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1) Introduction to Content and Marketing at 7 Cups

SoulfullyAButterfly January 24th, 2021

7 Cups currently has separate dedicated teams that focus on both Content and Marketing. This discussion outlines both teams and provides an overview of their current focus.

(A) Content Volunteer Team

The Content Volunteer Team was relaunched and redesigned in 2020 and is led by @SoulfullyAButterfly - more information including an application can be found here


The team works to improve site content in the following areas:

(i) Questions and Answers (Q&A Pages): Quality answers are researched and written in light of search engine optimization (SEO) and other best practices to ensure that the community gets verified, valuable information in response to common mental health questions and concerns. These answers are considered “short tasks” as they involve quicker content production.

(ii) Expert Mental Health News and Advice Section: Existing, published articles are reviewed to ensure up-to-date information, quality length, expert verified facts and other important topic categories by editors.

In addition, fresh content is produced for:

(iii) Expert Mental Health News and Advice Section: Alongside fresh content provided by experts, the team works to research and produce relevant fresh content articles that help boost information and awareness related to the categories that 7 Cups offers expertise in. Writers are welcome to collaborate with experts to publish co-authored articles or produce content individually to be published under the 7 Cups Community Account.

(iv) All other Content Needs: The team is ready to tackle and undertake content tasks that may come up as other needs. These content assignments can relate to listener guides, upcoming growth path playlists, improvement and support of online therapy-related information as well as many other possibilities!

(B) Team Lightship

As a revamp to the Social Soldiers Team at 7 Cups, Project Lightship was announced in late 2020 as the current volunteer-led marketing team for 7 Cups on Twitter. It is currently being led by @Rebecca947 and @Isentropic


The team intends to eliminate mental health stigma by identifying those who need support as presented by social media (Twitter) based messages. The team not only works on bringing awareness by using and promoting mental health-based content but actively outreaches to potential users in need of a safe haven to invite them to use 7 Cups.

The team currently has one track with a focus on:

(i) Outreaching to 20 people with compassionate messages and support per month

(ii) Generating content and posting 5 posts.

As the team is currently testing only one track, we can expect future opportunities with the growth of Team Lightship! Further information, including an application, can be found here

Other Social Media Platforms for Content:

In the meantime, 7 Cups has official accounts on social media platforms that are run by community admins. Students of this current course as well as the Content Team will prospectively add to these content and content marketing efforts!

Find and follow the 7 Cups Official Accounts on Social Media:

Instagram - @7Cups ​| Twitter - @7Cups & @7CupsTeen | Facebook - 7CupsOfTea | Youtube - 7 Cups of Tea

Question for Discussion:

Which current area of the Content or Marketing focus at 7 Cups interests you the most? Please feel welcome to share your reasons.


This post is brought to you by the Content Development and Marketing Program, find out more information about the program here

Note: If you intend to use Artificial Intelligence tools to help you fulfill any of the program’s requirements or electives, you are expected to adhere to our AI policy. You can read more about it here.

Happy900 July 12th, 2021

@Star996 Glad to know that.

Star996 July 13th, 2021



Happy900 July 13th, 2021

@Star996 Thank you for your, kindness.

cuteeeezombieeee July 7th, 2021


I would love to focus on the content development aspect. Writing has always come naturally to me and I intend to use those skills to contribute on 7Cups. The Q&A pages interest me the most as I feel that a lot of people can come together to share their thoughts and opinions and work towards a solution.heart

kindLemonade July 9th, 2021


Welcome in CDM, cutezombie (I hope I can call you this? ) . I'm so glad that you found a suitable program which can utilize your own natural gift of writing. Cannot wait to read more of your works during the coure!

ouiCherie July 12th, 2021

While I'm interested in all areas, I like to focus on editing works and crafting fresh articles.

Reasons: I'm fascinated by Marketing in general, and I worked in the field for years before. I love writing, graphic design, and video production in the digital content industry, but editing and writing articles would be my preference.

kindLemonade July 12th, 2021

wooo hoo! So awesome to have you on the course, Cherie heart
It's wonderful that you worked in Marketing before, this would aid a lot in the program overall I think.

I hope you will enjoy and have the best time out of the course!

ouiCherie July 12th, 2021

😁 thank you Lemo @kindLemonade I sure will have fun 💜

RationalMe7 July 12th, 2021


Which current area of the Content or Marketing focus at 7 Cups interests you the most? Please feel welcome to share your reasons.

I am more interested in the marketing aspect. Here are my reasons for that:

I did a marketing course in college. This is a good opportunity to help.
Marketing is a mass contact with the public & involves dynamic content creation.

kindLemonade July 29th, 2021


That's so awesome to hear that you learned about marketing before. I would have to PM you for more tips then cheeky

KACOSMIC July 12th, 2021


Which current area of the Content or Marketing focus at 7 Cups interests you the most? Please feel welcome to share your reasons.

** The area that interests me the most is creating my own articles about mental health, psychology and spirituality... As outside of 7 cups i'm a professional writer and i have knowledge about those specifics topics, i think that i would add great value to the 7 cups.

kindLemonade July 12th, 2021

Wooo hello kascosmic. I'm a fan of your writing in Healthy Living. So glad that you joined CDM and cannot wait for what you come up with next during the program yes

Matej45678 July 12th, 2021

Which current area of the Content or Marketing focus at 7 Cups interests you the most? Please feel welcome to share your reasons.

I am more interested in the Content Volunteer Team, to be honest.
Although I think that social media is full of harmful and toxic content that can damage mental health, and I sincerely respect the Team Lightship for striving to improve the over-all filth flowing through social media by creating helpful content, I find the Content Volunteer Team more suitable for me.

I am also involved in some other projects and I enjoy writing. In my free time, I write more in the artistic sense and I also always enjoy writing essays. Some of these projects are mental-health related.
I don't know if it's an option, but I would like to contribute with some "essay-like" articles, mixing philosophy and art, while keeping it all mental-health related and as helpful as possible (philosophy stands in the core of marketing and art adds a cherry to the cake, art is even proven to lower suffering). Please, let me know, if there's an option like this and if not, that's completely okay and I will be glad to focus on the other possibilities, they sound great, too, especially section III, since I am interested in psychology and enjoy reading psychology books and journals and would like writing reseach-based articles on 7 Cups.

Happy900 July 12th, 2021

@Matej45678 Glad to know that.
Thanks for sharing.

SoulfullyAButterfly OP July 13th, 2021

@Matej45678 welcome to the course! I am glad to read about your interests. As for your question - I am very open to exploring different forms of content so you are welcome to perhaps use your first article as part of the course to be focused on your preferred writing style/format and we can see how that goes - I think it will be very interesting for all of us!

KiaraB26 July 21st, 2021

I'm interested in producing fresh content and editing existing articles about mental health. I feel this will help members understand, to a certain extent, what they are going through. I would also love to answer questions on the question and answer page!

kindLemonade July 21st, 2021


Welcome to CDM program, Kiara!
I would love to try out the Q&A section too heart

Iamanotheru July 24th, 2021


First of all, thank you so much for asking this question. Actually, I am aiming to be a psychotherapist and I obviously enjoy studying psychology as a subject. So, I am very much interested in writing journals and articles related to mental health awareness.

kindLemonade July 24th, 2021


Wow, I love your goal of being a psychotherapist. I admire people working in the mental health field. I look forward to reading your articles! Thank you for joining the program and sharing with us your interests. heart

Mel July 25th, 2021
Which current area of the Content or Marketing focus at 7 Cups interests you the most? Please feel welcome to share your reasons.

My choice would be Content Volunteer Team with a focus on Questions and Answers (Q&A Pages)! I feel like this is a very important project as it directly goes to people searchs and would hopefully help bring more people in to the site and to getting help!
kindLemonade July 25th, 2021


Amazing to hear that Mel. Personally, I have never posted anything for the Q&A sections but after joining CDM I'm so interested in posting my very first posts there!

Welcome to CDM

SoulfullyAButterfly OP July 25th, 2021

@kindLemonade @Mel I really like that both of you have an interest for the Q&A Pages

Mel July 26th, 2021

@SoulfullyAButterfly thank you <3

Cazzy8752 July 25th, 2021

Hi, I'm interested in all and everything with this course.
I hope it don't become too overwhelming because I'm also now committed to my posts in 50+ Community with Cazzie's Corner.

Very keen to learn it all for my own growth and development in this area.

kindLemonade July 26th, 2021


hi Cazzy, you were mentioning 50+ community and Cazzy Corner in a discussion I hosted last time. I’m so happy to hear this new venture of yours. This CDM course has been very helpful to me personally. I admit, there can be quite a handful of new information to take in. Thus, If at any point you need help or if you ever feel overwhelmed, please do reach out to an Academy Mentor here.

Welcome to CDM!

Cazzy8752 July 26th, 2021

Thank you and I am also very excited and I believe the CDM course will be of great benefit for me in my new venture and in the future.

greatfulPassion July 26th, 2021

I would like to join Content volunteer team

kindLemonade July 29th, 2021


Welcome to Content Development and Marketing Program. It would be delightful to have you on the Content volunteering team. thank you for all your contribution to raise awareness about mental health.

kindLemonade July 29th, 2021


It's awesome to know that you're finishing your degree soon, CryBaby. Welcome to the CDM program. I have personally learned a lot about writing and how to make writing more accessible, reaching out to more people through this course. I hope that you would find it helpful too.

milkoreos July 30th, 2021

@CryBaby997 That's lovely to hear :0 You're graduating soon. welcome to CDM :D

milkoreos July 30th, 2021

@SoulfullyAButterfly team lightship seems like something i'd be a good fit for! reaching out to people offering support seems like something i am good at, and have the potential to grow in.

kindLemonade July 30th, 2021


hello - welcome to the CDM program. I'm in team light ship too! Hope to get you onboard and hope that you enjoy this course!

twilight000 August 1st, 2021

I'm interested in editing articles and writing them! Research and writing are two things I'm good at and I'm excited to do the course!

kindLemonade August 1st, 2021

That's awesome, your interest fits perfectly with the program's contents. Welcome to CDM course and I hope that you will love your stay here!

RainyThoughts August 2nd, 2021

Which current area of the Content or Marketing focus at 7 Cups interests you the most?

I am excited about writing an article on the topic I chose and publishing it. The topic might relate more to anxiety and it can be a self-healing exercise for me.

kindLemonade August 2nd, 2021


Hi RainyThoughts, welcome to the CDM program.

I am currently writing my first article for 7cups as a part of the assignment and I have to say, it's self-healing for me too. Therefore I also wish you would gain what you expected from the course. Anxiety is an important topic and issue that many of us struggle with. Thank you for your willingness to write and to contribute your understanding/ thoughts/ ideas to others.

Best wishes and good luck with your 2 weeks trial heart

Pewley August 3rd, 2021


For me it is expert mental health news and advice section as now a days people face lots of mental illness and with the help of 7Cups they can layout their thoughts.

kindLemonade August 7th, 2021


Oooh, thanks for sharing with us. It is very kind of you to help raise mental health awareness via writing

Pewley August 7th, 2021

@kindLemonade welcome ☺️

Brinaa101 August 6th, 2021

I would like to be authoring fresh content and general articles. This is because I would like to improve upon my listening skills and contribute positively to the 7 Cups community by providing helpful and accurate articles.