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SoulfullyAButterfly profile picture
World Mental Health Day: Prioritizing Workplace Wellbeing
by SoulfullyAButterfly
Last post
October 16th, 2024
...See more Hi everyone, The 2024 World Mental Health Day theme is Mental Health at Work: It is time to prioritize mental health in the workplace. Some of our admins and ambassadors have shared helpful tips on how to prioritize workplace wellbeing and I will be sharing them in this thread!  Have a reflection about these tips or want to share your own? Feel welcome to join the discussion by replying to this thread.
ASilentObserver profile picture
Work Prompt #20: What is teamwork for you?
by ASilentObserver
Last post
September 11th, 2024
...See more Welcome back all, I hope you are all taking it easy on yourself at work this week. A few weeks ago we discussed: What is one question that might be bothering you? []  Thank you to all who participated and shared their thoughts for discussion. I enjoyed them. I hope you all did too. If you didn't share yours, please share them here [] and I look forward to reading and discussing them with you. This week's prompt: What is teamwork for you? What role does teamwork play in your workplace? This discussion is focused on what is teamwork and how it works out for you. The goal is to discuss and share our thoughts, views, and how we want the teamwork to be. Let's share to discuss I look forward to hearing and discussing with you all. 
tommy profile picture
Work & Career Automated Taglist!
by tommy
Last post
August 18th, 2024
...See more Welcome to the Work & Career Taglist This thread is an auto-updating list. The list is regularly updated by forum leaders and can be found below. Having issues? Reply below and someone will help you! Why should I join the taglist? ✔ Never miss out on sub-community check-ins, discussions or events ✔ Get tagged and notified by community leaders whenever a new relevant thread has been posted ✔ Become a more active member of the community. What do I need to do? ✅ To add yourself to this taglist, press the Post to Thread button below and write the exact words Please add me. ❌ To remove yourself from this taglist, press the Post to Thread button below and write the exact words Please remove me. ------------------------- Current taglist as of 18 August 2024 (updated by @tommy) @bubblegumwings1234 @CyclingThroughLife @daydreammemories @ImpudentIncognito @IsayUncle @KristenHR @nordurnStar @sky2Ocean20 @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @tommy @trueconfidant123 @warmheartedCamp3360
WorthlessBeing43 profile picture
by WorthlessBeing43
Last post
12 hours ago
...See more Recently out of work, no degree, no children, not even a home and having to live with family at 43. I feel my life is already over.
greenSquare9891 profile picture
Feeling lost with my career life
by greenSquare9891
Last post
13 hours ago
...See more I recently studied a bachelor of computer and information science in application development. I don’t know if it is for me and my parents want me to go in it because they paid for 3 years of uni. I finished my degree but I still don’t know how to code. I feel so lost in life and stupid. I have no passion, no interest and I don’t know what I want to go into and I never have. I’m so lost. I don’t mind going into what I studied but I don’t really enjoy coding so I just don’t know what to do.
BlatantHonesty profile picture
Work-life balance
by BlatantHonesty
Last post
13 hours ago
...See more They have not bought you with the salary you receive. Do remember your freedom while working long hours for someone else.
Izila profile picture
Finding balance in busy times
by Izila
Last post
13 hours ago
...See more We talk a lot about "work-life balance", but what does that really mean? Sometimes it feels like an endless juggling act where at least one ball is always about to drop. Work, family, friends, self-care, how in the world are we supposed to fit it all in? Do you have small strategies that help you create more balance in your daily life? Or does balance sometimes feel like a myth we tell ourselves? Feel free to share your thoughts and experiences✨ ------------------------- Tagging from the current taglist: @bubblegumwings1234 @CyclingThroughLife @daydreammemories @ImpudentIncognito @IsayUncle @KristenHR @nordurnStar @sky2Ocean20 @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @tommy @trueconfidant123 @warmheartedCamp3360
Suen00 profile picture
How to get out from academia?
by Suen00
Last post
14 hours ago
...See more Hi everyone, I'm looking for people that left academia after some time in there and looked for and found a job outside. I need to know how's this done basically because I'm having a hard time. I no longer believe in the academic world, how's science been done but mostly how we treat each other and the very poor working and life conditions that surround the environment. Any advice, experience, informal chat would be greatly welcomed :)
Lonewolf360 profile picture
Back at square one
by Lonewolf360
Last post
1 day ago
...See more So for a while or exactly 6-7 ish months I had the lucky opportunity to work at a gym after an endless series of bad interviews and ghosting and for a while it felt good. the people there were nice and it felt like my life was getting back on track after being stuck in limbo for so long until last valentine's day where it all came to a close and honestly I'm kinda scared , I spent so long in that endless cycle of putting on a confident front just to get beat down again and again for stuff that was out of my control that I'm not sure if I have what it takes to go through it all again am I overthinking things or is it just how things are supposed to be?
turquoise21 profile picture
I cannot fathom working for 35+ more years
by turquoise21
Last post
2 days ago
...See more I’m 31. I’m on my fifth job since graduating college back in 2016. Worked for healthcare for the majority of these years, a short stint in the food industry, and now I’m in an entry level corporate position. I am burned out. Beyond burnt out. Every job I’ve held in my professional years has been high stress, unreasonable workloads, and unsatisfying.  I have no aspirations for trying to find a new “career”. I have searched and scoured and taken various free online courses for different interests and I do not care for anything. I just want a job that can make ends meet and not make me mentally unwell   I’m miserable and so exhausted. I’m crabby and *** off all the time. I can’t relax when I’m not at work. I hate all the repeated advice of making sure to set boundaries, getting enough sleep, exercising, having hobbies, not being so serious about work, finding another new job that won’t make you mentally unwell. This is capitalism, baby. Take it or be homeless. All I’ve know is large corporate companies, I can’t imagine small businesses could be better.  I hate that I have to work to survive on a planet I didn’t even ask to be on. I wasn’t made for sitting at a computer for 8+ hours a day, but I have no direction on where to head anymore. I’m completely lost and discouraged. Everyday I hope something just takes me out so I can get a break.  
MRagheb92 profile picture
I need a career coach
by MRagheb92
Last post
February 13th
...See more I'm feeling that I'm stuck especially with my field which is technology which is changing fast
Ssamsymn profile picture
Am I that bad?
by Ssamsymn
Last post
February 13th
...See more Am I that bad at my job? Or is it my fear making me to believe that. I get zero positive feedback from my job. My job is not actually a job, I am a sceintist. There is so much to know, so much to learn. So much to consider. I am getting older, all my years in science, 19 years including studentship, is it for nothing? When am I going to feel satisfied? When am I going to be appreciated? I feel so unsuccessfull, so worthless, incompetent, late... These feelings make me paralized, I can not work. I hope I cover up soon.
HappierAni77 profile picture
Repeated Rejections
by HappierAni77
Last post
February 11th
...See more I graduated from IIT Bombay (Topmost institution in India) last year (2024). It was a lot of struggle to get it, had to crack world's toughest exam in the world, spent 2 years nothing but study for that exam. After I got into the university, I slacked off a lot initially and in third semester ended up having a backlog and lowest possible grades in rest of the courses. Obviously, that's when it hit me, I need to get my life back on track. I studied constantly over and over, burnt myself, sacrificed sleeps and time with friends (ended up having just one friend at the time of graduation), just to up my pointer. I always wanted to a PhD. I applied for grad schools in my final year of bachelors (2023). I didn't get into any university, because of less experience and poor academic record. I applied again in November-December 2024. But this time my final grade was well above 3.0 out of 4.0, had to push my limits too much in the last year for this. And I had 6 months research experience in the field of my interest. Yet, I got REJECTED AGAIN. No single admit, I don't know how to deal with this now, I have put so many efforts from time to time just to make up for my slacking in 2021. Honestly I messed up just once in my undergrad, cause of which I am still reaping. Yes, just ONCE, I was always a bright student, that's how I got into IIT Bombay in the first place, but you commit one mistake and it's sticking with me and all my other efforts are getting completely disregarded. I don’t know how much more efforts or how long will it take to nullify that. I am really tired and emotionally drained and shattered. I don't have it in me to continue anymore. I just wanna give up, marry and be a housewife and throw away all my dreams.
Jaykrisjuno profile picture
Will I be able to keep a job?
by Jaykrisjuno
Last post
February 7th
...See more I have been having just severe fear that I will never be able to keep a job or make friends because I have ADHD and mild Autism. I have support from family and husband but I can never be fully emotional with anyone because they cannot handle it. But with work I’ve tried to be quiet, outgoing and I tend to excel in my field quickly because I don’t really rely on anyone. I do pretend to need people to interact and not because too much hostility to me. But I’m almost looking for new jobs every year because I’ve been assaulted, stalked, fired because of how my mind works. Not my thought process but actually have been told that I need to be brought down to be humble. But how much more humble and patient can I be where people stomp on me like a bug. I feel like there is no support for people, people can do whatever they want and I feel helpless. I have to make sure everything gets documented, just to keep me safe.
meoow13 profile picture
Confused about career!
by meoow13
Last post
January 29th
...See more Anyone from design field. ?

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