Parents tell me to "plan in advanced" but then say "what other problem do I have?" when I do
I *bacon* hate it when my parents tell me to *bacon* plan in advanced for *bacon* stuff since whenever I *bacon* do the dam it they then ask "what other problem/argument do I have tonight?".
If they don't want me to plan in *bacon* advanced why do they tell me to *bacon* do it in the first place if they then think its a *bacon* problem?
Like I reminded mom about the fact I need to remind her later this month about making sure she and I can check our *bacon* emails when we're on our trip because otherwise we're locked out since post-2013 you can't go beyond 5miles or something from your home.
I was checking my wallet and fanny pack to see if I could find a card because supposedly I have/had an ear doctor's appointment on Monday and Mom wants to call the doctor. When checking I found that my Museum Card had 'senior' on it and I'm 100% not a senior. When I tried talking to my parents *bacon* about it, they say "what other thing do you want to argue about now?"
And that hurts my feelings when they have told me to plan in *bacon* advanced for every *bacon* thing else so they shouldn't *bacon* complain when I do that in the first place sure Mom and I aren't going to the the Museum any time soon but all I was saying was telling Mom we need to fix my paper card (since the old museum cards don't work for scanners and neither Mom nor I have smart phone like my sister's. But I'm getting really close to saying "dash it all" and getting an actually smart phone so I can download apps for food places to get rewards because its sucks not being able to get rewards with no cards anymore) since it says the wrong thing.
You have every right to be angry, your parents are making no sense 😭😭 I don't know your parents, so idk if sitting them down and calmly wxplaining the issue would help here :/ It's always worth a try tho imo. If they don't listen, at least you will know that you tried to solve this peacefully.
@lilCatNamedVenus It just ends up in arguments
I'm sorry to hear that :( Sometimes parents suck :(