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Prompt Of The Week: What are three things you are grateful for today, and why?

blindDaisy9121 February 17th

Hello, writing community!

I hope you have been well! Welcome back to the writing series, where I present you with writing prompts to exercise your creative muscles every week! If you haven't checked out the previous posts of the series, I've got you! You can find it here

Without further delay, here is the prompt for today:

What are three things you are grateful for today, and why?💚

What will you be doing? Good question! You'll be replying to my post with your original 

1. poems

2. prose (long or short)

As of now, the word limit is a maximum of 500 words. 

Happy writing! And do tag some friends if you think they might be interested in this activity! If you have any questions about the series or want to submit a prompt, then please feel free to message: @Clarisse29

If you're interested in being tagged every time a new post is made to the series, reply to this post with "I want to be tagged for more prompts". Thank you!


Before you go! 

Did you know about CDM? It is the Content Development and Marketing Program which is offered for free by the 7 Cups Academy! It teaches you the essentials of developing content and marketing it so that it is more visible on the internet with a specific focus on mental health! At the completion of this program, you earn a free certificate from the Academy which you can use to further your professional growth! Find out more here. 

Taglist: @OuiCherie @SoulfullyAButterfly @niens @azuladragon34 @Izzy274 @jersey123456 @usefulsummer3139 @TilXC @KindLemonade @ThoughtfulBlossom @Sugarlife24 @AuroraBriarRose @Torean @TryingTBH2021 @babydino69 @chaoscookie22 @Cuposad076 @Elise849 @TheJenInBlack @AnnaJ718 @RideARainbow @ImaginativeThinker8574 @Aikyaa01 @HopieRemi @NCG2237  @seashell145 @InvaderStitch @blueAngel00 @WharfRat @mysteriousClover @neverendingRainbow489 @LonleyCheese @lyricalAngel70 @discreetSugar176 @Dallady  @TheGoodFairy @Shawdios @CalmCoral @CatwomenSoulstealer @adaptableOcean4193 @Barltik2065 @CompassionateOak202@LoveMyMoonflowers

Torean February 18th


Today, I was grateful to have the day off.  I didn't sleep in a lot, so I was grateful that I still woke up well-rested.  I met a friend for breakfast at a place I hardly go to because it gets so busy, but I'm grateful to have a place in town with such a cool atmosphere and such good food.  Anyway, he's a friend I've had since 3rd grade, so I'm very grateful we've been close friend for so long.  He's getting divorced, because his wife has been very emotionally abusive to him for a very long time, and I'm grateful that I can be there to support him in that.  Later on, my dog rushed out the door for the first time and ran across the street, and I'm grateful she didn't get run over.  I'm also grateful she came back, and she was very grateful when I walked her at a park later on.  That park is really cool and artsy, and I'm grateful it's only changed in small mostly-good ways, because I used to go there a lot when I was depressed, and the entire place just kind of makes me feel a wave of conflicting emotions.  We went shopping later, and I'm grateful to have gotten through pretty cheap.  Also, I tried a maple salmon jerky, and I'm grateful that it didn't feel like a waste of two dollars.

Now that I'm home and writing this, I'm feeling grateful for the fact that I can justified-ly feel good about the progress I've made, and continue to make, as a person in general. 

Clarisse29 February 19th

@blindDaisy9121 thank you for posting!

blindDaisy9121 OP March 10th



Clarisse29 February 19th


What are three things you are grateful for today, and why?💚

It is so important to reflect and have gratitude! thank you for giving us the space to do that! today, I'm grateful for:

- my parents

- my teachers

- my friends

blindDaisy9121 OP March 10th


Yes! Family, friends and mentors are integral part of life💛

LonleyCheese February 21st

Today, I'm grateful for my friends. Yeah, it's a basic answer, but they are amazing. As I write this, one of them's pretty much knocked out on the couch behind me. She works so hard every day and I want the best for that sweet girl. She is so warm and gentle and kinder to me than I am to myself, admittedly. So yeah- I'm really grateful for her, even though it's a pretty basic answer.

blindDaisy9121 OP March 10th


Wow!! you are lucky to have such a loving friend😄

chrysanthemum97 February 21st

I am grateful for the Sun

For it's shining some light

In my dark dungeon of a life

I am grateful for the Laughters

For they show me that

There are more sounds than wailing

I am grateful for the Sleep

For it lets me take a rest

From the unending chatters in my head.

blindDaisy9121 OP March 10th


Nice poem!!🤩

MariposaDeLaLuna7 March 7th

That i get to spend time with my Fam right now

That i dont have to work right now

That i am healthy

thank God 🙏🏽😁

blindDaisy9121 OP March 10th


Indeed, spending time with family always gives happiness 💙

FloraBelle March 8th

The sunshine, my group therapy, the daffodils blooming

blindDaisy9121 OP March 10th


It seems like you enjoy nature😄 💚

delicateMonkey March 8th

I am grateful for my education, for animals, and for warm summer nights!!!

blindDaisy9121 OP March 10th


That's Nice!!