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Hi guys( and girls)!!!

rationalGrapefruitq August 31st

How is everyone doing! Just use this as a place to brain dump about anything!

KindleMissie September 1st


Hey, I am doing awesome🌟. How are you doing? 

A little message, I am going to dump or leave here is:

"no matter what’s happening today, there’s always something to be grateful for. Keep smiling and spreading positivity—your joy might just be the highlight of someone’s day!"😊

Thanks for creating this space😊! It’s a great idea to have a spot where we can all share what’s been on our minds. Whether you’re excited about something, dealing with a challenge, or just want to share a random thought. I’m looking forward to hearing from everyone!💗 Have a wonderful day💙

rationalGrapefruitq OP September 1st


Im doing pretty good!! I'm glad you like my idea 😊

KindleMissie September 3rd


I’m so glad to hear you’re doing well!😊 Your idea was fantastic, and I really appreciate you sharing it. It’s always great to find inspiration from others. Thanks for being so awesome pawsome!💙

ricktgarrett September 1st

Thank you! Brain dumping feelings of depression and loneliness after coming down from a panic attack earlier. It’s helpful to release it by sharing here :)

rationalGrapefruitq OP September 1st

Yes of course!! My thoughts exactly!😊

Bipedd September 1st

@rationalGrapefruitq great idea! thanks, I m new here, just found out about this place)

rationalGrapefruitq OP September 1st

Yeah, of course!! Happy to help!! I've been on cups for a while now, but welcome to cups, hope you enjoy it!💗

Bipedd September 1st

@rationalGrapefruitq thanks a lot!

rationalGrapefruitq OP September 1st

No problem, anytime!!!!😊

rationalGrapefruitq OP September 1st

Here's my brain dump for the day...

Honestly rn I have a lot to be thankful for, I just need to work on remembering these things. So I'll tell you peeps!


Thank you so, so much for all the support and interest in my little forum!!!💗💗💗 I honestly didn't think anyone would see this, but to have 20+ up votes?!?!??!? Like OMG 😱 !!! I never would have guessed!!!! This is the most upvotes I have ever gotten all thanks to you. Thank you so much!! I appreciate and love you all!!💗😊✨

2) So far so good

life, she has been pretty kind to me lately 💕 💕 🙏

3) one last thing

I'll keep you posted on my life but I gtg,so .....

Love you 🤟 😘 💕✨

Bipedd September 2nd

@rationalGrapefruitq sounds great! Keep us updated

rationalGrapefruitq OP September 2nd


My crush likes me back!!!!!!!!!!;💕💕💕🥰🥰😋😋😋😍😍💖💖💖❤️

Bipedd September 2nd

@rationalGrapefruitq Awesome to hear!

rationalGrapefruitq OP September 2nd

Okay Bipedd, what's new in ur life?

Bipedd September 2nd

@rationalGrapefruitq working on my new film, lots of struggles, ups and downs, overall everything is great with projects. Not so much with personal stuff, but Ill get through:)

rationalGrapefruitq OP September 2nd

Oooooo a new film!! What's it called? What's it about?

Bipedd September 2nd

@rationalGrapefruitq Yea I work on both simultaneusly, one is live action, another is 3d animated, basically both about the same - main character is on the jorney of self discovery, one is with happy ending, second is not:) hope you dont mind me sharing vids

rationalGrapefruitq OP September 2nd

@Bipedd , I don't mind and would love the vids!!! Sound so cool

Bipedd September 2nd

@Bipedd photo-2024-07-20-14-46-54_1725285910.jpg

from the set)

rationalGrapefruitq OP September 2nd

Wow! So cool

easyScarf7950 September 1st

I'm enjoying my baby's silliness today! He is so funny! I put him down to take a nap and walked away. Instead of his usual crying, I heard him laughing! My husband went to check on him and caught him up on his knees playing with the blinds! He is 9 months old. I'm so thankful for how fun this stage of parenting is. I'm really glad we lowered his mattress before he starts standing up in his crib.

KindleMissie September 3rd


Aww!!!💗 That sounds absolutely adorable!😊 I totally agree with you, it’s such a joy to see them exploring and finding their own little ways to entertain themselves then hearing their laughter and giggles is so heartwarming!🌟 I’m glad you were able to lower the mattress just in time, it’s amazing how quickly they grow. Cherish these fun moments; they really are precious.💕 Wishing you the most adorable and wonderful parenting journey ahead!✨ Lots of love to you, your family, and the cute little baby💞

diplomaticDime8810 September 2nd


my life is the messiest. I always take wrong decisions and suffer later. I don’t know where i am going with this mindset. I am taking one day at a time.

Bipedd September 2nd

@diplomaticDime8810 Hello there! Seems like your severly overcritical of yourself. I was stuck in that too. But working on that. It is just a matter of accepting oneself as it seems for me, but it is a tough battle. Wish you a better day today 

rationalGrapefruitq OP September 2nd

I feel u, dime!!! Life is messy AF!!

Bipedd September 2nd

@rationalGrapefruitq I think it is in human nature to create order from chaos. I like this definiton of genius - "Genius is the one who surfes on the edge of the wave of chaos" smth like that. I mean the whole art is about that I guess

WharfRat September 2nd

I'm not so good.  My therapist moved away about a month ago and I have no one to talk to in real life.  I have to find a new therapist, already.

Bipedd September 2nd

@WharfRat Sounds rough. Were you aiming on finding just casual people to talk to? not necessarily  a doctor

WharfRat September 3rd


I would like to talk to a licensed therapist, but I could talk to anybody who is willing to listen, face-to-face.  Though I'm a man, I feel very uncomfortable talking to other men, and prefer a woman therapist.

rationalGrapefruitq OP September 2nd


I am sorry to hear that you are not so good. It really sucks that you have to find a new therapist already! That must be really tough, but I'm here for you, we are here for you! Feel free to vent and definitely keep us posted!! I am hoping I thought you find a new and better therapist really soon!

rationalGrapefruitq OP September 2nd

Okay guys....

40+ FORUM UPVOTES?!?!!?!??


Snowpudding September 2nd

@rationalGrapefruitq Well everything’s going pretty okay. I talked to one of my teachers who I was really close to like 2 years ago again today. That was nice and we vented about things the way we used to back then. I have dancing practices this week which I’m looking forward to and I like this girl so… everything’s going pretty okay. How about you? 

rationalGrapefruitq OP September 2nd

Aweee thats so exciting;!!!!!! You have to keep me posted on this girl!!!!😜😜😜 Im doing pretty great 😃

Snowpudding September 2nd

@rationalGrapefruitq hehe okayy❤️

rationalGrapefruitq OP September 2nd


rationalGrapefruitq OP September 2nd

OMG 😱 😱 😱 😱 😱


70+ FORUM UPVOTES?!?!!?!!??!!?!!!?!

*** I AM IN SHOCK 😲 😲 😲



Bipedd September 3rd

@rationalGrapefruitq that`s just the beginning)

KindleMissie September 3rd




genericbeing September 2nd

@rationalGrapefruitq Here's a brain dump. I'm a writer (Warning this might ruin movies and stories for you forever) I noticed - if you think about it, that the main character in every story ever is never in actual peril. The writers objective is to make it seem that the lowly hero has to overcome great odds to defeat an enemy - striking a cord in everyone who ever knows how it feels to be on the downside of things, but if you really look at it every hero happens to have exactly all the skills or can get them easily to defeat their foe. Take Batman; his foe is crime ultimately, he just so happens to be unfathomably rich - so unlimited resources, hes a genius at all things, hes a flawless detective better than even Sherlock Holmes. His physically prowess is unmatched, he can learn anything he needs to, hes a specialist in everything. Same with James Bond, or Superman, just about every main character is in fact superior to his enemies. Therefore there's no actual peril, if there's no peril the hero isn't being tested adequately, there's no excitement either. It would be like a lion swallowing an ant, we all know the lion was going to win the whole time. Sorry if that ruined entertainment for anyone.

rationalGrapefruitq OP September 2nd

Oh. My. God.

You are completely right!!!!!!! 😲😲😲😲😲

Wow 😮
