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Medications, cbt, etc?how do you control your anxiety?

willingRaspberries826 August 20th, 2016

I'm just interested to know how other people control their anxiety.

Currently I am not on any medication or doing any kind of therapy and my anxiety is at an all time high to the point that it's effecting my work, ,my daily life every aspect.

I know I need to do something to get it under control a bit better because I can't go on like this.

Are there other soloutions too like natural things ect? Just interested to hear what other people have found helpful

courageousNatural63 August 21st, 2016

Hey @willingRaspberries826, I feel that CBT is very helpful. Some natural ways to manage anxiety are exercising, meditation, and writting in a journal to process your thoughts. If it is to the point where it is effecting your life, I feel that it may be helpful to open up to someone about it. Whether it's family, friends, or a professional.

courageousNatural63 August 21st, 2016

Good luck @willingRaspberries826!

LovableDoggie August 21st, 2016


hey, i just saw your other posts about your anxiety (just wanted to let you know you're not the only one and definitely not alone)

to be honest, what i do to calm my anxiety (more social than generalised) i just wipe my mind blank, like no one exists and breathe a bit, taking my time because it gets to me without notice, sometimes i hear music and do the same and when i can't focus on those i just ask for a friend for a tight hug, it really vents all that tension away

(whenever things get more serious, i have to take some drops with a spoon of water because sometimes i can't sleep or my anxiety just explodes and makes me tremble, sweat and have cramps/headaches which sucks because it happens much more often than before.)

another thing that can be helpful is to find someone like a friend or family member and just vent it all (not in a violent way) like crying or just whispering it while you hug (it really helps sometimes) and try to be outdoors a bit, doing excericise or help someone you truly love and trust.

most importantly, be yourself, in the 4.8 billion years of this earth existing, there will be no one not even close of having the privilege of being you, don't let your anxiety bring you down

i'm no doctor or expert, but this helps me, and i hope they help you :)

SimpleOwl August 21st, 2016


Hello, WillingRaspberries! Personally, in times that I have felt anxious about school. or perhaps mounting responsibilities, I found guided meditations and learning better time management skills very helpful. Have you checked out the 7 cups self-help guide for anxiety? You might find some helpful information about anxiety in general, exercises and relaxation techniques, and even a little bit of advice.

If you ever want to talk about how you are feeling, there are tons and tons of listeners who would be more than willing to talk with you. Also, please keep in mind, that if anxiety is interfering with your everyday life, seeking professional help is advised. Thank you for communicating your concerns with us!

jlxyzx010 August 21st, 2016

I am currently taking 10mg of citalopram (celexa), and have been for 5 years. it has helped tremendously for physical anxiety symptoms, but I still go to therapy to help with some of the psychological symptoms. honestly, everyone responds to treatment differently, so it takes a bit of trial and error, especially with medication. I would do a bit of research and see what you think would work best for you. you could also talk to your doctor and go over some options, they usually have recommendations. but remember, if you try a treatment that doesn't work, don't lose hope. ultimately, you should stick with what feels most comfortable for you :) I hope this gives you some food for thought!

Belis August 21st, 2016


I am on medication. I wish that I have tried it earlier to be honest. It definitely helped me a lot.

I also had CBT. It did not remove anxiety but gave me a lot of good coping strategies.

Phthalo August 21st, 2016

I have this CBT app that has definitely helped me a lot in the long run. I don't have any sort of medication or professional therapy either.