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6) Ensuring Best Writing Practices

SoulfullyAButterfly January 31st, 2021

After understanding the general requirements to keep in mind whilst submitting your content articles for 7 Cups publication, this discussion highlights some general writing tips to keep in mind when writing content that relates to mental health.

Things to Do:

  • Make sure the article is empathetic, kind, helpful & informative (it fulfills the reader who found it), empowering. Replace mental “illness” or “disease” with “condition” or “issue” and soften any other mental health stigma language that might pop up. This helps ensure that your tone is supportive.

  • Think of story ideas that will be sharable in social media

  • Be concise

  • Be conversational and accessible in your writing

  • Back up statements with research or facts if applicable (cite sources) - try to confirm facts by ensuring at least 2 different sources mentioning them.

  • Include expert quotes and insights -- you can reach out to a psychologist or expert about your story and offer a quote and link to their practice for the collaboration. Make sure their title/expertise is attributed in the article

  • Be thorough, don’t gloss over specifics

  • Give the reader empathy and hope

  • Put yourself in the reader’s shoes: ask yourself what they need out of reading your piece and then deliver that

  • Try to combine personal experiences with expert insight to strengthen your piece.

  • Consider including friends and family members of people impacted by your topic in your audience.

For more tips on reporting mental health conditions and choosing words carefully, read the American Psychiatric Association’s article here

Other Tips:

The following are general guidelines to help find facts, help link things with 7 Cups as well as outreaching tips for personal stories and expert insight:

  • Always try to hyperlink some of your main sources.

  • Use authentic reporting websites such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), World Health Organization, or American Psychological Association, etc. for facts and up-to-date statistics. (Can be hyperlinked as mentioned above)

  • Use Google Scholar to search for relevant research work. Abstracts usually summarize research findings.

  • When outlining your article, consider asking yourself which information and what type of information can be added as a priority. For example, an article about mental health during the pandemic would likely report authentic global statistics and could use published research information.

  • When reviewing other resources that cover your topic or something close to it, always ask yourself what can help enhance that available content. How can you ensure you are providing a unique take on the topic? Consider thinking about what is missing that could be worth mentioning.

  • 7 Cups has lots of free services, including available self-help guides, subcommunities with forums, and other areas - generally, editorial assistants at 7 Cups help backlink to these resources, but you are welcome to directly mention them if it applies, for instance, mentioning how Sharing Circles can help users cope with loneliness or the lack of support in their daily lives.

  • Outreaching for both personal or expert quotes can be done via social media, contact forms of blog posts, or even email considering which information is available. You are welcome to PM @SoulfullyAButterfly if you think a 7 Cups Expert can help provide you the quote or required insight.

  • When outreaching for personal stories, introduce yourself and 7 Cups and explain your article topic briefly, and why you think their personal experience could help. Share how you can back-link (link back) to the person’s blog or other resources if they would like that in return for sharing their quote. Ensure that you ask them if they would like their name to be disclosed, or if they would like a pseudonym. Finally, let them know you will share the final published version so they can also share it with their acquaintances.

  • When requiring an expert quote, use the same procedure discussed, but consider asking for the expert’s availability. Mention how the expert’s work can aid your write-up and any questions you have. Ask for the expert’s professional practice page link and if they are interested, mention how they can have a published expert profile at 7 Cups (you can CC if needed).

Things To Avoid:

  • The overuse of cliches or corny language

  • Making it overly formal or using references most wouldn’t understand

  • Using extraneous words/phrases. For example, you don’t have to write, “it’s important to…” If you’re writing it, the reader will assume it’s important. Unless, of course, it really is a surprise that this piece of advice is important - in which case say that

  • Forgetting to explain the “why”

  • Repeating the same word or phrase often (unless intentional, i.e. in an article about a mantra you might repeat the mantra several times)

  • Overusing exclamation points


Using the information you just learned, write a paragraph (minimum of 100 words) for the article topic “Coping with Loneliness During the COVID-19 Pandemic” - as this is only a paragraph and NOT the complete article, state a brief heading which will inform the reader whether your paragraph is about a general introduction or something more specific. Ensure your paragraph contains facts. Please note that you are to mention your sources too, as well as a link to at least one source within the paragraph.

Bonus: Consider using previous discussions to research and use keywords.

Additionally, reply to at least one other student and highlight the strengths of their work as well as areas for improvement.


This post is brought to you by the Content Development and Marketing Program, find out more information about the program here

FeureVox March 26th


Hello, it's @FeureVox again; I've evaluated the social media graphic related to coping with loneliness during the COVID-19 pandemic. Here are some strengths and suggestions for improvement:


1. Like always, your message starts on a strong and empathetic note, acknowledging the difficulty of isolation, which can resonate well with the audience.

2. The actionable tips, such as staying connected with family and maintaining a support circle, provide practical value to your reader.

3. Vibrant colors and imagery are essential for capturing attention and engaging users on social media platforms.

4. Acknowledging pets as a source of comfort includes the various ways individuals find support and companionship.

Humble suggestions for Improvement:

1. The text over the busy background is difficult to read, especially with the varied font sizes and colors. Simplifying the background or using a text-shadow could enhance readability.

2. The graphic is quite text-heavy for a social media image, which might overwhelm viewers. Consider using less text or spreading the content across multiple posts.

3. There's a small typo in the word "in" repeated ("in in quarantine"). Proofreading is crucial to maintaining professionalism and credibility.

4. The URL is not clickable in an image format; it may be more user-friendly to direct viewers to a link in the post's caption or bio instead.

InsightfulPhoenix March 26th

Thank you for this wonderful feedback, I will continue to keep what you are speaking of in mind for future works. Once again such an amazing tone while displaying feedback, thank you again!



you really have way with getting point across with  words.

 It seems like a  social. Media post than. Article. Maybe the background is messing with me


It’s an article lol, it's the way that I laid it out that makes it look like a social media post I appreciate the feedback!

FeureVox March 26th


Given the write-ups from the previous posts and following the detailed instructions for writing a paragraph on the topic "Coping with Loneliness During the COVID-19 Pandemic," the following is a paragraph incorporating the keyword insights and best writing practices.

Enhancing Connectivity: Overcoming Loneliness in the Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly increased loneliness and isolation globally.

Research by the World Health Organization (WHO) shows a sharp rise in reported feelings of loneliness and isolation since early 2020.

Experts recommend regular virtual meet-ups, online activities, and support from platforms like 7 Cups to alleviate loneliness.

Prioritizing mental health and community support can effectively mitigate these feelings.

Individuals can connect and receive empathy through proactive engagement and digital platforms, showcasing human resilience in facing challenges.



I'm excited to hear everyone's feedback.

InsightfulPhoenix March 26th

Here is my thoughts😊

You have an incredible amount of knowledge of what is being asked in regarding this exercise. You do have a way with words so it is engaging and rather passionate. Your read comes off resourceful

Now for e.a.t being used:

E: You held great verbiage and also induced interest in the audience.

A: You did hold a sense of authority in what you were speaking. You also held focus in mention some facts with a source that is eligible.

T: You gained a respectable amount of trust with the wonderous amount of veribage and tone used.

The adjustments:

When it comes to information and being direct you have that strength to the tee. However, your audience would automatically take note minor empathy. The information is outstanding but there should be some deeper points on how the pandemic could boost creativity within a person, new hobbies and digging deeper into support of those around them. Otherwise amazing job!

FeureVox March 27th

@InsightfulPhoenix Thank you very much for your valuable feedback. I will look into this in my next posts.

Mellietronx August 10th


The paragraph does a great job of getting to the point and starting with a clear heading that makes it easy to know what it's about. It offers helpful tips, like joining virtual meet-ups and using platforms like 7 Cups, which is efficient advice for anyone feeling lonely during the pandemic. Mentioning the World Health Organization (WHO) also adds some good authority to the discussion. A few tweaks could make it even better—like adding a hyperlink to the WHO mention so readers can easily check it out, and maybe throwing in a specific stat to give more context on how much loneliness has increased. Also, connecting the problem of loneliness with the solution of digital engagement could flow a bit more smoothly. But overall, it’s a solid paragraph that just needs a few small adjustments to shine.

FeureVox August 24th

@Mellietronx Hey there! Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I agree with your points about the paragraph. Adding a hyperlink to the WHO mention, and a specific stat could enhance the overall piece.

It's great to see that you're thinking about how to improve the content.

Keep up the excellent work!

Chocolate0 August 24th


You have formulated the topic in a simple and wonderful way, and supported your article with sources. I also liked the image you added.

FeureVox August 24th

@Chocolate0 I appreciate your kind words. I eagerly await further communication from you.

lamimoon March 31st


Importance of Addressing Loneliness During the COVID-19

Feeling lonely during the COVID-19 pandemic is prevalent across the world, since we are isolated from others and, most importantly, our friends. Research has shown that loneliness was widespread in Europe, America and China, around 10-40%, even before the COVID-19 (Leigh-Hunt, 2017; Xia and Li, 2018 cited in Hwang et al., 2020). There are proven chances of developing many health conditions if we don't manage loneliness and isolation, such as: a heart disease, stroke, depression, anxiety, addiction, dementia, earlier death and more (CDC, 2023). There is hope to fix this issue of the society today, so let's learn to help ourselves and those we love by learning how to cope with loneliness and isolation.


- Leigh-Hunt, 2017; Xia and Li, 2018 cited in Hwang, T.-J., Rabheru, K., Peisah, C., Reichman, W. and Ikeda, M. (2020). Loneliness and Social Isolation during the COVID-19 Pandemic. International Psychogeriatrics, [online] 32(10), pp.1–15. doi:

- CDC (2023). Health risks of social isolation and loneliness. [online] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Available at:



Your paragraph contains a lot of relevant information. It is also short and concise.

As a suggestion, I’d say you can go a little deeper on the specifics.

unassumingEyes June 14th

@lamimoon your paragraph is short, to the point, well written and provides relevant sources. A tip would be to mention how we can start learning to cope with the loneliness. 



The COVID pandemic brought significant worldwide challenges and consequences. One of those outcomes was increased global loneliness. Loneliness constitutes a risk for premature mortality and mental and physical health, so it’s very important to keep it closely monitored. Lockdowns, physical distance, and switch to remote work and school all strongly contributed to increase in loneliness across the globe. Such measures undoubtedly increased social isolation, though social isolation does not always lead to loneliness. As a matter of fact, social isolation means having a small social network and few interactions with others, while loneliness is the painful feeling of having less or poorer quality social connections than a person wants.



BloomingSakura May 1st

Using the information you just learned, write a paragraph (minimum of 100 words) for the article topic “Coping with Loneliness During the COVID-19 Pandemic” - as this is only a paragraph and NOT the complete article, state a brief heading which will inform the reader whether your paragraph is about a general introduction or something more specific. Ensure your paragraph contains facts. Please note that you are to mention your sources too, as well as a link to at least one source within the paragraph.

Coping with Loneliness During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Pandemic Isolation Causes an Increase in Loneliness

To prevent the spread of the COVID-19 Virus, countries worldwide have issued an order for everyone to stay at home. Students have to study from home and most working adults have switched to a Work From Home (WFH) arrangement. This change has caused a decline in face-to-face social interactions and caused an increase in loneliness. Killgore, Cloonen, Taylor, and Dailey (2020) did a research on 1,013 U.S adults by asking them to fill in the UCLA Loneliness Scale-3 and Public Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) 3 weeks after most states issued the stay-at-home orders. They found a total of 43% respondents who scored above the published cutoffs which is also strongly associated with greater depression and suicidal ideation. Due to the effect of loneliness on our mental health, we need to equip ourselves with the knowledge of how to cope with loneliness. By learning how to cope with loneliness, we can prepare ourselves to stay physically and mentally safe during the pandemic.

If you ever need support or a guide on how to deal with loneliness, you can read the 7 Cups guide about How to Deal with Loneliness here and connect with our listeners on


1. Killgore, W. D. S., Cloonen, S. A., Taylor, E. C., & Dailey, N. S. (2020). Loneliness: A signature mental health concern in the era of COVID-19. Psychiatry Research, 290, 113117.



Effects of pandemic over our mental health: loneliness arises

Covid pandemic had a significant effect over our mental as well as physical health. According to research, feeling of loneliness deeply arose during covid and has been here even after the pandemic waves. Young adults, people with a limiting health condition, single or widowed people specially got affected through the lockdowns. Connecting with friends, exploring options and different hobbies at home, harnessing the power of internet, being creative, and avoiding all or nothing thinking would be super beneficial in that matter.

BloomingSakura May 12th

Hi there! I love how your submission for the activity includes research as a reliable source. It also includes various information that the reader would want to know from the article such as age demographics and potential solutions to cope with loneliness. One thing I can suggest is to provide resources from 7 Cups that fit the article's theme or topic!

Coping with Loneliness During the COVID-19 Pandemic

 How to best handle anxiety and loneliness  while on lock down

 Being stuck in a house for long periods of time without seeing people you know during the covid times can be tough

for sure.The cases of loneliness went up during that time. You may wonder if there is anything you can do to

combat  loneliness during being stuck inside for long periods of time.  In the help guide from HSS Education Institute it teaches how to deal with anxiety and social isolation during the covid 19 pandemic  years.  I can also show how to recognize signs  of  loneliness and anxiety so you can be aware of it. In later paragraphs I would go in more details on how to cope with loneliness  and anxiety using example of the article .

coolvibes June 5th

@Heartsandrosesandpaws Nice work paws, it is informative and empathetic. you were clear about your understanding of being locked indoors for a long period of time. Only issue to change is you repeated the same statement. your inclusion of your resource flowed nicely.

coolvibes June 5th

@coolvibes just wanted to clarify that changing the wording of the resource statement would have gone along way. the validation or impact statement I think was too similar.

Clarisse29 June 11th

@Heartsandrosesandpaws good job!

coolvibes June 7th


Coping with Loneliness During the COVID-19 Pandemic

With social distancing and all the business’s closing due to the unpredictable effect of covid, people have been left with minimal options to meet social needs. The recommended response to the pandemic from The Center of Disease, Control and prevention has left people in long term isolation. Vulnerable members of the community have found themselves struggling with intense loneliness. “Based on Mental Health America’s screening data, loneliness/isolation is the number one thing contributing to feelings of depression or anxiety right now – over 72% of respondents said it was one of their top 3 stressors.” People are feeling stranded from family members, medical professionals, and work associates, and friends. To combat loneliness many have turned to social media and instant chat apps to stay connected. However, relying solely on the internet may not be enough. Mental health America, says all the restraints in place may have made family members and friends busier, because of this it is important to use reminders. 

  1. Perception can be altered due to mood and feelings can easily be hurt when         communication is slow. Making assumptions can become very easy. The only way to find out the answer is to ask and keep communication open.

2.     Keep an open mind. Everyone is struggling with the stress of the pandemic and maybe too overwhelmed to support anyone at the moment.

   3. If you still find yourself struggling you can access a Therapist or a free volunteer listeners here on The volunteers on cups are available 24/7 and willing to be that connection during tough times. You can connect to a professional on the site for a cost, they will be happy to arrange their availability based on your needs.

Engaging in new interests or hobbies can help distract from the time spent indoors. Whether you like to cook, crochet, read, paint, play an instrument, there are an unlimited number of activities you can explore and include immediate family members in. The Smithsonian, States “That Stay-at-home orders have inspired those with ample free time to pick up hands-on Projects.” I wish you all the best in coming to terms with feeling lonely.

   COVID-19 and Loneliness: When It Seems Like No One Cares | Mental Health        America

              Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | CDC

             Arts and Crafts Are Experiencing Surge in Popularity Amid COVID-19 | Smithsonian


ithink it is well writes and to the point.

coolvibes June 16th

@Heartsandrosesandpaws Thank you soo much paws.

themightyhealer July 9th


Good job!

Recommendation: Just align the text in a way that looks harmonious.



i have red your paragraph , i think you are talented ; bornd  to be writer.

the strengths

_ you give all useful information about the topic , when i red your paraghraph i got all anwsers i need to know 

_ i think you suggest many realistic solotions ; given that people just setting in their homes for long time ; cant communicate or go to work 

areas to improve

non _ i think you done all perfectly  

thanks for sharing your work with us ,  you inspire me to  do mine 

unassumingEyes June 13th

Coping with Loneliness during the COVID19 Pandemic

During the COVID-19 Pandemic, social distancing became necessary to avoid the spread of the disease. This protective measure turned out to be a necessary evil, as it has led to feelings of isolation and loneliness among many people. Researchers are still questioning the link between the increased feelings of loneliness and the pandemic.¹ Evidentally reported loneliness amongst individuals has seen an increase during the pandemic.² These feelings of loneliness can be combated through online video calls, social groups on the internet and interactive platforms such as 7Cups. If you are struggling with feelings of loneliness it is advised to reach out to loved ones through online means regularly. Websites such as 7Cups also provide interactive one-on-one sessions with listeners trained to listen and offer support to you at any time. 





well written  to the point

walkalot June 17th


Great job on your answer here.

PetiteSouris June 25th

Reply to at least one other student and highlight the strengths of their work as well as areas for improvement.

"Coping with Loneliness during the COVID19 Pandemic

During the COVID-19 Pandemic, social distancing became necessary to avoid the spread of the disease. This protective measure turned out to be a necessary evil, as it has led to feelings of isolation and loneliness among many people. Researchers are still questioning the link between the increased feelings of loneliness and the pandemic.¹ Evidentally reported loneliness amongst individuals has seen an increase during the pandemic.² These feelings of loneliness can be combated through online video calls, social groups on the internet and interactive platforms such as 7Cups. If you are struggling with feelings of loneliness it is advised to reach out to loved ones through online means regularly. Websites such as 7Cups also provide interactive one-on-one sessions with listeners trained to listen and offer support to you at any time. " -@unassumingEyes

@unassumingEyes, for me citing your sources immediately out. Great job in ensuring that your sources were all cited. I admired the way you provided people with ways to cope during the pandemic. Since the pandemic was in the past, I felt like the paragraph should have been written in the past tense. I also felt maybe you could have explored or researched the ways in which people coped and shared that with us. I loved reading your paragraph. I found it to be informative to someone who would have been seeking help during the pandemic. Excellent job! My well wishes to you! - PetiteSouris' response. 

PetiteSouris June 28th


Using the information you just learned, write a paragraph (minimum of 100 words) for the article topic “Coping with Loneliness During the COVID-19 Pandemic” - as this is only a paragraph and NOT the complete article, state a brief heading which will inform the reader whether your paragraph is about a general introduction or something more specific. Ensure your paragraph contains facts. Please note that you are to mention your sources too, as well as a link to at least one source within the paragraph.

Article Topic: Coping with Loneliness During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Brief Heading: Everyone Included and Everyone Copes

         According to the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases, on March 11th 2020 the World Health Organization declared Covid-19 a pandemic. The outbreak of the infectious disease, Covid-19, caused one of the deadliest pandemics: Covid-19 claimed seven million deaths worldwide. The pandemic had an effect on all members of a population, and was detrimental to people living in poverty, the elderly, people with disabilities, youth, and those with mental health illnesses. According to the National Institute of Health coping mechanisms are essential tools, for individuals with stresses and challenges of life, specifically during times of hardship such as a global pandemic. In this article we will explore coping mechanisms for loneliness  which were implemented by at risk populations during the Covid-19 pandemic. 


1.National Foundation for Infectious Disease. 

2. Rana I.A., Bhatti S.S., Aslam A.B., Jamshed A., Ahmad J., Shah A.A. COVID-19 risk perception and coping mechanisms: Does gender make a difference? Int. J. Disaster Risk Reduct. 2021;55:1020 


themightyhealer July 9th


Effects of Isolation During the Pandemic

The effects of pandemic-related isolation have been felt in every corner of society. It may take the form of exacerbated symptoms in some patients or freshly developing signs of mental illness in others. Medically, loneliness has been linked to heart disease and stroke.2 It is also linked to increased rates of depression, anxiety, substance abuse, domestic abuse, and suicide.3




Using the information you just learned, write a paragraph (minimum of 100 words) for the article topic “Coping with Loneliness During the COVID-19 Pandemic” - as this is only a paragraph and NOT the complete article, state a brief heading which will inform the reader whether your paragraph is about a general introduction or something more specific. Ensure your paragraph contains facts. Please note that you are to mention your sources too, as well as a link to at least one source within the paragraph.

dealing with loneliness during the pandemic 

 loneliness can affect adult life occasionally and bring some annoying feelings, given to a 2021 study published in Lancet Psychiatry found associations between loneliness and depressive symptoms in a group of adults 50 years old and older , Research shows that the areas of the brain that deal with social exclusion are the same areas that process physical pain*.

Loneliness it has real risk to the mental health and physical well being as well ; many people they think  maybe it is the right time to organize my desk through the panidmic time , or  do some tasks that i put  it away , watch a movie , read a book all those suggestions looks good but what about social communication there is my list for you

_You can try online volunteering it s safe and help you to brook your isolation , you can find may websites as 7cups , where people sharing kindness and emotional support and increase awareness about mental health.

_ join a online book club , I found many where members meeting and discussing books , it is fun and you will gain information in several topics .

_ subscribe in online class to learn something new .


*How to Cope With Loneliness ; By Elizabeth Scott, PhD ; website url How to Cope With Loneliness: 9 Strategies to Try (


Gargi07 July 23rd


“Coping with Loneliness During the COVID-19 Pandemic” 

### The Role of Technology in Combating Loneliness

During the COVID-19 pandemic, technology has emerged as a vital tool in combating loneliness. With social distancing measures in place, many have turned to video calls, social media, and online communities to maintain connections. According to a study by the Pew Research Center, 53% of Americans have reported that the internet has been essential during the pandemic (Source: [Pew Research Center]( Virtual gatherings through platforms like Zoom and FaceTime enable people to stay in touch with family and friends, reducing feelings of isolation. As Dr. Vivek Murthy, the U.S. Surgeon General, stated, "Human connection is essential to our well-being, and technology can help us maintain it even when we are physically apart." Embracing these digital tools can provide a lifeline, offering emotional support and a sense of community in these challenging times.

ScorpiaD July 25th

@Gargi07 very well written and to the point.

ScorpiaD July 25th

@SoulfullyAButterfly coping with Loneliness During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Coping with loneliness during the COVID-19 pandemic has been a significant challenge for many, but there are strategies to help manage these feelings. Staying connected with friends and family through virtual means, such as video calls, social media, and messaging apps, can help maintain a sense of community and support. Engaging in new hobbies or revisiting old ones can provide a meaningful distraction and a sense of accomplishment. Additionally, establishing a daily routine that includes physical activity, healthy eating, and mindfulness practices can enhance mental well-being. It's also important to reach out for professional support if feelings of loneliness become overwhelming. Remember, this period of isolation is temporary, and taking proactive steps to care for your mental health can make a significant difference.

More information can be found here:

Happysouled July 28th


You have given strategies to cope with the feelinsg of loneliness very nicely. 

However, you could have given reference to 7 cups for the seeking therapy parts and could have made your paragraph more approachable by appropriate sub heading and spacings in the paragraph because its the article which is more presentable that the readers are keen to read. 

Otherwise, it was very informative. Great work!