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A guide to Autism and Panic attacks. Open to all

sunshinegiraffe123 November 16th, 2019

Hi. I've gotten some members who ask me what happens when I have a meltdown or some that appear shy to talk to me when I'm in one. I have had listeners who refuse to talk to me because they end up getting confused. I've had mods who get very confused due to not knowing the way to interact with me. Hopefully this will help you all out! - Allie

amoOna97 October 7th, 2021

@Gracey thanks so much for this informative post and for helping spread more awareness on ASD πŸ’―πŸ™πŸΌ

sunshinegiraffe123 OP October 9th, 2021


Sre you a part of the support plus community?

sunshinegiraffe123 OP November 16th, 2019

Echolalia can seem like a person repeating words they dont understand, rather than trying to communicate. But echolalia can in fact be meaningful communication. ( no link )

from grace communication link

sunshinegiraffe123 OP November 16th, 2019

All listeners should try and alert the person they are talking to before disappearing as the person may get concerned.

reddotonblack November 17th, 2019


I have found your does help alot...ty sunshine..πŸ˜”

sunshinegiraffe123 OP November 17th, 2019


So glad u found this!

reddotonblack November 17th, 2019


It is a very useful thread Sunshine both for afflicted ones like me with a wide spectrum and both for people who interract with us to understand us and accept us and not freak out..."normal" is just a statistic, if we are not part of the statistic "normal" majority it does not mean that we shouldn't be integrated and together...minds and souls just have to open wider and warmer...

Am truly glad I found the tgread...😢

sunshinegiraffe123 OP November 17th, 2019


After weeks of being in the newer rooms it was starting to frustrate me. I reached out to the adult teen listeners and came across grace @gracey . She was willing to listen to me and since she works with people like me she was very accepting. I opened up to her and explained about the listeners and other members and today I hit my breaking point and said I wanted to change the way people viewed me and others on the spectrum.

reddotonblack November 17th, 2019


That is ok, whatwver you think works for you, follow that...

sunshinegiraffe123 OP November 17th, 2019



mytwistedsoul November 18th, 2019

@sunshinegiraffe123 Hey Allie - I just wanted to say thank you this - for putting this together. It's very helpful

sunshinegiraffe123 OP November 18th, 2019


oh your welcome

sunshinegiraffe123 OP November 19th, 2019


How come normal not on the spectrum people dont get told to mute everyone in the room when they arent supportive but the minute I say Im on the spectrum and some things are hard for me , I get told to mute everyone in the room

sadsally April 6th, 2022

@sunshinegiraffe123 I can't speak to chats rooms or reasons... BUT..

I think autism in general is very misunderstood. It's a wide spectrum and not a one sized fits all diagnosis IMO. I was diagnosed when I was very young and am lucky to be high functioning. My parents(even tho they weren't the best) did a good thing and got me in speech therapy as well as early development classes to help. I still very much struggle with "normal" people. They don't get it and I just accept it now.

I have 2 people who I manage who are also on the spectrum. I absolutely love them both because they tell me whats up every time and work is almost always perfect. Before coming to my team they were "difficult to work with", but I think it was more that their matter of factness was misunderstood as being mean/rude when omg... they were just trying to help.

The way I say things or what I me, seems just matter of fact and obvious. For others they don't see that same view, and then i get frustrated because in my mind it's sooo simple like how do they not see this?

I do talk a lot too tho πŸ˜…

sunshinegiraffe123 OP April 6th, 2022


It is misunderstood, but at least here on cups, people are trying to understand for the most part.

wonderfulRainbow817 July 18th, 2022

@sunshinegiraffe123, i feel this. Hopefully it has gotten better for you!

sunshinegiraffe123 OP November 19th, 2019

An individual with a disability is defined in the act as someone who has "a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities; has a record of such an impairment; or is regarded as having such an impairment." The regulations define "physical or mental impairment" as any physiological disorder or condition, cosmetic disfigurement, or anatomical loss affecting one or more body systems, such as neurological, musculoskeletal, special sense organs, respiratory (including speech organs), cardiovascular, reproductive, digestive, genitourinary, immune, circulatory, hemic, lymphatic, skin, and endocrine. The regulations also cover any mental or psychological disorder, such as intellectual disability, organic brain syndrome, emotional or mental illness and specific learning disabilities

Shrm .org

sunshinegiraffe123 OP November 23rd, 2019


No mentioning slapping or smacking , no caps , no screeching or screaming

barncat March 5th, 2021

Thank you for this post.

eli225 August 9th, 2021

Read, thank you for the information and helping me understand more about meltdowns and autism!

sunshinegiraffe123 OP August 16th, 2021

@rrretsuko meltdown guide

IceCream4IceCream September 23rd, 2021


GoldenNest2727 July 17th, 2022

Thank you for sharing these tips with me, Giraffe. I enjoy chatting with you today, and now I'll know how to better respond to you and how to help you feel comfortable in our chatrooms. I hope to see you around. ❀️

BirdKing449 January 16th, 2023


Hey Ally <3 It's been a while, and I didn't know what other forums you were in, but I still had this one saved. Just to let you know, I was prince/dragon, but changed my name due to some confusion in rooms. I just wanted to check in on you <3 I miss my friends that have aged up. Hope all is well :)

sunshinegiraffe123 OP September 17th, 2023


Hey I miss you

BirdKing449 September 17th, 2023


Hey hey friend, ive missed you too <3 Hope you are well!!!

sunshinegiraffe123 OP September 19th, 2023


Pretty well, but still miss talking to you in the rooms

BirdKing449 September 19th, 2023


I've missed you too <3 No worries though, I turned 17 in August, so I will be on the oldie side next year <3 I know many of my teenie friends are going to miss me so I want to become an ATL eventually, but I'll also get to see all my oldie friends too!