It has been about 5 years.

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User Profile: WellsFiction
WellsFiction May 20th, 2024

@Gettingbettertoday Give it another five years. You'll get there :)

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User Profile: Gettingbettertoday
Gettingbettertoday OP May 21st, 2024


That will take into my 60's. I guess  don't need it to survive. 

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User Profile: cal1860
cal1860 May 19th, 2024

@Gettingbettertoday  I hear you very clearly.  It helps to find a new baseline.  Zero expectations with pen & paper/air drawing (like air guitar but with an invisible pencil).  Draw a straight line, random doodles.  Afterwards just rip the paper up or crush it into a ball, throw it into the air, play tennis with it.  Keep it simple.  Slowly, line by line, your brain will begin to recover creativity - even if it wasn't what it once was, it'll improve.  It's like having a muscle that's wasted away.  Easy does it, steady as you go.

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User Profile: slowdecline48
slowdecline48 May 20th, 2024

@cal1860 Excellent advice.

User Profile: Gettingbettertoday
Gettingbettertoday OP May 21st, 2024


I didn't say I no longer can draw. My hands work as well as needed. 

What I am missing is the ability to come up with and develop concepts as well as no longer reaching my flow state. 

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User Profile: Enthenia
Enthenia May 19th, 2024

Perhaps you haven't lost it. Personally, I was a graphic design major eons ago. I quit school before I graduated because I didn't feel that I was good enough.

I stopped drawing and even tore up my old pictures. I don't recall how many years I didn't do it. But then I started drawing again at my job at the time to keep me from being bored. The workload was erratic (there were days where I had absolutely nothing to do. Sort of wish it was that way now instead of being constantly overwhelmed) so I took a Steno pad and started looking for pictures. I also used the back of copy paper. I didn't have the best supplies, but I worked with what I had. This one was done in 2018 or 2019. 


This one was done in 2022. I got better supplies.daxter-by-icenectar-df01s4y-414w-2x_1716152884.jpg

I mentioned that I did pictures to someone on the Book of Faces and they were interested and wanted to see some of my efforts. I was hesitant to show anything of mine (I had received some harsh comments before) and this person was impressed. This got me to trying to do at least one picture a day. It didn't really matter what it was; so long as I did something a day. I don't consider myself an artist, but people seem to enjoy what I do. collage_1716153736.png

When I do pictures, I tend not to think of anything. I don't even really think about the colors I'm going to use. I just start in. I do a lot of erasing sometimes before I put the ink down but I don't force anything. The few times when I can see beforehand that something isn't going to come out the way I'd like, I get a new piece of paper and try a different pose.

I know this response is a little long, but I really did not think that I would do pictures again yet the site where I upload them has over two thousand. 

User Profile: slowdecline48
slowdecline48 May 20th, 2024

@Gettingbettertoday I hear that.

Have gone through a couple dry spells myself, though they weren't as long as yours. You could try working in a different medium, as others here have suggested. I've taken that approach, & so far it has worked for me. I drew pictures for almost all my life & painted in inks for the last few years, but lately I've felt burned out on that so I've been making small items out of polymer clay. Maybe it'll work for you too?

You could try to start again slowly...the operative word being slowly. When trying to start one's internal motor--for anything, not just creativity--it is best to not have expectations.

User Profile: bravePerson9197
bravePerson9197 May 27th, 2024

Be patient with yourself! Take baby steps. That's a really cool drawing and that artist is still within you. Maybe start by allowing yourself to doodle or even color while you watch TV. I'm sure you will find your creativity again- I did!!