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Let's practice kindness -- starting at ? Home.💛

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 26th, 2021

Hello hello lovely people coming across this! We all see, hear, acknowledge and want to be kind and practice kindness, and while it's good to be kind to others, it is also super necessary to be kind with yourself, like all good things should begin from home, know that *YOU* are your HOME and therefore every bit of kindness you practice, should begin with YOU. Food for thought for sure, mhm?💛

Are we all ready to be kind to self?☺

It can be as simple as treating yourself your favorite food or taking out time for something you enjoy or find relaxing, maybe reading a book, painting your nails, dancing to your favorite song, letting go of a past event pulling you back, forgiving someone for your own peace of mind, apologising to someone you feel will allow yourself to let go of any guilt etc, just about anything that counts as something that will make you feel calmer, happier, better~ even if it's for a moment, I feel it's worth a try. *-*

So now without further ado, name any 3 kind things you can do for yourself in the near future and are willing to give a try also.💛 Brownie points, if you wanna share any "why" or tell how a certain activity or something could impact you.

Hola lovely ATW community -:
@Clara139175 @marvelloustree1111 @shiningPuppy49 @compassionateTree4567 @leafycup @1Vanillaicecream @AddictedTealover98 @Adeline12345 @AlwaysRedeemable @Angela243 @azuladragon34 @Bint @BleuPhoenix @Bosslady9601 @bouncyVoice4149 @bubblyblueberry89 @Char202425 @ClairePotato @cuteOrange213 @Daishy @DepressedTransAlex @dtanushree @fairmindedWisteria3450 @fantasticDancer50 @frostyIris5554 @GeneralIroh @GhostLily @healingWhisper @herealways27 @iwishuwell @K87 @Kenn13chan @lyricalAngel70 @magicalPainting28 @miraculousheart9815 @MoonlightHelper1 @mxmes @NimoSayeda @orangeAster4 @peppapigisqueen08 @phantom25 @Redskyi @Resourcefulsouth @scarletSugar3797 @sincere5772 @SoMicha @StillPlanet @stjarnagrace @SunflowerOnTheHill @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @SweetTortoise @sympatheticCup6312 @TessMo @theheartproject @treeHugger7 @uniqueApricot19 @VerseArt @WelcomeToChat @whackamoo @WhiteDolphin27 @YaboiRogers @Zulegirl

A warm welcome to -:
@TheDreamIslet @oliveGlobe3819 @intuitiveJet3666 @ivoryMap930 @Miyunie3625 @discreetCucumber1809 @donefornow @goldenSvet @patientPenguin8474 @Maloteddy @crabfacts @Inane103 @ElaListener @ruzzzhi @ElaListener05 @navyHouse3677 @friendlyNectarine2763 @jada868 @lostpuppy547 @thisllpass
🌞!Looking forward to hear from y'all. Have a great day!🌞

thisllpass June 26th, 2021

Love it! Here goes:

1. Treated myself to a crispy chicken & grilled peach salad and an Aperol spritz outside on the patio 🍑🍹

2. Probably going to invest in a pair of sturdy sandals before family trip (it's gonna be stressful so why not have comfy feet)

3. Let go of worries about my covid weight. I survived a pandemic!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP June 28th, 2021
Hey @thisllpass , I am happy to hear you loved the post ! ❤

Treating yourself to a good meal, sturdy pair of sandals for a trip -- we do need comfy feet hehe , and yes yes yes, let the worries for covid weight go , surviving and thriving through the pandemic definitely counts for something, we are doing the best we can , you go amazing human, thanks for sharing your kind acts for self ! Happy days ahead ❤

RideaRainbow July 1st, 2021

Love the quote pix. I am only delving in the self and believe there 8s one person solidly for me and that is me. I don't let anyone vitiate my inner being. They may prick me but I don't bleed incessantly. My spiritual journey immensely help me to get over hurtful people and their behaviour. Today I have forgiven and moved on and life is bliss.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP July 2nd, 2021
Hello @RideaRainbow , glad to hear you loved the quote in the picture. It is so wonderful that you've mastered a control on emotions and inner peace and dont let anything or anyone to affect them in anyways . Forgiving and moving on is not easy but certainly makes us feel lighter and free from all the heaviness from holding onto things . Happy to hear life is bliss . Thanks so much for sharing , Tani ❤
RideaRainbow July 2nd, 2021


hopeful1973olive July 1st, 2021

Thank you so much for this post.
For me,
- reading a book, could be any genre, novel, essay, travel journals, ancitent poems...a curious book worm
- drinking my milktea. English Breakfast or any other black tea+ milk= my simple but effective milk tea
- gardening. seeing plants life cycles from a tiny seed to a promisnig seedling, to a young healthy plant and then bloom, and fruiting. It requies lots of care but also very healing. Oh, forgot to mention weeds and insects. Even plants get lots of troubles. It kind of enlightened at some point during my gardening practice. A great activity indeed.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP July 2nd, 2021
Hello @hopeful1973olive , you're very welcome 😄.
Glad to hear, reading , a simple yet effective milk tea and gardening makes you feel good and are acts of kindness towards self.
I like how you expressed gardening, it is quite a therapeutic activity , plants do face problems but with the right care and with time ,manage to keep growing . Also loved it , planting of seed then the whole journey towards becoming a plant and a tree , must be astounding to watch it grow this way . Thanks so much for sharing! Happy Kindness everyday ❤
Paprika001 July 29th, 2021

Thank you so much for this wonderful post!
Three kind things that I would do for myself in the near future include:
1. Take some time away from all my work (on a day where I can afford to) and just spend time with the people I love. Maybe get cozy on our sofa and watch a movie :)
2. Do a full self-care routine - they can be so refreshing
3. Read through some old birthday messages <3

greenYard2803 August 1st, 2021

1. Reading
2. Making a collage
3. Go for a walk.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP November 15th, 2022

@greenYard2803 Sounds wonderful, thankyou for sharing!❤

Evening09 August 1st, 2021

This last year I realised a lot of things. One of them is to respect and be kind to myself. Although I am taking baby steps, I must say that yoga and meditation has changed the way I look at myself. This feeling is beautiful. I also want to start reading, a hobby I was once addicted to. Reading a book; be it fiction or non - fiction, helps me escape the pressures of reality even if it's for a little while. Another hobby I desperately want to resume is swimming. Just watching the Olympic swimmers give me those nostalgic pain like sensations. I hope things turn out for the best in these pressing times and I can pursue all that I wish to. Love & Respect.

LovetoGod August 1st, 2021

Lovely post!!!
1. Eating junk food 🤪😍
2. Going for shopping
3. Writing something positive in my diary journal ❤

Iamwhoiamwhoami August 1st, 2021

Breathe, bathe. Eat

tealCurrent9178 August 2nd, 2021

​​​​​​1 letting go of the past.
2 forgiving myself
3 letting my family know I love them

queenbeenn August 2nd, 2021


Ok here goes!
1) I got a FREE FACIAL last night!!! I was pumped about this and it was amazingggg, I definitely needed one especially after wearing masks all the time :P
2) I will go to the gym today to work out and get my heat racing and pumping and feel healthy!
3) I will have lunch with a friend I haven't seen in months – I look forward to it!

WhisperWillow2020 August 2nd, 2021


Taking time off work, including not checking work phone or emails.
Get my hair colored
Give myself a much needed pedicure.

Star996 August 2nd, 2021


Okie, here we goooo!

1.) Cook myself something delicious and eat it, hahaha

2.) Read books, it's been such a long time
3.) Start my journal and watch a few videos

There are lots, hehehe
FreyjaMay August 2nd, 2021

Love the picture :)
Hmmm, I think I will start developing my confidence by...
1) Starting swimming
2) Not let my weight affect my life
3) Try to eat fruit and vegetables every day

SneekyNiffler August 4th, 2021

For me, three kind things I can do for myself are:
1) Read the books I have put off reading for so long
2) Give myself a home-made spa and try my new sheet face mask
3) Catch up with people I haven't seen in a long time

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP November 15th, 2022

Many thanks for participating everyone, so happy to hear about your acts of self-kindness. I hope y'all are being kind to yourself as much possible. Feel free to share more, anytime here, if you'd like to. ❤

@tealCurrent9178 @queenbeenn @SneekyNiffler @FreyjaMay @Iamwhoiamwhoami @Evening09 @LoveToGod @WhisperWillow2020 @Paprika001


highlyintuition1 November 17th, 2022


i rarely reply to post like these… logically if people need to actually be told to be kind are not kind. Everyone on this website are literally old enough to know to be kind to others etc! That’s something that comes automatically to people to be kind. People are just not kind to one another and no matter what they are what they are. Maybe people should remove themselves from people that are not kind, instead of wasting energy on people who are just mean spirited people

Dallady January 14th, 2023


Three things I'd like to do to take more care of myself and why.

1. Have a bit more fun daily in my interactions with others and when alone because fun makes life better

2. Spend more time around people who want to do something positive with their lives because a purpose gives life meaning and substance

3. Define my values and principles more and live from a place that is defined by those values and principles such as 'first do no harm', 'practice what you preach' and 'dessert first.'

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP January 14th, 2023

@Dallady "dessert first" haha I so relate, important value, yesss!

Thankyou for sharing your thoughts, Dallady, I always admire your positive outlook and the way you articulate things. It's indeed better to have fun, be around people who bring out our better side also with their positivity~ living with a purpose and ofcourse, practicing things of value to us! Keep being you!❤