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Anyone else feel this way?

flowerr09 June 5th, 2015

I can't concentrate in school because of my anxiety. I'll be sitting there doing my work and I'll start to have these thoughts like, "they must think I'm stupid" and "if I did this, would they think this?" Stuff like that. It's awful and it's messing with my concentration and I can't focus on my school work like I'm supposed to because I'm too busy worrying about what other people think. Anyone else feel like this??

flowerr09 OP June 5th, 2015

I'm adding on to this post- does anyone feel like they need a person's undivided attention to feel happy? I get attention at home but it's not enough, it seems. It's like... I NEED attention to keep me going. Make me happy. But not the kind of attention where everybody is staring at you, wondering if you're gonna do something. I just feel so lost in this.

placidNectarine4124 June 5th, 2015

I'm the same way. Like I don't want to have the spotlight on me, but if my friends don't pay attention to me for more than 5 seconds and I feel neglected. So neglected to the point I get really upset and I tend to take it out on them.

flowerr09 OP June 5th, 2015

Same. That's exactly how it is for me. I'm so glad I'm not alone in this.

saphire1234 June 5th, 2015

I honestly feel like this most of the time. It's so difficult. I sit there in class over thinking, and feeling like I don't fit in with the other people. I feel like they all fit in with each other , but think that I am weird. It interferes with my daily life because I am constantly thinking of everything that these other people could be thinking about me. I am not my outgoing usual self around other peers in class.

flowerr09 OP June 5th, 2015

Story of my life! I used to be outgoing and wild but I can't do it around my friends otherwise they might think I'm weird. It's a horrible thing, anxiety.

placidNectarine4124 June 5th, 2015

Same, and I'm scared to make plans because I feel like they'll judge me for them and hate me.

sacredanon June 5th, 2015

Yes I do feel like that all the time! You are not alone

TransAm85 June 5th, 2015

Honey, I used to be like that A LOT. Idk how old you are, but back in high school and my early 20's, I was always worried about what other people thought. Even when I'd go to parties/bars and get wasted, I'd act even stupider just for attention! I could never hold a stable relationship b/c I loved the attention from guys .. I had a hard time concentrating/paying attention in college unless it was really interesting b/c I was more worried about going out and partying! So stupid .. Unfortunately I screwed up college. But, if you keep thinking negative things about yourself and worried about others opinions, it isn't going to help you. You will just continue in a circle. Do those ppl pay your bills? Do those ppl buy your food? Do they pay your insurance? No .. so screw them! What I really always liked was cars, but I was embarrassed to go to school for auto technician b/c I am a girl. Guys think women cannot fix cars. Well, I got over that. I fix cars for a living and love it! So, don't worry about those people. You are a wonderful person and have a lot to offer this world. F**k the haters ;)

tidyEast8259 June 5th, 2015

I constantly worry if people think that I'm doing enough work

TransAm85 June 5th, 2015

Oh yea, that was another thing too that used to bother me. What it all boils down to is when you were young. My mother used to criticize me all the time as a kid like nothing I ever did was enough or good enough. So I always thought the rest of the world would think I'm lazy and dumb. She pushed me a lot but in a mean way. Things that happen when your a kid mold you as an adult. Such as, I am also not emotional. We didn't express feelings in my family. Do you understand? But don't worry what others think. As long as you think you have worked the hardest you can, then that is enough.