Feel like running and yet standing still
I feel like I'm constantly everywhere with my thoughts. Everything is happening at once and yet I wonder what everything even is because as much as I feel so restless and on the go inside, nothing really is going on or changing for myself. A pretty much big deal is that I can't handle changes when they're not happening to me. Maybe that's selfish but I love changes and I long for changes so much that I feel uncomfortable when I see changes around me happening to literally everyone else.
I have friends who just got pregant, moved to an Island within our country, one friend will move to India soon. A friend is getting married next year, one knows what to study for her master and is going for it. And here I am, not being able to work in my job as much anymore because of this whole pandemic ( I studied hotel management.) My plans going abroad with this job and working in hotels in other countries outside this continent as well are on ice. I found something I absolutely love doing and yet cannot do it. I know a lot are struggling. I applied to jobs but I just always get replies saying yeah apply again when covid is over/ sorry we're not hiring at the moment because of the pandemic. And yet I know there are jobs in this field and i could maybe easily move within my country or even Europe. A friend is stressing me saying yeah you could go to Switzerland/Austria easily you don't want to go.YES I DON'T WANT TO GO TO THESE COUNRIES BECAUSE I KNOW THEM SO VERY WELL. I want to go further than that for once. SO I am still here. And well yes I'm stressed because the only one not changing at all is me. I'm scared and running wild while not moving at all. I'm the same. the years are just passing and i don't know what to do.
@dreamingworlds Staying still, looking through all the available options and knowing what you want.. is far better than jumping at any chance you get just in the name of 'change'. True change comes to life when you're happy with it and are ready to accept it, if you try changing your life by getting into something you don't want then it'll only cause your more suffering.. you'll be desperate for another change and the cycle will continue because in your heart you'll never be happy so I think you're doing the right thing by waiting for something that feels right for you ^-^ but that doesn't mean it's wrong to feel bad about yourself when others around you seems to be making progress, it's completely normal. I've been there too and that feeling will pass when you find your way to move ahead and you're already trying so hard so I'm sure you'll get the result you want one day and I hope that day comes by soon. Best of luck❤️
I’m sorry you are feeling like you are standing still! Change is inevitable! It will happen! Keep your head up and know you are not alone! Please don’t hesitate to message me anytime if you want to talk! We are here for you!
You are so welcome! Keep your head up! You’re doing amazing 🤩!