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What is your #1 method to settle down your panic attack/anxiety

magicalOcean594 July 8th, 2022

I would love to hear your number one method to keep your panic/anxiety in check.
If you don't have any methods, and this is something you struggle with, feel free to look at other replies to get an idea, and post one way you are willing to try, for the benefit under the panic attack/ anxiety.

My number one way in solving my panic attacks when they are full force and happening is the ICE trick, putting an ice cube on the back of my neck right at the base usually brings me back to ground level in about 30 seconds to 1 minute.

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magicalOcean594 OP July 9th, 2022


i love this thank you so much

wittyAcres7004 July 10th, 2022

I also use the ice trick, but my main go to when I feel like that won’t help is the senses check, always focus on your surroundings, listen to the nature around, focus on the smells such as with flowers.

magicalOcean594 OP July 23rd, 2022


thank you love

enthusiasticgardener July 10th, 2022

I acknowledge that anxiety is here, that it will go away eventually, but in the mean time, I'm safe. Doing this lets my body start to relax, which then lets me focus my mind on different things

magicalOcean594 OP July 10th, 2022

@enthusiasticgardener i like this alot and will start to try this

juliak1968 July 10th, 2022

I quickly concentrate on something such as my steering wheel and describe the texture to myself, but if not in my car I will concentrate on a blade of grass or my own boot lol but it does work to ground myself

WingedSoul July 10th, 2022


Ice water, and chewing the ice (I use the kind that doesn't mess with my teeth, like the ice from Sonic drive in that's basically compressed snow) helps. Having that sudden temperature difference helps a lot.

purpleTree4652 July 10th, 2022


Hi, Ocean,

I pray.

Dallady July 10th, 2022

I used to remove myself from the situation but then my family attacked me for being “rude”. It may work for others though, and when alone.

I try to focus on my own yard and growing the things I want to grow...patience, time and joy for example, instead of focusing on others.

That’s really hard for me though so I have a safety plan where I call a helpline, or do the 4D’s and RAIN with carE.

That stands for delaying, distracting, deep breathing and drinking water, recognition, accepting, investigation, and nurturing.

And carE is clear communication, award achievements, recognition and reward and Empathy (capitalized as it is the foundation).

I’m not very good at this - yesterday I stayed up until 5am because I’ve just been so isolated and messed up for so long.

I suppose considering the circumstances (life being the terrible contraindication that it is) I’m doing very well. It’s just hard to remember.

People with disabilities are still stigmatized (I even stigmatize myself at this point.) and finding help has been the hardest thing of all.

I want to say that the bucket of mini donuts I ate yesterday, shopping and other stuff helps. But unless it’s mindful, it doesn’t.

So I’m being mindful today and utilizing my tools and skills and listening to others while not caring about what they have to say.


SparklyCat July 10th, 2022

When I get anxious about something, I clean. I don't know why, but it usually helps me.

inthequeue July 10th, 2022

@magicalOcean594. I go for a walk whenever I feel anxious, or do some quick yoga poses.

Daf8 July 10th, 2022

❤️ A hardworking trainee making a truly helpful post! Thank you for your contributions, Ocean ❤️

❤️ For anxiety, techniques like the diaphragmatic breathing (inflating your belly, not your chest), the muscle relaxation (kindly tensing and relaxing your muscles) and the thought replacement (replacing your unhelpful thoughts, e.g replacing "I'm a failure" with "I am going through a lot and I am trying. I will get through this") can help a lot. Also, remember that you are not alone and we are here for you ❤️

intelligentBalloon1351 July 11th, 2022

Holding ice in my hand or on the back of my neck.

magicalOcean594 OP August 25th, 2022


oh my goodness me too balloon<3 it works for on the spot panic, great resource thank you for sharing <3

Bmw613 July 23rd, 2022

Take a walk

lightWheel222 August 18th, 2022

Getting into Nature. Long walk in the woods helps me out. Get barefoot and do a little grounding.

magicalOcean594 OP August 25th, 2022


i love the barefoot and grounding techniques i think i will try this:) thank you for sharing

adorkable613 August 24th, 2022

Ice or touching anything cold even cold running water along with a grounding exercise like 54321

magicalOcean594 OP August 25th, 2022


yes cold waterreally helps!! I appreciate your share, as i do these things as well and can relate :)

amiya2009 August 25th, 2022

@magicalOcean594 music. music is my escape when something is wrong

TheDogsMom14 October 21st, 2022

I say Psalms 42:5 —

Why, my soul, are you so dejected?

Why are you such turmoil?

Give it to God, for I still praise Him,

my Savior and my God.

**here’s some context and why it helps so much.

The Psalmist, by this point, is talking to themselves. You know, that dialogue that we do sometimes… Well, the author is saying to themselves “why are you so upset right now?!”

Then they command themselves to give it to God. It’s not an option. It’s non-negotiable. Give it to God! Because…

I still praise Him. It’s hard to have an anxious heart if your grateful! So give some gratitude to God! It helps my anxiety almost immediately!

I hope this helps my fellow Christians!

kindarrow21 November 9th, 2022

I try to ask myself what I really want, when my anxiety is overwhelming. The trigger may be obvious, but the solution can seem unattainable in the moment. Typically there is a need that is being addressed, and my mind will not avoid it any more.