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Autism Diagnosis

isahappygirl July 7th

How do you first find out that you are autistic?

TheHaz July 17th

@isahappygirl Other people have told me so. Asking around, most people seem to have noticed but haven't commented "because you only have it mild."

simplyyat July 17th

I figured it out myself recently when I got my diagnosis, but my mother has never told me,she just kept telling me that I need therapy, even though she knows I have autism. She's just trying to convince herself that I don't, I just wonder why she feels so ashamed of me having autism She's always ashamed of my poor social skills and once even slapped me in the face in front of my everyone because of it), but it's not my fault to be autistic..

Recently, I've been trying to accept myself as I am and learn more about autism regardless of what she thinks

isahappygirl OP July 20th

Hi, I am so sorry to hear that your mom is in denial about your diagnosis. Having autism can be a lonely experience and we needed our parents support the most. I wish she could accept you the same you finally accept yourself. Sending you warm hugs ð§¡

Omar1985 July 18th

I don't know but I act like one.

I state facts.

If I say something heavy or untimely people will tell me because I wouldn't know even if I tried.

Uglybee July 18th

I had a foster parent at 18 take me to get a formal diagnosis because she realized why I acted out so much was due to overstimulation not "she's a bad kid." She told me she had seen autism in females before and wondered if I was high functioning. I am 🤷🏻‍♀️.

TheHaz July 18th

I never got assessed, but then that wasn't something which happened in the 1970s much, I guess.

Other people seem to have worked it out, mostly they think I'm weird, some who have discovered the spectrum realised I am on it, etc.

Hey ho.

reiluvseals09 July 18th

My mom took me to get a professional diagnosis bc I acted weird according to her. I couldn't act normal in situations that involved social skills, I cried when ppl touched me bc it overwhelmed me.

She didn't want to accept it at first but I'm glad she does now, I love my mom.

Vivikun9 July 19th


I was around 30 years old when i got my diagnosis of autism. at first, I didn't like it as it further the negative traits that i was "a problem" but over the past 2 years I'm slowly learning to love my diagnosis as i finally got to find the lost piece of me that was never revealed to me

purpleNorth4967 July 23rd

I was diagnosed at 25. I’d been on the waiting list for 5 years. I always knew something wasn’t ‘normal’ in me but as I wasn’t a wild child I just slipped through all the nets.

MrNumber3IsMe July 23rd

I have to thank *** for this.

I had always known I was a bit different, but didn't really know what it was until more and more autism related posts kept popping up on my feed.

I started actually watching the videos, especially the ones that say things like "here are 10 traits of autism" and I started noticing how many of those traits I share.

riskybusiness03 July 24th

I felt different for years, like I was on the outside looking into the world, I had an assessment a few weeks back, and then got an official diagnosis. I was pleased with the outcome, as it helped me to understand the reason I feel the way I do, and knowing that there are so many other people who can relate to me is also reassuring.

Silkwood70 July 27th

Diagnosed in a psychiatric unit at 19 after unsuccessful bilateral ECT. 🎭

Disneywoman July 28th

I don't have a diagnose, since the last time my family tried to get me a diagnose that the doctor I had which gave me tasks to do simliar to that of a patient with memory issues (drawing clock hands)-  thought I was "too emptathic" to be autistic.

But for real what got me and my parents to recognize I was autistic was a series of articles in the newspaper (Toronto Star) in the fall of my 18th year.