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8) Content Categories and Topics of Interest at 7 Cups

SoulfullyAButterfly February 26th, 2021

In this discussion, we will understand an overview of the current focus of content at 7 Cups through content categories as well as topics of interest for current and prospective content development.

Current Article Topics at 7 Cups can be found here

In addition, the content focus areas (alongside some ideas of sub-areas that can be focused on) include:

  1. Depression (signs and symptoms, postpartum depression, seasonal depression, other types, causes, treatment, supporting someone with depression).

  2. Anxiety (symptoms, social, separation or other types, causes, treatment, role of meditation, other coping skills)

  3. Phobias (definition, types, most common, rare, coping)

  4. PTSD (meaning, symptoms, types, therapies, causes, awareness, coping)

  5. Sleeping Disorders (symptoms, types, effects of deprivation, causes, coping, relationship of sleep and mental health)

  6. Eating Disorders (signs, types, causes, treatments, how to stop binge eating, statistics, recovery)

  7. OCD (meaning, symptoms, causes, types, thoughts, personality disorder)

  8. Schizophrenia (types of symptoms, causes, treatments, early signs, risk factors, prevalence statistics)

  9. Substance Abuse (definition, symptoms, effects, causes, risk factors, treatment)

  10. Physical Abuse (signs, effects, types)

  11. Emotional Abuse (signs, emotionally abusive relationships, parents, cycle, effects, role of gaslighting, types, healing)

  12. Sexual Abuse (signs, types, effects, survivor stories)

  13. Family (family therapy, family signs, family conflicts and resolutions)

  14. Couples (couples therapy, counseling, exercises)

  15. Sexual Disorders (sexual disorder information, therapies)

  16. Addictions (symptoms, types, treatment, how to break an addiction)

  17. Child and Adolescent (social media, substance abuse, anxiety, how to help teens)

  18. LGBT (counseling, support, coping with unsupportive people, coming out)

  19. COVID-19 (social distancing, loneliness, job loss, financial stress, coping)

  20. Maternal (postpartum depression, anxiety, maternal mental health)

  21. Coping Skills

  22. Stress (symptoms, management, coping)

  23. Relationships (symptoms of toxic or unsupportive relationships, leaving a relationship, coping with breakups)

  24. Parenting (single parents, foster parents, parenting stress)

  25. Grief and Loss (types, symptoms, stages, coping)

  26. ADHD (symptoms, causes, statistics)

  27. Autism (signs, causes, awareness, types, coping)

  28. Self-Esteem (signs, how to boost, affirmations, activities)

  29. CBT (definition, techniques, CBT for X (any) conditions)

  30. BIPOC (mental health, racism, stigma, coping)


After reading the content focus areas, mention which area you are interested in developing content for and why. Reflect and share feedback on at least one student’s shared reason too.


This post is brought to you by the Content Development and Marketing Program, find out more information about the program here

Sunisshiningandsoareyou July 12th, 2021

Thankyou @SoulfullyAButterfly , there are quite some topics I am interested in creating content, prominent ones would be Self esteem - affirmations, self care and managing emotions, student life , relationship stress and coping with breakup as I'd like to research more to expand my knowledge and will be able to deliver empathetic content . 😊

kindLemonade July 17th, 2021


Ooooh self-esteem team all the way here !

Sunisshiningandsoareyou July 17th, 2021

Yay buddy , *high fives* @kindLemonade

ouiCherie July 15th, 2021

Phew! Still in the indecisive zone for now, but here are the options and the reasons:

Self-esteem. Considering self-esteem is a significant factor in a person's overall sense of well-being. Furthermore, I have been enjoying taking part in promoting healthy self-esteem in the community.

Relationship. In the community and out, relationship issues are quite a common issue. This topic offers a heap of opportunities for exploration.

CBT. Simply because I'm currently finishing my CBT Practitioner Certification.

kindLemonade July 17th, 2021


Hey, Indecisiveness and self-esteem buddy here devil

I was actually thinking of choosing CBT but I wrote Coping skills because it's broader (I don't have to choose just CBT haha)

And hey, cheering on you for the CBT Practitioner Certification! Good luck and that's super awesome!

ouiCherie August 9th, 2021

@kindLemonade always a kind lemonade 😁💜

SoulfullyAButterfly OP August 8th, 2021

@ouiCherie these are all awesome areas! especially the CBT or relationship areas can be something unique as we do not have many articles on these topics yet

ouiCherie August 9th, 2021

@SoulfullyAButterfly yay! thank you 🤗💜

kindLemonade July 17th, 2021


This is actually a tough question for me as I hate to choose cheeky
If I really have to pick my top 3, I would say:

Anxiety, Coping Skills, and Self-Esteem

ouiCherie July 18th, 2021

Great options there Lemo @kindLemonade
To put it together, an ultimate list of anxiety coping skills to keep self-esteem intact is kinda essential 😉 what do you think?

kindLemonade July 18th, 2021

Great idea 💯

Star996 July 24th, 2021


I was actually trying to find yours, hehehe. These topics are awesome! I feel like your contribution to these topics will help a lot of readers to gain hope and encouragement, seeing how your writing skills are. Awesomeeeeee!

sophiasanae July 18th, 2021


I am interested in the Self-Esteem category! I used to host a self-esteem discussion every week here on 7 Cups and I really enjoyed learning about the topic, and teaching others too. Self-esteem is also something I have a lot of experience with (especially learning how to overcome obstacles!) and I believe that it's connected to many other mental health issues.

I also am interested in the bipoc category. I'm taking a class on implicit bias right now, and I feel like I could use that knowledge in my writing.

kindLemonade July 23rd, 2021


oh wow, I didn't know there were self-esteem discussions weekly here. I would loveee to be in them!
BIPOC is also an important area for sure. Thank you for sharing your interests and for wanting to write about these topics. The writing can surely help others. heart

Star996 July 22nd, 2021


I would like to work towards the fields I have experience in. A lot of readers usually read the content which relates to them on a deeper level. It should be emphathetic and yet informative at the same time. Also, I believe that a person will be able to relate to another person better if they both have gone through a similar issue, eradicating feelings of hopelessness and loneliness at the same time. I am really excited to explore each and every field! laughheart

kindLemonade July 23rd, 2021


That's awesome to hear that you'd like to explore the whole field. Though, I'm curious to know which your top 3 subjects are, ooooh (I know you hate choosing cheeky)

"...a person will be able to relate to another person if they both have gone through a similar issue, eradicating feelings of hopelessness and loneliness at the same time." -> I can't agree more with this statement, Star. Perhaps, you can also personalize this statement in your own journey of narrowing down your choice of topics? cool

Star996 July 24th, 2021


Hehehehe, I do hate choosing, but yeah, your suggestion is really helpful! laugh

RationalMe7 July 23rd, 2021

Hi, I just went through the articles' list and the list of content focus topics.
I'm interested in contributing articles for Spirituality and Mindfulness. That's because I have practised these 2 things (which go hand-in-hand) and I have felt the benefit for myself. I believe a lot of people can take advantage of it and better their lives.
Regarding the content focus areas - I am interested in Coping Skills and Grief. Most people are unequipped to combat grief or cope with issues they have no control over. I feel that area needs more focus also because the previous topics I have selected can be of use in this.
cuteeeezombieeee July 23rd, 2021

Loved how you selected areas you have personal experience in as well as areas that require more focus. I look forward to reading your articles in the futurewink

RationalMe7 July 23rd, 2021

Thanks a lot for reading my post and for the feedback :)
Hoping to delve into it soon :)

kindLemonade July 23rd, 2021


Mindfulness is also my area of interest too. We are also in the Mindfulness sub-community together ayeeee! I look forward to being working with you heart

RationalMe7 July 23rd, 2021

That's great Lemo :) That's also one of my focus sub-communities for the BCP :)

cuteeeezombieeee July 23rd, 2021

The top three categories I would like to focus on are:
🟣Emotional abuse
🟣Substance abuse

☑️I have personal experience in all three of these categories so I'd consider myself a good fit for putting out content on these topics. Besides, I have also spent time supporting others going through these issues.

kindLemonade July 23rd, 2021


Thank you for sharing your topics of interest. It's very brave and kind of you to use your own difficulties as a force to support others heart

Matej45678 July 26th, 2021

I'm interested in the Addictions or Substance abuse category. The reason for my choice is that I was struggling with drug addiction myself. Also, few members of my family were dealing with addiction and some still are. At any rate, it caused permanent damage to some of them. A lot of my past friends were dealing with it, some still are. It leads to suicides, murders and other crime, as well as other mental issues, such as anxiety or schizophrenia. It can tear apart a person, so much that he doesn't recognize himself.
For that reason I think that this area will be best for me - people tend to listen more to those, who experienced issues that they're currently experiencing. heart

Mel August 4th, 2021

@Matej45678 hey there! you're very brave for talking about this! thank you for offering to help others as well. I'm sure your help in these categories will be greatly appreciated!

and in the end the love you take, is equal to the love you make. - Mel, 7Cups Ambassador

Matej45678 August 5th, 2021

@Mel Thank you very much for your words.♥️

emotionalCurrent5586 October 26th, 2021

@Matej45678 you are brave writer sharing your personal experiences and recovery. Awesome and may inspire more people. rooting for you!

KACOSMIC July 30th, 2021


To be really honest if i could choose more than one i would... but after reading again and again i choose to develop content for the Substance Abuse area...

The reason is because i have life experience with this topic and in my opinion i could help a lot with this area.

SoulfullyAButterfly OP July 30th, 2021

@KACOSMIC that's amazing! It is a very important category too

KiaraB26 August 6th, 2021

It really is an important topic and I'm sure you'll help a lot of people through this.💜

Iamanotheru August 2nd, 2021


mention which area you are interested in developing content for and why.

I am interested in developing content for anxiety because I suffer from it as well. Therefore, I think I can really write relatable contents over this topic

Mel August 4th, 2021

My top three choices would be Child and Adolescent, Eating Disorders and PTSD. I feel most comfortable supporting the teen community and ED and PTSD are the topics I related to the most.

and in the end the love you take, is equal to the love you make. - Mel, 7Cups Ambassador

amazingNutella24 December 7th, 2021


Those are some great topics! I do hear you, Mel! I personally find it easier to write and support to the topics I relate to or even have direct lived experience in as well 💜

KiaraB26 August 6th, 2021


I'm interested in producing content about anxiety because I've had major encounters with anxiety and I feel anxiety can present itself in so many forms and most of them aren't talked about enough.💜

Iamanotheru August 15th, 2021

I really like your response. Thank you for sharing!

ouiCherie August 21st, 2021


That's true. Anxiety may present in many forms. Even in OCD anxiety plays a big part. And the one who experiences it is somewhat the expert as they are the one who knows it well. 💜

Brinaa101 August 9th, 2021

I would like to write on anxiety or self-esteem. This is because I've struggled with both of these areas in my life, and I have definitely improved in them, and want to help others too.

ouiCherie August 21st, 2021

Glad to hear you have improved and your insight on how to beat them may help others too 💜 all the best!

azuladragon34 September 7th, 2021


Anxiety and self esteem are great areas to focus on.