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Some Christmas creations :)

IchooseLife79 December 24th, 2023

Just wanted to show off some art. Hope it brings a smile to someone. I made these with a 3d pen. Took a while, but I enjoyed it. The green and silver snowflake was made using a wooden snowflake, woodburning it, and then adding colored hot glue.

IchooseLife79 OP December 24th, 2023


Thanks for the encouragement. I got it to work. :)

MistyMagic December 24th, 2023

@IchooseLife79 Awesome work, well done and thank you for sharing!


Listening - One Step At A Time!

IchooseLife79 OP December 24th, 2023

Thanks :) I'm looking forward to seeing more art from others.

WorkingitThrough2 December 26th, 2023


very cute, how did you make them?

IchooseLife79 OP December 26th, 2023


Thanks :)  These were made using a 3dpen which melts plastic like a hot glue gun. The plastic then hardens when it cools off which only takes seconds. I used a piece of clear plastic over a picture then traced the lines and colored them in. I cheated lol  Fun to do but it takes a while.

WorkingitThrough2 December 26th, 2023


That is good, I have never heard of this before. Is this an expensive crafting device?

IchooseLife79 OP December 26th, 2023


Not really. You can get a good 3d pen for about $60. There are plenty of videos on youtube on using them. My stuff is child's play compared to what some people have done. lol 

WorkingitThrough2 December 26th, 2023


Your stuff looks pretty amazing to me😊. Thank you so much for the information, I am going to check this out. We may be able to share some together once I get the hang of it😂. Thank you for sharing, and it's great having you as part of this community. Happy holidays

IchooseLife79 OP December 26th, 2023


Thank you :) Looking forward to seeing more of your art! Happy holidays to you as well.

IchooseLife79 OP December 26th, 2023

Here are some other things I've made with the 3d pen.1025181006-2_1703565012.jpg



On the right of the pumpkin is the actual 3d "pen".  The minion is a front and back. :)

MistyMagic December 27th, 2023

@IchooseLife79 oh I love minions 


WorkingitThrough2 December 28th, 2023


Thank you they are adorable❤️

WorkingitThrough2 January 12th


I have been researching this 3d pen and have found several. Do you have any suggestions for a beginner?

IchooseLife79 OP January 12th


Let me think on that and get back to you

IchooseLife79 OP January 17th


I haven't forgotten about ya. I plan on writing up some tips this weekend. 

elfinna January 11th


So very sweet and cool life. Thanks for sharing it 

IchooseLife79 OP January 11th

Thanks elfi

Jewelmoon17 January 15th


Wow you are so good at this!  It's so cute!  I love it. :)

IchooseLife79 OP January 15th


Thanks :)

luckylistener January 15th


These are so cute! Totally brightened my day.
IchooseLife79 OP January 15th


Thank you I'm glad they brought you a smile. :)

lovelyButterfly2844 January 16th


Wow. Looks beautiful all the things you created with your 3D printer!! :) What is the name of the 3D pen you used to create these creations?

IchooseLife79 OP January 17th


I'm not sure the brand name I used the most. I plan on getting them out this weekend. I will post it then. :)

floatingLeaf4973 January 17th


Well done, I'm glad you had a fun time with them.

IchooseLife79 OP January 17th


Thanks :)