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Meditation to Ease Anxiety

SkyUnicorn July 30th, 2015

I recently started attending a meditation class, which I've found to be really beneficial in easing my anxiety. I really enjoy using guided meditations (including the ones on 7 Cups!), but I find a lot of them are very short and have very similar content, although I did find Jason Stephenson's youtube channel which posts longer meditation videos.

I'd like to develop my interest in meditation, and I'm interested to hear other people's experiences with how meditating has affected their anxiety.

Have you ever tried meditating? If not, would you like to?

How long have you practiced meditation? How has the way you meditate changed since you started?

Did you feel it had any effect on your anxiety?

I'd love to hear your thoughts!

SkyUnicorn OP July 30th, 2015

Oh and also, if you have any good meditation resources, please feel free to share!

Roadie July 31st, 2015

Hey @Elinxs27

I checked out that link. It's absolutely fantastic..

A good one for any anxiety sufferer's kit bag :)

KfindingSpeaceK July 31st, 2015
. is an excellent site for guided meditations 2-20 minutes

Clouder August 10th, 2015

What a great resource! Thanks for sharing this.

fluffyUnicorns84 August 1st, 2015

Guided sleep meditations on you tube I use a lot for getting to sleep without them the anxious thoughts just take over. Particularly like the ones by Jody Whitely

However through the day I try to practice mindfulness, which for me has been a great addition to my days.

starryRiver83 August 5th, 2015

I always find meditation really useful, particularly after a stressful day or a day when I have been feeling very anxious or panicked. One of my favourite ones is by Diana Parkinson on youtube. It's about 10 minutes long. I started doing meditation in counselling at university. I went every Friday morning for an hour and for about 20 minutes, my counsellor would do some meditation with me and recorded the sessions so I had a CD I could listen to. I also keep that in my draw, it helped me a lot when I was away from home and family last year. I would definitely advise any one to try meditation if they suffer from anxiety, there are many videos on youtube and it helps you to bring you out of your surroundings and just concentrate on your breathing or even something completely different.

Clouder August 10th, 2015

Meditation played a major role in my recovery. Although I mainly sat with silence, I've found guided meditations by Gil Fronsdal and Jon Kabat-Zinn useful as well.

Over the years, I've found that having a regular practice is really important. Five minutes daily will probably be more beneficial than sitting for half an hour once a week. With regular practice, I was able to drop into a deeper state of relaxation much more readily.

If you'd like to develop your practice further, one avenue is to practice mindfulness in other areas of your life. For example, can you bring a similar quality of heightened awareness to everyday tasks such as washing the dishes, or brushing your teeth? Spreading tiny moments of mindfulness through your day can help cultivate the sense of calm you get in your meditation practice.

I'm so happy to hear that other people are finding this helpful! It's great to see these resources being shared.

GenerousJess September 26th, 2016


soulsings September 1st, 2015

For me meditatation is about getting back into a quiet mind, so rampant thoughts and emotions especially anxious ones are an impediment. So I usually "carry" this "first aid kit" wherever I go. It is not trying to change anything, just to be aware of breathing and counting silently to myself. When I focus on that it disrupts the unruly thoughts or emotions and with persistence will restore a sense of calm and relaxation.

Here are the simple instructions.

While breathing naturally, silently count one on the inhale. Two on the exhale, three on the inhale...continuing up to 10. Then start at one again. Allow the breath to be naturally but belly breathing can be more relaxing if that is natural.

Faeriequeen13 September 2nd, 2015

meditation always helps me calm down

LoneWolfAshes96 September 2nd, 2015

I have notes on chakra cleanses which is essentially focusing you energy on specific chakra points in your body through meditation and cleansing out the bad energy:

Root chakras
Color: red
Location: base of pelvic bone
Function: this chakra represents the physical, root, survival, security, your base

Sacral Chakra
Color: orange
Location: groin/lower abdomen
Function: sexual energy, creativity

Solar Plexus
Color: Yellow
Location: Stomach/gut
Function: personal power, control, freedom, mental energy

Heart Chakra
Color: Green
Location: heart and lung area
Function: love, compassion, empathy, healing

Throat Chakra
Color: Blue
Location: Throat
Function: communication, expression, speech

Third Eye
Color: Indigo/purple
Location: right between your eyebrows
Function: intuition, psychic abilities, clairvoyance

Crown Chakra
Color: white or violet
Location: top of the head
Function: consciousness, connection to the universal life energy

gentleJet9792 May 2nd, 2016

Hi, easing or relieving the anxiety is a bone to chew! But if people are meditating the right way, it can help them, first of all you need to choose the right meditation you need, be patience and get in to it otherwise it will not work for you [edited by Anomalia to remove product promotion]

tw1778 May 31st, 2016

@gentleJet9792. I began meditating recently. So far I really like it and does seem to help. I'm using a guided meditation app on my iPhone. It's called 10% Happier. There are videos with short explanations and then a short guided meditation. So far it's been really insightful. It does cost $10 a month and I'm sure there are other equally good guided meditations that can be found for free. But I'm enjoying it anyway.

gentleJet9792 May 6th, 2016

And if I sleep on normal pattern, will it reduce my stress?

eskie May 9th, 2016

@gentleJet9792 Yes. Sleeping always helps. :)

Jasmin1234 May 30th, 2016

Hi, I am new to meditation so if any of you has tried it, please tell me more about it, thanks in advance!

SmileyGiggles June 1st, 2016


meditation is hard for me.. But I have been able to use guided meditation to clear my mind, relax me and I fell asleep.. 3 times in the past week or so.

i started listening to guided meditation while having what I consider a severe anxiety attack... And it calmed me!

Jasmin1234 May 30th, 2016

Hi, I am new to meditation so if any of you has tried it, please tell me more about it, thanks in advance!

Jasmin1234 May 30th, 2016

Hello, as a beginner don't try to take risk but do the simplest way you can , you can open this link about sound meditation. You won't need any coach, just follow the instruction aand do it correctly!

soulsings June 1st, 2016

If you enjoy music and beautiful scenes of nature, this might be a way to slip into a meditative state of mind.

forcefulEyes1618 June 2nd, 2016

I use an app called Insight Timer. There is a full app with all the bells and whistles that costs a little bit but there is also a free app that includes the groups, guided meditation and a timer. You can also add friends and send messages. It gives you stats on your meditation among other things. I use it and have found it to be very helpful.

diplomaticHickory4523 June 23rd, 2016

Soft music can help relax whenever you are worried or anxious, it calms the mind down.

soulsings June 26th, 2016

@diplomaticHickory4523 yes I agree that soft music really helps. That is so nice to just sink into a soothing song.

Gib123 July 5th, 2016

Does meditation really ease anxiety?

Perez July 5th, 2016

Positive interpretation helps reduce the anxious reactions to a more manageable level.

Sara965 July 5th, 2016

Whenever you are anxious, listen to your favourite devotional songs till mind calms down.

gauravmanral July 26th, 2016

Is yoga is the best meditation for health and fitness. because i can't do any hard exsize. i see any site but no one given ans me.

soulsings July 26th, 2016

Remember, you can find more mindfulness exercises in your Growth Path

And in the forum

Daydreamer47 August 4th, 2016

@SkyUnicorn Hi Unicorn! I just found this lovely youtube channel called Miracle Forest. The voice is so relaxing. Check it out.

EnricoGalard July 21st, 2017

Meditation increases blood flow in your brain, enhancing focus, memory and overall cognitive function.

daisyflower3 July 23rd, 2017

@SkyUnicorn I recommend 'Headspace', the smart phone app that let you to practise meditation and mindfulness any where and any time :) I started around 1.5 years ago and I usually practise in the morning :)

XtinaSunshine August 11th, 2017

@SkyUnicorn Meditation is wonderful for me!