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12) About the Writer: Writing Effective Writer Biographies

SoulfullyAButterfly March 10th, 2021

As discussed before, incorporating EAT helps enhance content quality and helps more people discover the developed content.

Apart from ensuring EAT within our content, we need to ensure that we have effective writer biographies that support the developed content.

In this discussion, we will understand how to ensure effective writer biographies through applying EAT and other best practices.

  1. Expertise

  • When considering the expertise factor for author biographies, expertise refers to the credentials or experience the author has.
  • Medical content is best supported/expertised through medical professionals, for example, and similarly, relevant experience or education qualifies as expertise.
  • However, if one does not have a degree, expertise can be demonstrated through lived experience or other ways. For example, being an active listener for 7 Cups for 3 years does demonstrate expertise in listening and supporting mental health concerns.

Note: To keep up with the Expertise factor’s need, 7 Cups currently either pairs content writers with experts and content is published through the expert profile with the writer biography contained at the end of the co-authored article, or publishes writer works through a shared account called “7 Cups Community, Global Support” - the biography of this account is optimized to reflect EAT.

  1. Authoritativeness

  • Authority in terms of an author biography refers to the number of citations the author has. This includes their publications and other published content, as well as any reviews or things that show the impact or quality of their work.
  1. Trust

  • Trust is also determined by an author’s citations - trusted authors have published content for websites and publications that score high on EAT factors.
  • Trust is also established through the quality of an author’s content.


Using the factors discussed above, write a biography for your prospective articles at 7 Cups. Feel welcome to include your real name/pseudonym or first name - anything you are comfortable with being prospectively published!

After you have written the brief paragraph-form biography, point out what parts of the biography highlight each of the EAT factors.

Respond to at least one other student’s biography and comment your feedback for improvement.

Bonus (Optional): Consider starting a 7 Cups creator portfolio here!


This post is brought to you by the Content Development and Marketing Program, find out more information about the program here

sophiasanae August 1st, 2021


Forgot the second part haha!

Expertise: Experience with roles, long-term dedication to projects on 7 Cups

Authority: Creating content for the discussions project

Trust: I talked about my mission statement/motivation at the end

Lannylistens September 9th, 2021


Great job sophia! I loved your biography <3

sophiasanae September 11th, 2021


Aww thank you!

Matej45678 August 4th, 2021
I take absolutely no pleasure in describing myself, in fact, I always try to avoid it, that's why I keep this biography short. I dislike talking about myself and putting myself on the top, admiring myself. Bringing up personal achievements and other useless trumperies in one's biography seems as a if one was looking into a mirror and repeating to himself how pretty he is. That's why I rather write about what I believe in and prefer to keep my biography short.
Matej is a verified listener with 5 star rating, who started on 7 Cups in December 2020, dedicating himself to supporting and understanding members who ask for help.
His main reason for doing so comes from the fact that he has experienced mental-health related problems throughout his life, such as drug addiction, depression and anxiety, thus he is able to identify with the people who go through similar struggles, and believes that every being should be loved and understood. No matter the difference between personalities, he believes that each person is worthy of compassion and empathy.
In his personal life, he is currently a student, and apart from participating in the Internship Program and Content Developement and Marketing on 7 Cups, he's involved and active in writing, art and mental-health projects and programs, but wishes to remain anonymous, so he does not discuss them in detail.
Expertise: I mentioned my rating on 7 Cups as a listener, that I'm a verified listener and when my listening journey began. Also, I mentioned my activity in the 7 Cups Programs. Additionally, I shared that I have personal experience with issues I prefer to write about.
Authoritativeness: I mentioned that I am a verified listener and have a 5 star rating.
Trust: I mentioned my experience outside of 7 Cups.
KACOSMIC August 11th, 2021


Very well written biography.... well done

Matej45678 August 11th, 2021


Thank you very much. But, I like yours more, it's more rich, precise and detailed.heart

KACOSMIC August 11th, 2021


Author Biography.

kacosmic is a verified and active listener on 7cups since june 2017, listening to adult members. She have completed the Community Building Course and also is a forum supporter on the Healthy Living support community, she have had listen about 1,108 people and have helped 523 people also, having 70 numbers of good reviews, also helped translating the site into her native language, earned 118 badges, she is also certified in courses like '' Know Thyself - The Value and Limits of Self-Knowledge: The Examined Life'' by the '' The University of Edinburgh'', having your grade achieved of 91,04%, '' Finding Purpose and Meaning In Life: Living for What Matters Most'' by the '' University of Michigan'', having your grade achieved of 82.01%, '' Positive Psychology'' by the '' University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill'', having your grade achieved of 86.40%, ''Mind Control: Managing Your Mental Health During COVID-19'', by the ''University of Toronto'', having your grade achieved of 93.20%, '' Love as a Force for Social Justice'' by the ''Stanford University'', having your grade achieved of 100%, '' Build a Full Website using WordPress'' by the '' Coursera Project Network'', having your grade achieved of 88.88%, '' Introduction to Philosophy'' by the '' University of Edinburgh'', having your grade achieved of 89.20%, '' Origins of Life in the Cosmic Context'' by the ''University of São Paulo'', having your grade achieved of 84.16% and for last the course '' Emotions: a Philosophical Introduction'' by the '' Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona'', having your grade achieved of 64.50%.

As a forum supporter on the Healthy Living support community, she does forums posts to help the community, also she does forums posts on others communities, she has done about 316 forums posts and have 478 Upvotes on her posts.

Outside 7cups she is a professional writer, author of one published book and recently working on the steps to publish her second book. She is also a columnist of 3 websites in her country. Having publications articles and interviews about her work in several websites and magazines.

Top Interests/Categories I would like to Focus On:

Mental Health
Substance Abuse

What I am Currently Working On:

Enrolled as a trainee in the Content Development Program and Building Community Program . Also supporting subcommunities as part of my work as a forum supporter.

Comments on EAT:

Expertise: My experience as a listener, work on my roles and dedication on 7 Cups, also sharing informations about my study historic and licensed certificates

Authority: The work done on communities .

Trust: My work outside 7 Cups.

Matej45678 August 11th, 2021


I've seen some of the courses that you mention. But I have not taken any. sad Wonderfully written, by the way. heart

KACOSMIC August 12th, 2021


Thank you....smiley

explore1000 August 12th, 2021


Really well writen! I love how you mentioned specific detials ❤️

KACOSMIC August 13th, 2021


Thank you so muchsmiley

magicalOcean594 June 30th, 2022


i like how you put what you are working on currently in the bottom of the biography that was super smart!!! Shows that you are continueing progress

explore1000 August 12th, 2021

Maanya has been a passionate listener since April, 2021. Since then, she has played an active role in the Verified Listener's team, Leadership Development Program, Daily Listener Check-ins, Internship Program, and (recently) the Content Program. In the Content Program, she has eagerly accepted to create Instagram Reels for the public to view. Maanya also spends much of her time in our community listening and empathizing with members; She receives fair ratings and reviews on our platform. She deeply appreciates the opportunities 7 Cups has provided her, helping her to enhance her skills for the real world.

E- listed credentials and programs i take part in

A- Publishing Instagram Reels

T- refer to quality of my work in my listener ratings

Mel August 16th, 2021

@explore1000 great job! I specially liked how you listed the teams you're involved in. That really shows experience and helps build up trust.

and in the end the love you take, is equal to the love you make. - Mel, 7Cups Ambassador

Mel August 16th, 2021

Mel is close to hear 7th anniversary as an active trained listener. With an average of 5 stars, she's been, since August 2014, dedicating her time to supporting both the teen and adult sides of our community. Her areas of involvement right now are mainly chatroom and subcommunity based, although in the past she has been responsible for multiple mentor and mentor leader role applications as well as contributing by creating and leading several active listening tests, forum posts, blog posts and social media content. You may find her lurking through the site or deeply into the needs reply queue as well as in PMs, listening or helping her mentees. Mel has helped over 450 members through 2,098 chats, 644 Group Support Chats and 2,526 Listener Group Chats. She's made over 2,557 forums posts obteining 4,484 forum upvotes.

In her personal life, she's a devoted friend, student and leader. Working on finishing her bachelor degree in Physics and dreaming of becoming a teacher.

E - listing my experience as a listener.
A - projects I'm involved in and previous publications.
T - listed the stats from my profile.

KiaraB26 August 17th, 2021

This is great! Fantastic job!💜

secrecykhasya August 18th, 2021

@ yeayy to the near 7th anniversary. It's short and simple yet full of contents. This is wonderful ^^

secrecykhasya August 18th, 2021

@Mel (sorry i miss the @ )

KiaraB26 August 17th, 2021

Kiara is a student in the medical line. She is a part of the content development and marketing program on 7cups. She is a trained, active and verified listener on 7cups and focuses on helping teenagers. She has had more than 130 conversations and helped around 65 people. She has many positive reviews for the same.
She has had close encounters with mental health issues, mainly anxiety (hypochondria) and would like to help people work through their issues with someone by their side. She aspires to be a doctor. She is non-judgmental, empathetic and accepting and continues to strive to help as many people as possible.

Expertise: I have included my roles in 7cups and also am in the medical field.
Authority: I have mentioned the reviews I have received on 7cups.
Trust: All my posts are visible on 7cups forums.

secrecykhasya August 18th, 2021

@KiaraB26 Well written! Love the contents in it ^^

milkoreos August 23rd, 2021

@KiaraB26 wonderful biography kiara :0

twilight000 August 25th, 2021


Interesting how you included some information from your personal life. I think that really adds to the trust factor by opening up.

SunshineNaina January 31st, 2023


This is very well written and it reflects all the EAT factors nicely.

funnyCircle178 August 21st, 2021


Desirea has been a member of Seven Cups for several years. While utilizing their services, she began pursuing her goal of becoming a writer. After taking classes at Full Sail University, Desirea started working as a content writer for various companies. Desirea is still working on obtaining her Bachelors in Creative Writing. This will be used to further her career in content writing and in writing her own books. When the opportunity to help Seven Cups as a content writer appeared, she was excited to do what she loves for the benefit of others.

funnyCircle178 August 21st, 2021

E-Creative Writing Classes
A-Experience writing for several companies
T-Classes taken

milkoreos August 23rd, 2021


Ari began her listener journey 7 Cups in June of 2021. At the moment, she's present in many leadership positions on 7 cups: a proactive listener, discussions leader, sharing circle host, and a Teen Star Mentor. She is enrolled in all available 7 cups Academy courses, bringing her experience and knowledge to an increasingly higher level. A graduate of the Building Community program, she enjoys creating engagement in the forums. Ari is a full-time student studying Psychology at Heriot-Watt University. During her free time, you can discover her replying to forum posts, reading, or baking.

Expertise: Relevant courses studied are mentioned

Trust: I have many forum posts, with equally many forum upvotes.

Authoritative: Mentioned that I am present in many leadership positions.

RainyThoughts August 25th, 2021


That's a very well-written biography. I love how you mentioned a lot of roles and courses that are relevant and shows that you are a very hardworking and diligent listener :)

RainyThoughts August 25th, 2021

RainyThoughts is one of the listeners on 7 cups that have joined a few months ago. Even if she has not been on 7 cups for long, she has received good reviews and has been connecting with members to support them. Her experiences and knowledge she collected from reading and researching as well as from psychology classes, show understanding of stress, anxiety, and depression. Currently, she is participating in the program for Content Development and Marketing (CDM) Program in order to gain experience in creating content and use her existing skills in art and improve pixel art as well as writing skills.

Expertise - Joined a few months ago. I am studying psychology and had experiences with mental health that could be beneficial to understanding and encouraging members to feel better.

Authoritative - Have mentioned my skills, unfortunately, I haven't gained enough roles or experience before writing here which shows me being a beginner.

Trust - Could be seen by me saying my experiences with mental health issues and also knowledge in psychology.

Brinaa101 August 25th, 2021


Brina has been a verified active listener since February of 2021. She currently has a 5-star rating, 11 positive reviews, 64 badges, and has completed 35 training courses. She successfully completed the Leaders Development Program, the 7 Cups Internship, Community Building Course, and is now working on completing the Content and Development Marketing Program. She also recently got into the role of being a part of the Verifiers Team.

Her number one priority is making the members she talks to safe, heard, and welcomed. She believes that everyone can learn something from one another, through diverse perspectives, and that everyone deserves to be loved and heard. She hopes to continue making a positive impact on the 7 Cups community.

E: Completed three programs and is currently enrolled in one more program.

A: Leadership role and excellent rating/reviews.

T: I’ve received upvotes on messages I posted in forums.

Daf8 September 8th, 2022
❤️ @Brinaa101 ❤️

❤️ Hi, amazing person! I like how specific your biography is: with time, readers that visit your profile will be able to appreciate your evolution! Your work also is clear and easy to read. For improvement, I'd suggest checking the grammar (for example, instead of "making the members she talks to safe", putting "making the members she talks to *feel* safe") and including your upvotes, since you mentioned it for EAT but didn't add that to the biography. However, I liked the mention of your completed Academy Programs, since that adds a lot of relevance. Additionally, including your personal priority (about emotionally supporting members) was a fantastic idea. Overall, wonderful work: Keep it up! ❤️
twilight000 August 25th, 2021

@twilight000 is a verified active listener volunteering with 7 Cups since Februrary 2021. She currently has a five start rating and many positive reviews on her profile.

She is currently working on her high school diploma as a junior in high school. She is a published author and singer-songwriter, and enjoys working on 7 Cups to assist others with life. She is eager to continue working with 7 Cups to help people who need it.

Expertise: Trained through 7 Cups, working here for almost a year.
Authoritiveness: Positive reviews and ratings.
Trust: Verified, experienced, has many positive reviews.

amomtessa August 27th, 2021

Amazing biography. Could add more content in your biography.

amomtessa August 27th, 2021

Amomtessa has been a member of 7 cups for months. She has recently joined the content volunteering team as an Editorial Assistant. Besides being a member, she is a trained active listener on 7 cups and has helped 113 people so far. She is a Room Supporter of Newbie Hub and Positivity and Gratitude sub-community of 7 Cups. Outside 7 Cups, she is a final year undergraduate student of Applied Psychology. She is an introvert and a highly sensitive person, an avid reader, and loves listening to pop music. She is passionate about spreading mental health awareness and looks forward to many such roles provided by 7 Cups.
EXPERTISE- Mentioned the experience of an active listener on 7 Cups and a Bachelors degree.
AUTHORITATIVENESS- Mentioned the leadership role
TRUST- Being an HSP and having a passion for removing stigma related to mental health, she can be trusted.

Lannylistens September 9th, 2021


Lanny has been an active trained listener on 7cups since Feb 2021. Even though he has not been on 7cups for long, he has listened to over 37 persons and has received many positive ratings and reviews with an average of 5 stars. Currently, he is a trainee in the Content Development and marking program. After this program, he intends to create and publish content that promotes mental health awareness in his country, Barbados. He is interested in developing content specifically in Family, Grief, Loss, Relationships, and Child & Adolescent because he has the first-hand experience with each category. Lanny is a full-time second-year student at the Univerisity of the Southern Caribbean studying Biology. At university, he is a member of the Research & Gnostai Club, Leader of the iProvide Ministries, and a sub-committee member of the highest student club (Associated Student Body). In his free time, you can find him volunteering, singing, hiking, jogging, spending time with friends, and spreading awareness on mental health.

1. First-hand experience with Family, Grief, Loss, Relationships, and Child & Adolescent.
2. Experience as an Active Listener.

1. Published reviews and a 5-star rating.
2. Leadership roles in the university.

1. Positive reviews and participation in chat rooms.
2. Experience outside of 7cups

SheAlwaysListens September 9th, 2021


Your writer biography is very informative and I really like how you included your achievements outside of 7 Cups as well. You incorporated EAT well into your writer biography and clearly pointed out what parts of the biography highlight those factors. It is a perfect writer biography.

emotionalCurrent5586 October 26th, 2021

@Lannylistens you never missed any of EAT. the way it was written was clear and informative. Great Job!

GoldenRuleJG January 29th, 2022

@Lannylistens, just one pointer to check the spelling. But your biography reflects your personality which is good, excellent EAT examples. Nice and concise work/.

dreamRainbows3245 February 17th, 2022


Great biography so very clear and gives a good insight into who you are and what you offer.

Also, really like that you included 2 things for each EAT criteria.

SheAlwaysListens September 9th, 2021


SheAlwaysListens is a verified active listener on 7 Cups. She follows the motto ‘alone we are strong, together we are stronger’ and believes that her role as a listener proves that statement as she has received a number of positive reviews and feedback. She is currently a Content Development and Marketing (CDM) intern at 7 Cups as she has a keen interest in marketing as well as developing content. She has an expertise in this field as she has a business and marketing educational background and hence decided to take part in the CDM internship.

Expertise- Business and Marketing educational background.

Authoritativeness- Positive reviews and feedback on 7 Cups.

Trust- 7 Cups verified listener badge.

azuladragon34 September 14th, 2021


I love your biography. Though concise, it says alot and you potray EAT well. Good job