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Our Posting Guidelines! Please read!

User Profile: MistyMagic
MistyMagic March 1st, 2024

Arts  & Crafts Community 

Posting Guidelines 2024

Hey everyone!

it's great to see so many of you posting your artwork, I love seeing it all, but recently we have had a few that include a tagline or other identifying information which I have had to edit out. 

I thought it might help to have a few guidelines posted here so that you can all read and see what is acceptable.

Please read the following as posts that do not adhere will be edited or removed.

✅ Please ensure you edit out all identifying names, taglines, or social media addresses (even if abbreviated). 

✅ Please try and keep all your work in one thread rather than starting a new one each time. This will mean that all the hearts will accumulate and help to boost the post's featured position, It also means that every time you post to your thread each person that has already replied will receive a notification that you have added something new.

✅ Please make sure your work is not posted to other sites where you may be identified. For our safety, we must all remain anonymous at 7 Cups, and reverse image search is so easy these days! To stay anonymous you may need to choose pieces that you have not already posted or featured on any other site. Or create content just for us!

✅ Please make sure your work is acceptable to the 7 Cups guidelines and rules:-

❌ No sexual pictures, uncovered shoulders, bikini, bare chest pictures etc. 

❌ No pictures of smoking, drugs or alcohol, or guns, knives, violence etc.

Please note that adding a 'Trigger Warning' or [TW] does not make any content acceptable. So please think carefully before posting.
You can post your artwork but please make sure it is teen suitable and adheres to 7 Cups guidelines so appropriate attire and content.

For further information please see Community Guidelines and the Arts & Crafts Community home page then click on the ‘About’ tab.

Want to join our Team? You can apply here! Read All About It!

Taglist Add or Remove yourseslf here @AustinIsDepressed101 @BirdKing449 @EmotionsListener @GwydionRowan @ivoryAcai80 @LoveMyMoonflowers @loyalApricot1375 @MistyMagic @Mya000 @Park2139 @RachelListener @Rainboho @rainlove27 @Ralien @Renaitre2023 @RogueOne1983 @SomebodySpicy13 @theboymoana @TheCrew4887 @tidyHickory3283 @tommy @VioletWater @WorkingitThrough2

User Profile: lovingRainbows2088
lovingRainbows2088 March 1st, 2024


Thank you for posting the guidelines for everyone to follow when they post their art. I believe that guidelines are important and that everyone should follow them.

User Profile: theboymoana
theboymoana March 1st, 2024


what reverse image search ?

2 replies
User Profile: LoveMyMoonflowers
LoveMyMoonflowers March 1st, 2024


nahoa friend 💜 reverse image search is like searching on the Internet - but you’re using pictures to search stuff, not words. people can even find out where a picture has come from, or who has made the picture/who owns the picture. 💜 

at least, that’s what Moon friend thinks it is 😅 @MistyMagic am i right? 😅 or…? 

User Profile: slowdecline48
slowdecline48 March 1st, 2024

@theboymoana It is a kind of web search where you look for copies of an image you already have. You can find quite a few tools for it online.

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User Profile: slowdecline48
slowdecline48 March 1st, 2024

It's too late for me:

  1. My work is in three different threads already!
  2. > 75% of my sketches are disqualified under the rules....even the stuff I've posted so far has uncovered shoulders all over the place.  🤪