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Fearing Death

Melancholia2000 October 14th, 2017

Lately I've grown a irrational fear of death. I think it's been growing for a while. I have no idea how to over come it. What should I do?

hardworkingIdea3933 October 14th, 2017


We all get fear of death at some point. It comes to mind every night for a while now. How irrational do u mean?

Melancholia2000 OP October 16th, 2017


It worries me how much I think about it

hardworkingIdea3933 October 16th, 2017


It worries me too for a bit. In my case the thought only comes right before sleeping (don't know why exactly) but I sleep anyway lol. What about u? Is it like all the time? Is it affecting ur every day life?

Melancholia2000 OP October 24th, 2017


I guess it's sorta effecting me. At school I think how everyone here will eventually die and how most will be forgotten by history.

kkate October 14th, 2017

it is just a part of anxiety. try thinking of how unlikely that mode of death may be. or think of the amount of times you have been in the same situation and nothing bad has happened.

personally i find these stategies to help

selfconfidentTangerine1778 October 14th, 2017


We all fear it normal. I think it becaue we fear what we will miss the most. I feel this way myself and it was getting bad when I was eleven year and by time i was thirteen it was so bad I was afraid that I wouldn't be alive in the next five minute. Are you under any stress lately that is making feel this way? The best thing that we could do is live our life to the fullest. I hope this help you out in some way.

Melancholia2000 OP October 14th, 2017


Thank you, I mean I really shouldn't fear because it happens to all of us

KrysAmbrosine1021 October 14th, 2017

@Melancholia2000 i have the same problem because i always think of the worst case scenario in almost everything i do

eviethepwum October 14th, 2017

@Melancholia2000 I believe everyone has this fear at some point, it's just up to the person to control their thoughts. And what do you mean by irrational fear?

Melancholia2000 OP October 16th, 2017


I just feel silly because it happens to everyone

Lukazayd October 15th, 2017

I think every person has a fear of death at some point of their lives, It's only normal. It's what you make of you life and living with no regrets, as gandalf would say "All you have to do is to decide what to do with the time given to you.". Personally I fear not making the best of the life I have and not turning all the stones I plan to.

Melancholia2000 OP October 16th, 2017


I read something that said We cling to life, because most of us never enjoy life in its totality, so we become afraid of death, which is the root cause of all our fears.