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11) Headlining and Sub-Headlining Effective Content Pieces

SoulfullyAButterfly January 31st, 2021

Article titles (headlines), as well as subheadlines, are one of the first things a reader reads.

In this discussion, we will understand effective strategies to write headline titles as well as subheadlines to these titles.

Some general tips include:

  • Avoid long article titles: try to fit the title within 62 characters or limit it to 5-7 words.

  • Consider using “What”, “Why”, “How”, or “When” as these are catchy and add to curiosity.

  • Use Numbers - numbers ensure the availability of organized information, and are generally liked: using Odd Numbers in the title has helped in terms of SEO. Remember to write the number itself (5 instead of five).

  • To add specificity, consider using “the” before the number.

  • Provide an answer to why people should click and read your content: words like “tips”, “strategies”, “facts”, “reasons” all help provide a rationale.

  • Include the word “Guide” where applicable.

  • Consider using emotional adjectives that describe the topic. For example, “essential”, “free” etc.

  • Consider outlining Negative aspects - spin this to meet mental health content goals. For example, The 5 Essential Things You Did Not Know About Depression.

  • Use common words to ensure people understand and grasp the topic while finding the title simple

  • Consider using a “Things I Wish I Had Known” approach to content if applicable.

How to test your headline as being unique:

Copy and paste your headline with quotation marks into the Google search bar. (e.g. “The 5 Essential Things You Did Not Know About Depression”) - if the results come back as “no results found”, your headline is unique!

Helpful Resource: Useful Title Capitalization Tool

Note: The bottom line to success in terms of marketing and content is to ensure that your content body reflects the great headline/title. It might be worth considering to write final titles after the content body.

Subheadlines: Effective subheadlines summarize the content body while also linking it to the title.


Using the knowledge attained through this discussion, propose a new article title as well as a subheadline for this published article at 7 Cups.

Reply to at least one other student’s response and share your feedback with them

(Edited by @SoulfullyAButterfly: 12/2/2021 to clarify "subheadline" instead of subheading)


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unassumingFarm3602 May 16th, 2021


Hi there! The last part of our headings is the same, haha (purely coincidental, I assure you...)

Great work, both the title and the subheadline are concise and quite attention-grabbing. Keep it up!

unassumingFarm3602 May 16th, 2021


6 Clues to Beat the Holiday Blues: Pandemic Edition

Sub-headline: Home for the holidays (literally)? This holiday season, feel at home with yourself!

unassumingFarm3602 May 16th, 2021


Here's an edited version of my heading and subheading to avoid resemblance with @Luigi123's work:

6 Brilliant Clues to Beat the Holiday Blues!

Sub-headline: Home for the holidays this time (literally)? This holiday season, feel at home with yourself!

ouiCherie July 14th, 2021

Hi @unassumingFarm3602
Both versions of your Title are great, but the edited one aced it! And... the rhyme is fun 😁

Happy900 June 6th, 2021

@unassumingFarm3602 Love the bold type.

sereneMango3007 June 21st, 2021

Wow! I love the headline (I'm guessing this was a referencing to Blue's Clues?) I think both the headline and subheadline were creative and gave off a positive vibe ^-^

LovetoGod May 22nd, 2021


How to Make Your Holidays Happy?

Six Things to Bring Pleasure

DaisyDaph May 23rd, 2021


It's a good title! 🙂

However iI seems a bit too general and short to understand the gist of it, especially the subheadline.

I would suggest for the headline: 6 ways to make your Holidays happy

And for the subheadline: Feeling unhappy this season? Find out ways to bring happiness and pleasure to your Holidays!

LovetoGod May 23rd, 2021


Thanks for telling me. That's great too ❤

Happy900 June 6th, 2021

@DaisyDaph Nice job.

One small correction, you forgot to get rid of your small i, to get rid of your error, remember to use, the backspace key on your computer. I hope this tip was helpful.

DaisyDaph May 23rd, 2021

6 Jolly and Joyous ways to Cope with Loneliness during the Pandemic

The holidays are here, but where your heart is, there the occasion will be. Let us explore essential, heart-warming ways in coping with Loneliness during the Pandemic.

blindHeart12 June 5th, 2021


Article: Lonely ? Wondering how to celebrate holidays ?

Sub-Headline: Six different Ideas to make celebration a worth memory.

Izzy274 June 24th, 2021


I love how you included the questions in the title and the phrasing of the subheadline is really eloquent :)
Perhaps one idea would be to use the number 6 instead of typing it or adding What/ How/ Why to the title questions?

SupportiveSpace8282 June 6th, 2021


Feeling and Staying Festive From a Distance: COVID Edition


Practicing Gratitude

Staying Connected

Festivities From a Distance

Reaching Out

Shifting Gears


SupportiveSpace8282 June 6th, 2021


Whoops! I did this wrong. Let me repost:


Feeling and Staying Festive From a Distance: COVID Edition


Practicing Gratitude, Staying Connected, Reaching Out, and Shifting Gears to Practice Self-love

Happy900 June 6th, 2021

@SupportiveSpace8282 Nice Job. Very organized and professional looking.

Creamyyy June 12th, 2021


The phrase "from a distance" is very catchy and apt, keeping covid19 distancing precautions in mind. Sub-headings could be condensed a little. Great work!

Saro007 June 14th, 2021


I love it! Both your headline and subheadline are looking really professional and I love that you added: COVID edition!

Keep up the good work Space!

Creamyyy June 12th, 2021


Article Titte: The 6 Habits for A Happy Holiday Mood

Sub-heading: Turn your holiday blues into rainbows with these uplifting activities.

SupportiveSpace8282 June 13th, 2021


I like the optimism that your title conveys. The connection between blues and rainbows that you made in your subheading is also attention grabbing and unique. Great job!

Creamyyy June 13th, 2021

Thanks for the encouraging feedback

Saro007 June 14th, 2021


Propose a new article title as well as a subheadline for this published article at 7 Cups.

Headline: Feeling Lonely and Isolated During Holidays?

Subheadline: 6 Useful Tips to Help You Cope During Covid19.
AdventurousSpirit123 June 15th, 2021


I like that your title tells the reader who the article is for. Given that we were probably all feeling lonely last Christmas, it will call to most people. It is 5-7 words.
Your subheadline uses many of the guidelines—the number 6, tips—then again makes it personal to the reader.
I have no suggestions for improvement.

AdventurousSpirit123 June 15th, 2021
propose a new article title as well as a subheadline for this published article at 7 Cups.

5 Tips for Less Lonely Holidays
Successful Strategies for Coping With Loneliness and Loss
BlueTurtle5 June 15th, 2021


Use of a number is good and since they mentioned odd numbers tend to engage more 5 is a good choice, but might consider 5+ since there are 6 sections. I like that your sub headline has several key terms which will help with SEO.

BlueTurtle5 June 15th, 2021

New title: How to Deal with Loneliness During Covid-era Holidays

New subheadline: 6 strategies to help you cope during the most stressful time of year

giggleBubbles6722 June 17th, 2021


How to Isolate the Loneliness This Holiday
6 steps to turn the holiday triggers into treats

caffeinatedcatio June 21st, 2021

Love the creativity of the title and the use of holiday-related antonyms in the subheadline! I honestly don't know if there's anything I could suggest that would improve this, except for maybe checking the capitalization in the headline.

sereneMango3007 June 21st, 2021

Headline: The Holidays are Looking Different This Year

Subheadline: 6 creative ideas for celebrating while facing loneliness

caffeinatedcatio June 21st, 2021

Headline: 6 Tools to Chase Away Holiday Blues
Subheadline: Ways you can make COVID-era holidays feel more fulfilling

Sunisshiningandsoareyou July 11th, 2021
Hey @caffeinatedcatio , I like how you encapsulated the article through your titles , very attractive and the sub headline gives away the brief about the entire article too . Good job ! 😊
caffeinatedcatio October 8th, 2021

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Thank you!

Izzy274 June 24th, 2021

The 6 free ways you can chase away the holiday blues
How to use strategies to help with loneliness during the festive season

Icecream2Day July 2nd, 2021

I like your title, it's very catchy!
The subtitle might be a little long though

Izzy274 July 2nd, 2021

Thanks for your feedback, I'll try a shorter one next time :)

Icecream2Day July 2nd, 2021

Title: How to make your holidays less lonely

Subtitle: Ways to spend your vacation in company

Sunisshiningandsoareyou July 11th, 2021
Besides the various tasks , I am really grateful for your insights and helpful tips , thanks so much @SoulfullyAButterfly ❤

Headline :
Want to Overcome the Holiday Blues?
Sub headline :
The 6 awesome ways to shoo away your holiday blues .
kindLemonade July 14th, 2021

I love the term Holiday Blues a lot! Also, I think your use of "shoo away" gave a comforting and friendly vibe to the article.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou July 14th, 2021

Aw glad you feel so @kindLemonade , thanks a ton❤

AriadneLove August 19th, 2021


Sun, that is for sure one very creative Headline! I love terms with the touch of neologisms, it sounds fresh and evokes curiosity. With a question in titles, it is often like in active listening, we try to ask open-ended questions. Our readers mustn't say No to our title:) Excellent, beautiful, playful language in the subtitle, 'shoo away' - I feel like I want to talk to that author already, they are a great guy/girl. The only thing I would pay attention to in the future is avoiding tautology, moreover 'holiday blues are not a perfectly precise term, it is open to interpretation, so it would be great to use subtitles for narrowing it down, like what exactly holiday 'blues stands' for.
Sun, I am so curious about your writings, I hope to see your articles around, your creative writing is over the roof inventive.💜