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Gratitude: Daily Morning Check-In

SoulfullyAButterfly September 7th, 2022

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  • The first thought that I had this morning was....
  • How are you feeling today? ❤️🧡💛💚 We hope you are able to practice gratitude and feel grateful with us! However, it is totally ok to have some days where we are feeling low and finding it difficult to think of things to be grateful for.

Use this space to check-in with us daily and support your peers.

cafedaydreams September 7th, 2022

The first thought that I had this morning was....

"Perhaps I should get up now"

How are you feeling today?

I'm fine. Not overly positive, but also not really negative. It's how I feel a lot of days out of the week, actually.

RainbowRosie September 7th, 2022

The first thought that I had this morning was....

I’d better get moving as I’ve a busy work day ahead..

How are you feeling today?

I’m feeling ok but have a few things on my mind.

purpleTree4652 September 7th, 2022


Hi, Butterfly,

  • The first thought that I had this morning was....deep, deep sadness because I had a nightmare about the death of a 20 year old cat I used to have. I had him since he was 9 weeks old and we grew very close over the years.
  • How are you feeling today? Mixed. Anyone who knows what is happening in my life knows that I am battling terrible circumstances and battling to maintain a forward looking and every-so-slightly-upward-looking outlook. Until my blood family is out of my life, I will keep feeling pain.

MelpomeneHappySad7 September 7th, 2022


Sun is shining

Woke up breathing

so should be good start

but feel sad

AngelButterfly10 September 7th, 2022

Today feeling OK. A bit more optimistic than yesterday so I guess that’s good 😊

imaginativeMaple9828 September 8th, 2022

The first thing tgat came to my mind is that it is almost Friday :) i am waiting for the weekend to spend time with myself and my partner.

I feel sleepy and tired today.

gracefulBelle September 8th, 2022

My first thought this morning was to be grateful for another day :)

Zahraa000 September 8th, 2022

I am grateful that I am healthy and well

Dogsaregreat44 September 8th, 2022

@SoulfullyAButterfly thank you again for your thoughtful posts..

my first thought today was to achieve some much needed tasks, and surprised that I actually got 90% done..

also stopped drinking a little while ago (3weeks +/-) and again had the strength to say no to friends who brought me up some beer 🇦🇺🦘✌️🌄🐾 they asked a few times and once over the shock they were understanding., also weird but a great thing for my mental health..

Lolowise475 September 8th, 2022

Oh I was thinking going to be a packed full day and on the very warm side. And try to stay Positivr and grumpy lol@SoulfullyAButterfly

MissTeeLove September 8th, 2022

Today I really don’t have a positive thought. It was a rough night and I probably slept 4 hours. Now I get to shower and go to work. I’m having a very hard time right now.

sau1itud3 September 8th, 2022

The first thought I had this morning, was that I slept through the entire night, which is rare for me!

CandygirlM September 8th, 2022

Grateful to see the sunrise again ☺️ Feeling thankful

HopefulBambi September 8th, 2022
  • The first thought that I had this morning was.... Let me get some caffeine in my system! And that... is exactly what I did!
  • How are you feeling today? I am doing alright! Although it is barely 7 AM for me currently. I am going to try and make today a productive day on 7 Cups.
ThadSterling September 8th, 2022


Hehe, that was my 2nd thought this morning! Sipping that wonderful beverage right now!

Dogsaregreat44 September 16th, 2022

@HopefulBambi great attitude and screen name ✌️🐾🇦🇺🦘🌄👍

ThadSterling September 8th, 2022


  • The first thought that I had this morning was... "Wow, what a bad dream" lol, but it's okay, and those bad dreams are getting better. It involved my mom and meanness. But I reflected with gratitude on the positive things she gave me, and the love she gave me despite the dark aspects of our relationship while she was alive. I thought, today will be a good day, it doesn't matter if I had a bad dream. I am loved.
  • How are you feeling today? (💛💚) (couldn't decide, but leaning toward green!)
lishalu0606 September 11th, 2022

Is there a color system? Say more 😁

Rainy2022 September 8th, 2022

My first thought about this morning is errands because I'm an adult. Closer to my bigger goal(s) and money to pay rent. More adult life. Heading towards freedom.

warmheartedWest725 September 8th, 2022

Pretty bad, for kind of personal reasons, not all of which I am comfortable sharing yet, to a greater extent than this. Let’s just say, yesterday, when I was out on errands, I really got a sense that a lot of people disliked me or thought I was somehow repulsive, some of which people I didn’t even know. As I am trying to work from home, it is very difficult because I keep thinking why do people seem to hate me so much. Am I really physically ugly or repulsive? Are they forming really really negative assumptions about me? Any number of horrible worries like this keep going through my head and make it all but impossible to focus on my work! If so many people find it so easy to hate me, then perhaps I should be asking why am I even alive? Seems like I shouldn’t be, If my presence seems to bring out the worst in people!

lishalu0606 September 11th, 2022

I deal with this a lot. I've been thankful to learn more about Rejection Sensitivity. I live with a lot of assumptions about what other people think and it's always negative. I feel you. 🥰

AriadneLove September 8th, 2022


The first thought that I had this morning was .. how I want not to talk next 10 min. (missing my me time)
Clio9876 September 8th, 2022

My first thought on waking was, "I slept through!" An uninterrupted night's sleep is a rarity these days. But probably just a result of a very disturbed sleep the night before.

I'm feeling good.

dtanushree September 9th, 2022


I can relate to this. A sound sleep helps you to wake up fresh and there's some magical peace of mind which you get after a good sleep.

So happy to know that you're feeling good. Hope you have a great day/night ahead!

anamcaranv September 9th, 2022


It is that time of day where I begin to really look forward to spending time with my wife over dinner. It's a beautiful thing!!!!

dtanushree September 9th, 2022


That's beautiful indeed ♥️ Thank you for sharing this. ☺️

dtanushree September 9th, 2022


First thought:

I realized I over slept.

I'm feeling:

It's going to be a beautiful day ahead!

Redirecting September 10th, 2022

First Thought: "Wow, I am still here."

Feelings: Grateful 🙏🏾 and prayerful.

lishalu0606 September 10th, 2022

My first thought was about my 1st steps in my plans for healthy change. Today is day 1.

bodhic September 10th, 2022

Life is incredible and terrible at the same time. While sometimes I could do with a little less bad, I'm grateful for all of it nonetheless.

Rayofsunshine80 September 10th, 2022

Today I feel like doing introspection on myself.

NewYorker11 September 10th, 2022


the first thought i had today was to practice good hygienics and take my meds on time!

today, i am feeling normal, i plan on doing some chores, volunteering on 7 Cups, and playing alot of video games!!!

purpleMoon1120 September 11th, 2022

The first thought that I had this morning was why I wasn't able to wake up as early as before. Why do I feel so tired?

momcares68 September 11th, 2022

I am thankful for another day.

Lolowise475 September 11th, 2022
Grateful I can still be here for others.@SoulfullyAButterfly
lishalu0606 September 11th, 2022

Thank goodness I eventually fell asleep!

I'm feeling so-so. I was up a lot in the night. I also realized that my physical pain is an eating when not hungry trigger. That's a great realization but now what to do with it....

SoulfullyAButterfly OP September 12th, 2022

The first thought I had today was that wow I slept well. (And to have tea to maintain that!)

Feeling excited about this week

imaginativeMaple9828 September 12th, 2022

I feel tired and sleepy.

The first thought i had is that i have to wake up for work. I also have to take my meds.

affectionateBeechwood3335 September 12th, 2022

As I was awake most of the night, I'm not even sure where morning started!

lishalu0606 September 12th, 2022


Argh it's only 4:15.

I'm ok. Yesterday was a better day in my progress. I wish I had better sleep but I will adjust as best I can.