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Please, tell me

intellectualHemlock3688 September 4th, 2022

Hello, I am a young teen and since maybe a year, I have been feeling horrible.

Some times, I feel almost depressed, I have low energy, I feel like crying (usually, I really hate crying) and I want to do things that I can not write because if I do, 7cups will not publish this. But, some times, I feel very good, I think that life is interesting and perfect and I want to do a lot of things.

These mood swings can happen in a day, I can wake up feeling happy and I feel horrible the evening

I do not know if it is due to « teen’s mood swings » or anything like that. I thought I had cyclothymia but now I am not sure of anything… can you help me? Is is normal for a teen to experience that? Why am I feeling like that ?

oneamongstyou285 September 4th, 2022

Hi there.. just know it's absolutely normal for teenagers to experience such mood swings, so perhaps it's not a disorder.. Probably the reason you feel depressed sometimes is because of any heartbreaks or not being treated as good as you would want from your loved one or someone special..

Just know expectations lead to hurt.. so probably don't expect much from the world... as an Old teen, i would suggest you to focus on yourself and those who care about you.. while if you care for someone who doesn't give a sh*t abt you, you'll end up being depressed.. So just surround yourself with people who would give it their all to be around you.. And cut off or maintain distance from others... If you don't have anyone who is as good it's fine too.. Be your own biggest admirer.. and have confidence that someday you'll find people who would make your world light up with joy.. but until they arrive you gotta do smthing on your own..

I have a few advices for you...

Find yourself a hobby & give time to it.. try to engage yourself in some physical activity like exercises and sports at least 2hours per week.. If you are on social media i would suggest you join Twitter follow people who inspire you ranging from entrepreneurs to sportspersons.. Spend time with your family every now and then.. it's at this stage generally kids get detached from their families and crave attention of their friends.. but if now you can learn how to live without attention you will grow up to be a better person than those who won't! Focus on your studies too.. Don't Just blindly follow the recent narrative on social media of studies being unimportant.. They are just as important as anything else that is glorified in the modern day world.. I hope you would have already made up your mind to decide some goal in your life now that you're maturing .. Work for that Goal.. All these bad days will pass and noone will remember.. You'll be known for the Great things you do.. know you are the best and work accordingly.. but never let the pride get into your head.. stay humble, stay nice.. but never let anyone make you feel inferior.

If you follow all what i told you above.. your teenage will pass really smoothly.

All the best young friend❤️

One Amongst You

intellectualHemlock3688 OP September 4th, 2022

@oneamongstyou285 thank you for your answer! Just so you know, I have a « perfect life », lovely parents, a twin brother who will always be here with me, very loyal friends, I know people can love me, I have good grades, my personnality is great (I think?) and I am a confident person in general. Nobody ever broke my heart, and I have a lot of center of interest like writing a book. I am just a « normal » teen 😊, nothing strange or anything sad about me. I am also smiling a lot and funny according to my parents. The only problem are those mood swings…

intellectualHemlock3688 OP September 4th, 2022


I forgot to mention that my relationship with my parents is really great, I talk to them about everything and we always laugh together !

oneamongstyou285 September 4th, 2022

The fact that you have such great people to surround you.. you seem to be enjoying a lot in life much more than most people.. to hear it all i can say you are a really lucky person to have all that you got, it's everything many of us want.. But just as you said it's the mood swings spoiling your great mental state every now and then.. perhaps you should look for the common signs in it.. like what is that thing that always comes to your mind when you are having a mood swing or feeling depressed... you can be free and open about anything noone here's to judge..! If you could do that i might be of greater help to you.

intellectualHemlock3688 OP September 4th, 2022


when I am feeling « depressed », I do not think about a lot of things. I just lay down on my bed, cry because of absolutely nothing, and sometimes I s-h as if it was a goal in my life, I just look at my hand then start. I really do not think about anything

oneamongstyou285 September 4th, 2022

I got you.. I hate to say this but probably you have some kind of a small anxiety disorder, maybe when you look up to Google not all symptoms may match but some most likely will.. The best advice i am capable of giving is try to keep yourself engaged and surrounded talk to people every now and then so that your mind doesn't have the time to trigger that anxiety thing and make you feel worse.. if that doesn't work .. try opening up about your experience with your parents and visit a mental health expert who will put you on some medics that will promote all the feel good hormones and suppress the ones that causes unnecessary anxiety..

I really hope you get rid of these anxiety attacks soon.

Ngl when i was 16 i used to have similar anxiety attacks but i had a friend who would always listen me up every time i was anxious about anything i would tell her and she had all the words to comfort me.. But initially i would tell noone and for a few days i would take my mother's low power tranquilizer tablets(blood pressure lowering tabs) Coz i wud feel like my heart would burst out at any moment.. having chest pain with such anxiety attacks was a norm.. now i have grown and i m way past it.. giving advices to others as to how to overcome anxiety.. now i don't even cry at probably things i could cry over let alone crying for nothing.. and my reason of anxiety was Heartbreak..!

I hope you heal yourself soon.

Best of Luck dear.

intellectualHemlock3688 OP September 4th, 2022

@oneamongstyou285 thank you for everything