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More anxious because I feel I need to be able to stop it.

LonerWolf1 October 5th, 2020

My anxiety gets worse because I feel like I should be able to stop it. In other words, I am having something of an "anxiety attack" which is made worse because I feel guilty because I cannot stop, because I feel I should be able to stop it with breathing techniques or meditation, but somehow I just fail at it.

specialSnow9454 October 5th, 2020

@LonerWolf1 Hey! It's not your fault so don't feel guilty. Everything takes time. You can overcome your anxiety, because it's not powerful than you. Just relax and whenever you need help I am always there for you.


KoudachaK October 5th, 2020


Been there. It's actually very common. Techniques don't often work when we are going through the attack and that's why a lot of psychologists are now saying to practice them a lot (every day multiple times) outside of attacks and that way it should slowly start to help during an attack (but it may take a long time).

you also may have not found the method that works best for you. Some people i know actually respond well with singing (supposed to activate your vagus nerve) and for me I find that cold helps me to slow down my heart rate or breathing which makes me gain back some control. Like splashing cold water on my face or drinking half a glass of cold water