What is your favorite podcast?
Cool, I'll have to check it out! My favorite podcast is Office Ladies!
Ahh i love the name already and I love listening to podcasts because it makes it easier to multitask!
I've been an avid listener to Jameela Jamie's "I weigh" it really deconstructs the perfect reality of celebrities and promotes body Neutrality 💗
Ohh I should definitely check that one out. I like multitasking with podcasts as well!
I have sooooo many, podcasts are one of my favorite things for passing time
ologies is probably my favorite nonfiction podcast, literally every episode manages to be super informative and the host is genuinely hilarious even when the scientists she interviews can be a bit stuffy or hard to understand. as for fiction, alice isn't dead is my absolute favorite, the voice acting is outstanding and something about the story of encountering horror after horror driving through america searching for a missing woman is so captivating!
My favorite podcasts are "VS", which is a poetry podcast that centers marginalized poets and interviews them, and "Unlocking Us", a podcast by the amazing social worker and book author Brene Brown. Both of them are my go-tos.
I keep listening to Jay Shetty's podcasts
Me too! That would be my podcast as well!
Jay Shetty.. so inspirational and such a great talker!
I don't listen to podcasts :)
It's a fictional one, but Welcome to Night Vale.
If you haven't come across them yet, Alice isn't dead is made by the same people, and the first season is very good. The Silt Verses also came out recently, and while alot less lighthearted, is a VERY good southern gothic inspired horror podcast ! :-)
I don't have a favorite podcast but I am open to suggestions!
I do not listen to podcasts, maybe I will begin listening to some of your suggestions I have read here.
Hmm, unfortunately, I do not listen to podcasts mostly because I have never been able to make time for them. However, I definitely have listened to some really meaningful podcasts before as well (: