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amyd66 September 28th, 2023

Feeling kind of lost. For Context, I have BPD, ADHD and PTSD. Today I went to see my psychiatrist and she was going to give me some meds for ADHD so I could perhaps get better academically.

I told her for curiosity that I've been euphoric again but what I found weird was that it was just euphoria. I felt really energized, felt confident and felt like the best in the world for long periods of time, after depressive times, and that state would last months or even years until it would all crash again.

This obviously isn't euphoria, it's mania and I am aware of that, so that's why I also shared with her.

And she told me that if I experience this for many years, it's no doubt that I also have bipolar and that she can't give me ADHD meds, not when I'm experiencing mania at the moment.

And I was like... sure, I mean, I know what I experience because I try to keep up and be conscious about everything that concerns me and therapy helped a lot when I was younger. But I told her I would never accept any kind of meds for bipolar if this was the first time I talked to her about it.

So it's kind of wild. I've been thinking a lot about this lately since I do know it's all signs of bipolar, specially because euphoria doesn't last months or years.

But it's just.... a lot?

TwitchyWitchStitch September 29th, 2023

As someone who's very, very bipolar, it can be really scary at first. However, it doesn't have to be! We are still ourselves, we are still strong people, and medication isn't always a bad thing. My suggestion is to listen to your psychiatrist if she recommends medication, give it a try, and if it doesn't work, oh well! You start anew and try something else. Up to you friend, but if you ever need someone to reach out to about the feelings you have, there's always people here, and if it gets really bad I'd suggest connecting to a listener like myself.

amyd66 OP September 30th, 2023

@TwitchyWitchStitch I get what you are saying. Tho I don't believe a psychiatrist is doing a good job by "diagnosing" someone within 10 minutes of conversation

CaliConfined September 29th, 2023


I am pretty bi-polar as well. As it is an awful disease, at least it gives you some type of understanding as to what's going on. In terms of getting a diagnosis. Medication has helped me but it's a bumpy ride my friend. Hang in there.

amyd66 OP September 30th, 2023

@CaliConfined thank you so much you too

bubbleBeechwood4750 October 2nd, 2023

@amyd66 I have bipolar and ADD also. My dr won’t prescribe ADD meds and I’m so depressed don’t want to do anything and they used to help me get going. So hard. Does yours prescribe them when you’re not manic? Like I’m depressed.

amyd66 OP October 2nd, 2023

@bubbleBeechwood4750 not at all because I'm against medication so I only take meds to sleep, nothing else.

I hope you will have what you need tho soon