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I feel so stuck and anxious

basilcandle August 23rd, 2020

Hi! I m starting my sophomore year in september and i am scared. I lost contact with all my classmates and none of the groups of people in my class makes me feel like i belong. Since the lockdown started i kind of took a break from everything and i realised that some things work better without me. It s been so hard lately to try and get back in touch with people and save somehow the friendships because i am always the one who asks them to go out and they don t put enough effort in it and i feel so unwanted when i talk to the people i was close with one year ago. I would do aaanything to meet new people and make new friends. Eventhough i find it hard to open up to people again i just want to let all these past friendships let go.... and that s why i am so scared. I changed so much in the last year. I can t focus at my studies at all and i feel sorry for myself sometimes....

ok. That s all. Thank you so much for reading. I am so happy to be in this community... take care!

brightSpring2129 August 24th, 2020

@basilcandle hey im so glad you could speak up about it. I've felt that way too. Anxious for not having good friends, then worried that maybe i am not a good friends as everyone else got along a lot well and only I couldn't be able to. Then I'd self doubt if I'll ever find a good friend in my life, if I'll always be lonely. But one thing that stuck with the entire time was, myself. What i mean is, sometimes when surrounded by certain people, i felt a lot more comfortable and easy going than with lets say my school friends. So when i noticed how fun i can be, i realised that the fault isn't in me. And though this doesn't necessarily mean the fault lies in my friends, it did so in my case. So what I'd say simply is that, know yourself, trust yourself then just be yourself, confidently and no one can ever hurt you. Since you're too good for those who don't know how to cherish you. You're lovely and precious. Know that. Proudly. Hope this helps. And hope you're feeling better now.

basilcandle OP August 24th, 2020


Thank you so much for your reply. It really made me feel better<3

emily2803 August 23rd, 2020

@basilcandle Hi! I can understand how you feel and it can be really difficult to be starting a new school year, especially without good support systems like your friends. It sounds like you're feeling anxious about making new friends that can be better and more beneficial to you. I'm glad that the community has been helpful for you and that you're able to talk about your issues. If you ever feel the need to have a conversation with one of the community Listeners, just know that we're here for you and are more than happy to help you work through your thoughts. Talking can be really therapeutic and can help quell some of your nervousness. This is a process that I'm sure you're going to work through! You're such an amazing person. <3

basilcandle OP August 24th, 2020


Yess the people on this website helped me so much! Ohh your replies make me feel so hopeful and confident about myself! Thank youu

emily2803 August 24th, 2020

@basilcandle I'm glad that you're able to feel a lot more confident in yourself and have your thoughts be heard by the other Listeners! We're here to make you feel heard and help you work towards becoming the best version of yourself.