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4) Team Lightship: Tweeting Empathy

SoulfullyAButterfly January 31st, 2021

In our introduction, we briefly understood an introduction to how social media-based marketing at 7 Cups uses a project called Team Lightship.

In this discussion, we will understand how the Lightship initiative works in terms of using tweets for spreading awareness, support, as well as 7 Cups content and other service information. We will also learn how the Twitter platform can be used to outreach to people requiring and in search of mental health support, in order to ensure that mental health is not ignored or stigmatized on social media.

(i) Using Tweets to Spread Awareness, Support, and Content/Service Information:

As previously discussed, the goal of Lightship is to use social media to reach out to those in need using kind and empathetic messages.

General tips include:

  • What you tweet about should reflect the compassionate, supportive, and kind community that 7 Cups is. Use your best judgment.

  • View your Team Lightship account as a force for good, and for spreading the 7 Cups mission and values.

  • Feel free to discuss emotions, situations, and topics that often occur on 7 Cups.

  • You might also want to post/retweet quotes or pictures, and that’s 100% okay! Just remember that reaching out to people should be a priority. Think of how social media graphics can be used in that sense, to engage people.

  • Note: Lightship uses referral links (found on your dashboard page under the list of chats) to direct users to the 7 Cups site.

Tips in regards to which areas or services of 7 Cups you can mention (apart from the general fact about 1:1 or group chats!): Self-Help Guides, Expert Articles, Free Mindfulness Exercises.

Sample Tweets:

Having a tough time? Don't keep it all inside. If you want to talk, we're here to listen 24/7 #7Cups #MentalHealthMatters

Need inspiration from people who have overcome Postnatal Depression? Read these stories of women using their recovery to aid others!

(ii) Using Twitter to Outreach People Seeking Support:

The following steps are helpful ways to identify and respond to people seeking support:

  1. Search for Keywords

Some keywords or hashtags can prominently help search for people in need of support.

Note: The following and other mental health-related tags on social media platforms can contain potentially triggering content.

  • Prominent Tags: need to vent, need a friend, feeling lonely, anxious, and depressed.

  • Other Tags Examples:

  • #depressed #anxious #depression #mentalhealth (high volume tags)

  • #needtotalk

  • #bullying

  • #chronicpain #chroniclife

  • #coping

  • #peersupport

  • #selfcare

Note: These keywords or hashtags can also be used in your own tweets to help ensure visibility and engagement.

  1. Reply to Tweets

After your search for important hashtags and keywords, when you find someone who has tweeted using one of those tags, and looks to be in need of support, reach out to them! Respond to their tweet with a message that includes information about how 7 Cups can support them.


Using what you learned about the Lightship protocol:

  1. Create one general hypothetical tweet that is supportive and compassionate.

  2. Respond to this Tweet using the outreaching tips:

3. Reply to one other student’s responses for both (1) and (2) and offer a review about their response: don’t forget to mention strengths as well as improvements they can make!

Please do not forget to personally save your activity answers as well as your reply to another user’s answer (recommended on Google Doc or other means) as you will be asked to share this for your Weekly Progress Report.


This post is brought to you by the Content Development and Marketing Program, find out more information about the program here

Train1 March 18th, 2022


I understand how you feel. There are a lot of people out there that still don't believe there is a pandemic. They feel they that they don't need to be considerate about others. Maybe they are complacent because they feel they are young and won't get sick at all from covid. We can't change the way they feel unfortunately. We just have to try to avoid them as much as possible. If you are worried maybe you can wear a mask. What you are doing is great though. Going for a walk will do wonders for your mental health. Just be patient with the people around you. Remember we are all in this together and we will beat covid in the end. If your feelings are really overwhelming you get in touch with a listener at 7cups. We are here to help.

Train1 March 18th, 2022


Create one general hypothetical tweet that is supportive and compassionate.

When will the pandemic end? That is a question that many people have been asking. It is definitely something that has been on my mind. I want to travel back home and see my family rather than just speaking to them online. I also want to go back to the office as I am tired of working from home. I think many of you are feeling the same. Just step back and think. You have done well so far, you have social distanced and prevented your loved ones from getting covid. Just continue on. You are doing great. One day covid will be part of history. Just stay strong, stay safe that day will come. Speak to a listener at 7cups and tell us how you feel. #covid, #mentalhealthmatters, #resilience

March 18th, 2022


1. Create one general hypothetical tweet that is supportive and compassionate.

So much has happened recently and everyone around the world is going through a difficult time, especially when you're no longer able to do things you enjoyed doing before the pandemic. It must be difficult to adjust to the new changes brought on by the covid. Don't worry, you're not alone. 7 Cups is a platform with trained volunteer listeners willing to listen to you for free. Click on the link below if you would like to connect with a free listener:

#mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthawareness


2. Respond to this Tweet using the outreaching tips:

Hi buddy, I couldn't help but tell you how much I can relate to your situation, especially when you just want to go for a walk without worrying about people not keeping the social distance. I'm sorry that this has caused your anxiety. If you would like to talk about it, 7 Cups has trained volunteer listeners who can listen to you for free. Click on the link below if you would like to connect with a free listener:

#mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthawareness

2 replies
Destiny4157 March 20th, 2022

Hello @Helpingheart23,

Your first post was empathetic, compassionate, and relatable. People would feel welcome and understood when they read this post. One feedback l would like to offer is shorten the post a little since twitter only uses 280 characters. Overall great work!

Your second post was empathic and relatable. I like how you started off with a greeting, as it makes the post feel personal. Great job!

yellowcloudZzz March 21st, 2022


Both replies are empathetic and reassuring. Like you're talking to a friend which would make them feel comfortable about going on 7cups. Was a bit long for a twitter post, but still very good!

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Destiny4157 March 20th, 2022

1) Life is like a roller coaster🎢. The are ups, downs, and curves, and sometimes we feel like we’re losing control. Well fret no more! You’re not alone because is here to guide you and get you back on track. #needtotalk #mentalhealth

2) Hello there! Feeling anxious during the pandemic? I understand how you feel. is here 24/7 to listen and help if you want to talk. #anxiety #mentalhealth

1 reply
yellowcloudZzz March 21st, 2022


(For the first activity) you took a very fun and validating approach. Reassuring them that 7cups has their back during hard times☺

(For the second) This one was a bit short and straight to the point. You didn't show much emotion in it.

3 replies
yellowcloudZzz March 21st, 2022


(Sorry sorry, for the second one it's not short, 😅 forgot this was a twitter post)

2 replies
Destiny4157 March 21st, 2022

Thanks! I appreciate your feedback. Also no worries lol. I wasn't sure about my second post, but I forget that Twitter posts are short as well 😅. Take care and have a good day/night!

1 reply
yellowcloudZzz March 21st, 2022


Thanks! Same to you💫

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ouiCherie March 22nd, 2022


Well done Destiny! A concise tweet examples.

Empathetic and checked the box for a social media marketing part through hashtags and call to action to visit 7 Cups.

Ready with your topic article to propose?

For everyone who come across this post: a gentle reminder to submit Trial Completion form and a proposed article topic/ title for approval after you are done with this exercise 💜.


NotFound20 June 21st, 2022


  • Liked the more casual and fun way of writing.
  • Improvements - need to add more assuring words which helps the other person to develop the trust for sharing.
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avasoftandsimple March 20th, 2022

Hey friend, I hope you’re doing ok. Take some time to recharge and remember that there is hope in the future. Our world currently feels tense, but it doesn't have to stay this way within your inner life. (1/1)

#stress #depresion #mentalhealth #wellness

For resources on how to handle stress in a healthy way, check out this forum. And to get in touch with a professional online therapist, check out our directory here. We're here for you <3 (2/2)

1 reply
ouiCherie March 22nd, 2022


This is a nice example. Did you mean this is a thread tweet?

Constructive feedback (no need to revise): we cannot hyperlink a text on a tweet. If you have a long url, you can put it at the end of the tweet. Even if the tweet cut after the maximum characters, the link is still clickable 💜

For everyone who come across this post: Ava here reminded me that if you have a long tweet, a thread tweet can be an option. Means you can create a series of tweets. And each tweet has a maximum 280 characters.


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magicalOcean594 March 23rd, 2022


If you are struugling with mental health, substance abuse issues, or even just personal problems, come to 7 cups to sign up to be a member for free! We have 24/7 listeners to hear every word you are saying and give great feedback compassionalty and nonjudgmental support.
#7cups #members #anxiety #depression #mentalhealth #love #kindness
1 reply
magicalOcean594 March 23rd, 2022


Coping with my anxiety can be so hard, i think i might try this support platform !
Thank you so much!!
#mentalhealth #anxiety
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CoffeeAddict07 April 2nd, 2022


Create one general hypothetical tweet that is supportive and compassionate.

Even with the internet granting us access to each other 24/7 it is easy to feel isolated and silenced when you are struggling. At we have a large community of compassionate well-trained listeners who are always willing to listen! Please sign up as a member today and help us support you!

#needtotalk #peersupport #coping #selfcare #general-mental-health#Mentalhealthmatters

Respond to this Tweet using the outreaching tips:


In times like these, your anxiety is completely reasonable. Seeing people behave in such a careless manner that not only endangers their lives, but yours as well can be very stressful. Here at we have mindfulness exercises and self-help guides that can help you work through your anxiety. In addition, we also have a large community of listeners who are willing to be there for you if your ever feel the need to talk!

#anxiety #anxious #anxietythroughtheroof #covid #support #help


1 reply
nessa104 April 10th, 2022


1)( Characters: 389) Starting with the question is a great technique it keeps the audience engaged, amazing work . Excellent for providing details and link of 7 cups however you can add trending hashtags like covid to reach more audience.

2)(Characters: 495)I can sense your sincerity and concern, well done on validating them! it helps to build trust level, they might check the links, amazing work in all. keep up :)

A quick reminder: each tweet has 280 maximum characters, but you can create a thread tweet.

Kpopcat2020 April 13th, 2022


I like it! The hashtags are relevant and so is the response tweet. The emotion you are trying to show it very evident, too. Nice work!

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nessa104 April 10th, 2022
  1. Create one general hypothetical tweet that is supportive and compassionate.

    Are you getting frustrated easily? Experiencing burnout, need someone to talk

    You asked, We listened.

    Register here: is here to support you anonymously, 24/7 & free !!

    #needtotalk #frustrated #covid #7cups #Burnout

    1. Respond to this Tweet using the outreaching tips:

      I feel for you. It is distressing when people ignore COVID guidelines. I applaud you for giving voice to concerns of anxiety; talking about this generally helps. How about we talk more about it here at

      I am looking forward to hearing from you :)

      #7cups #anxiety #covid

1 reply
ouiCherie April 10th, 2022


Love it! And You're on Team Lightship, right? If yes, I'm glad that you are 💜 looking forward to tweeting together!


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Kpopcat2020 April 13th, 2022
  1. Create one general hypothetical tweet that is supportive and compassionate.

    How much do you let a little mistake ruin your day? If you said a lot, come join us at 7 Cups, where we empower people to do better.

1 reply
Kpopcat2020 April 13th, 2022


Sorry, needed to add part 2.

Response to this could be:

Hi, I'm ________, and I would like to invite you to join us at 7 Cups. I'd love to hear from you. 😁

1 reply
ouiCherie May 7th, 2022


Lovely! Well done, K!


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hopezzy April 17th, 2022


  1. Create one general hypothetical tweet that is supportive and compassionate.

It's always better if we have someone to listen to us without judgement right? If you like to share what's on your mind with one of those empathetic people we're here for you

2. Respond to this Tweet using the outreaching tips:

It is indeed frustrating when we see people not following the safety precautions during this tough time. I can relate. If you would like to get support for anxiety our #7cups would be a great place to get it from.
Here's a link:

Hope you stay safe and sound. (:

1 reply
ouiCherie May 7th, 2022


Perfect! Well done hopezzy! 💜


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