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✨ Autism Support - September Check In ✨

User Profile: beck1
beck1 September 4th, 2023

Hi all! Welcome to this months check in! 👋


Here are some questions for you to think about! If you feel comfortable, feel free to answer them below!

✨ Do you have any plans for this month? Anything you're looking forward to? Anything you're worried about?

✨ Do you have a sensory corner/room? If so, what do you enjoy about it? If not, what would it look like if you did?

✨ Do you have certain sensory toys/tools that you take on the go with you when you leave the house?

If you're not comfortable answering the questions, that's totally okay! Maybe you could leave an encouraging word or quote for those struggling right now

I look forward to seeing you all around Cups!

Some other threads that you might find interesting 😮

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User Profile: AutiBoy
AutiBoy September 4th, 2023

For anyone struggling it's okay to find it hard and scary just know it gets easier and you got this.

This month it's my brother's birthday so I will spend time with him. Other than that nothing is planned this month take it day by day.

I'm worried because my main support person is now full time working and I can't see her or text as much. I'm terrified about the dentist and I do not want to go but I know I need to.

I have a box of sensory stuff that I love and use when I'm stressed. I wish I had room for a bubble tube, fibre optics and other lights.

I have a weighted dog teddy I take everywhere on my lap as I'm in a wheelchair. Feel nice and it's heavy. I stoke it every time I'm scared he called Whimper because he takes my anxiety for me

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User Profile: beck1
beck1 OP September 4th, 2023


Thank you for sharing such sweet words to people who are struggling.

Ooh happy birthday to your brother! Do you have plans with him for his birthday?

I can understand why that would be worrying for you. Are you able to contact someone else when your main support person is at work?

Going to the dentist definitely can be tough. I hate going myself. When you have had to go before, has anything helped you get through it?

Ooh yay for sensory boxes! I have one too. I really want to get some nice lights too. Just not sure where to start.

The dog teddy sounds nice! I have seen the weighted stuffed animals. They look very cozy! I have a full size weighted blanket for my bed but have thought about getting a lap one for when I'm at my computer.

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User Profile: AutiBoy
AutiBoy September 4th, 2023

My brother wants a Quest VR headset so I decided to get the Quest 3 headset and give my Quest 2 VR headset. He will be happy with that.

I have one more person who can be on the phone but can't cope with crises and meltdowns. I will just muddle along and I know in time I will adjust.

I have no idea what helps with the dentist my last care home never took me.

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User Profile: beck1
beck1 OP September 4th, 2023


Oh wow! That was very sweet of you to do that.

Do you think it could be helpful to come here and connect with a Listener if you need to when your support person isn't available?

I'm sorry to hear that your last home didn't take you. Would it be helpful for someone to go with you?

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User Profile: StressedGirl
StressedGirl September 4th, 2023

Hi @beck1, just wondering if you are autistic?

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User Profile: beck1
beck1 OP September 4th, 2023

@StressedGirl I am autistic 🙂

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User Profile: Howegeorgia
Howegeorgia September 4th, 2023


Oh are you beck didnt no

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User Profile: beck1
beck1 OP September 4th, 2023

@Howegeorgia yup I am 🙂

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User Profile: Plantsaremybestfriends
Plantsaremybestfriends September 4th, 2023

Do you have any plans for this month? Anything you're looking forward to? Anything you're worried about?

I have a few concerts this month. I'm performing at one and attending another.

I'm looking forward to the concert I'm performing at because this is the first time I'll be playing with this orchestra.

I'm not currently worried about anything.

Do you have a sensory corner/room? If so, what do you enjoy about it? If not, what would it look like if you did?
I do not have a sensory corner/room.
If I had one it would have fairy lights and a yoga swing and lots of fidget toys.

Do you have certain sensory toys/tools that you take on the go with you when you leave the house?
This varies situation to situation but generally I bring a sensory ring, pop-it and headphones. Sometimes, if the situation allows, I'll bring my weighted blanket.
4 replies
User Profile: beck1
beck1 OP September 4th, 2023


The concerts sound a lot of fun! What do you do in the band? Do you sing or play an instrument?

I'm glad to hear that you're not worried about anything! Thats really awesome to hear!

I love the swings and definitely want one myself! I love fairy lights too!!

I don't have any pop its yet but definitely want to start adding them to my mini collection!

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User Profile: Plantsaremybestfriends
Plantsaremybestfriends September 5th, 2023

I'm a violinist! I love pop-its and I have a bracelet one thats really nice since I can struggle with holding things for long periods of time.

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User Profile: beck1
beck1 OP September 5th, 2023

@Plantsaremybestfriends I played violin for a year or so as a kid! It takes a lot of work. Great job!

I have seen the pop it bracelets and thought about getting one! I was trying to find one that was more neutral colors!

Have you seen the little mini pop its that come in a mystery bag type thing? I've seen those have been popular recently

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User Profile: Plantsaremybestfriends
Plantsaremybestfriends September 6th, 2023

I haven't seen those. The colors can be rather bright on the bracelets which is sometimes not great.

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User Profile: 0B
0B September 5th, 2023

1 - Finishing up atleast 1 or 2 character design concepts.

2 - No, maybe a dark tent or one of those crawl in tent tubes, in a dark room with fairy lights and those glow in the dark stars. A furry blanket, and a lottt of comfy pillows. Plus a fan and a heating pad.

3 - I have this silver plastic thing that I shaped into circles with tiny circles connected too or, like a baby toy shaker? I take it out a lot too fidget with. Also a rubber duck named Duck. Just a duck, nothing more, Duck.

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User Profile: beck1
beck1 OP September 5th, 2023


Character design concepts? Do you come up with your own characters?

A dark tent with fairy lights sounds very nice! Do you like different sizes and shapes of pillows or do you like them all to be the same?

I love that you have different sensory tools that you are able to take out with you too!

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User Profile: 0B
0B September 5th, 2023

yes, I make character designs for myself as a hobby. And I guess multiple sizes, just wanna burrow like a rabbit.

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User Profile: beck1
beck1 OP September 5th, 2023

@0B that sounds like a lot of fun!!

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User Profile: Laura1989
Laura1989 September 6th, 2023

✨ Do you have any plans for this month? Anything you're looking forward to? Anything you're worried about? I'm on a new training programme, feeling quite nervous but also just want to get going, won't be on my first placement until the end of the month.

✨ Do you have a sensory corner/room? If so, what do you enjoy about it? If not, what would it look like if you did? Not really, but I do roll an essential oil blend on my pulse points at night. It's nice to smell the scent and to feel the oil roll over my wrist.

✨ Do you have certain sensory toys/tools that you take on the go with you when you leave the house? No, I don't.

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User Profile: beck1
beck1 OP September 6th, 2023


Ooh a new training program... What type of training? Its understandable to be nervous. Anytime we start something new or unfamiliar, it can spark some uncomfortable feelings.

I love essential oils! I run my diffuser almost daily! What essential oils are in your roll?

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User Profile: smolLITTLEpotato
smolLITTLEpotato September 17th, 2023

✨This month I am moving to another country and I have to find a new job. It's stressful, but I have wonderful friends who are helping me a lot.

✨I guess my bed is my sensory corner, there's a lot of plushies and I have my pop-its on the nightstand.

✨I have this bracelet that turns itself into a ball. I also have my rings and I have a small pop-it I place on my belt

User Profile: MartianGirl347
MartianGirl347 September 18th, 2023

✨ Do you have any plans for this month? Anything you're looking forward to? Anything you're worried about?

The answer for all of those questions is my family vacation. My niece is turning 1.

✨ Do you have a sensory corner/room? If so, what do you enjoy about it? If not, what would it look like if you did?

I want a sensory swing. SO BADLY!

✨ Do you have certain sensory toys/tools that you take on the go with you when you leave the house?

I use my acupressure ring and my slug toys 😊 I also recently got a picking pumice stone thing.

User Profile: AnnaSilverberg
AnnaSilverberg September 19th, 2023

Yay! Amazing questions Beck!
Thank you so much for making this post!

💛 Do you have any plans for this month?
No specific plans, only to do my best and feel my best
Anything you're looking forward to?
I'm looking forwards to spending time with family next weekend
Anything you're worried about?
Not really, at least nothing that I can't handle

💜 Do you have a sensory corner/room? If so, what do you enjoy about it?
If not, what would it look like if you did?
I do like to spend most of my time at my apartment,
so you could say that my apartment is my own sensory corner.
I find it very helpful to have my own sounds around me.

💚 Do you have certain sensory toys/tools that you take on the go
with you when you leave the house?
Does dog count? Haha, he goes with me everywhere I go.
But I do have necklaces that are of gemstones that I like that is good to hold on to,
they make me feel more calm when I can just hold them.
They are also very pretty, and I like shiny things

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User Profile: AnnaSilverberg
AnnaSilverberg September 19th, 2023
Ps. Can you add me to the tag list?
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User Profile: Stoffel
Stoffel October 20th, 2023


✨ Do you have any plans for this month? Anything you're looking forward to? Anything you're worried about?

 I got my own flat this month! I'm looking for furniture at the moment. I got a new ambulatory caretaker assigned who will go shopping for some with me! But I do have a worrysome appointment at the end of the month. My work re-integration service wants to talk with my caretakers to see how they can proceed with re-integrating me after I failed my last internship. I'm worried they won't take the issues I keep having at work seriously.

✨ Do you have a sensory corner/room? If so, what do you enjoy about it? If not, what would it look like if you did?

I do! My sensory corner is under a table. It works like a cave of sorts. It's in the corner of the room, so two sides are closed off. The other ones I can close off with blankets if I need to. It reduces visual imput, makes me feel safe and is super comfy. I also keep my earplugs, ear defenders and fidget toys there. And of course some plushies!

✨ Do you have certain sensory toys/tools that you take on the go with you when you leave the house?

I absolutely never leave without my sunglasses. And I always have earplugs on hand when I go out. Aside from that I mix it up with my fidget toys from day to day. But usually I use my phone to look at stimboards or listen to some ASMR to stim and ground me. On bad days I have to bring something relating to my special interest along to keep my spirits up. And I also have a little work and travel companion that I take everywhere with me, which is a tiny blue bird.