If you could describe your current mood as a type of weather condition what would it be?
Gray o'clock- when you look outside during the day and no matter what time of day it is you can't tell what time it is. Dismal
Probably overcast but where the sun is occasionally creeping through the clouds but then gets directly in people’s eyes
Partly sunny with a warm front moving in.🌤
Probably just before thunder and lightning as I know allot of people feel unbalanced before that period without bipolar
YES. Bipolar here and I HATE the way those times make me feel.
A dusk with no sunset. It's sort of gray and dark, but not exactly gloomy. It could be good, it could be bad, but it feels like you're on the brink of something
Thick morning fog on a colder day post severe thunderstorm. Thick, humid, uncomfortable, with little vision of what's ahead.
Right before a bad storm. The weariness and dark feeling and knowing its coming but you cant change it.
It often changes drastically, so I would describe it as the weather in Miami. One minute it’s storming and the next it’s sunny and beautiful. It’s like a bad thunderstorm while the sun is shining.
Harsh Rain💦💦