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Fear of not finding a bathroom in time

bestSpring9168 June 19th, 2016

So this phobia seems weird, and the only place I can find information about it is from the UK. I realized ever since I was little, I have always feared not being able to get to the bathroom (when I need to go) on time. This fear has bled into driving now as I got stuck in traffic and had a panic attack and my body really needed to go to the bathroom. It's natural for the body to want to go when it's anxious, it a part of our nervous system. Right now it's becoming an issue seeing as I won't always be able to get to a bathroom when I have a panic attack. I'm frustrated and am looking for counselors, I just wanted to know if anyone else deals with this fear. Thanks

June 19th, 2016


Hello, best!

I can definitely relate to what you are saying. I have a similar phobia for various reasons due to my health issues. I have symptoms similar to IBS and sometimes I am afraid of being outside. If I am, I always make sure to know where the toilet is and car rides can be quite nerve racking. I can't really offer you too many suggestions because I believe our reasons for having our phobias are different. However, I would check out the 7cups self-help guide on Anxiety I've read quite a few of these self-help guides and I think they are very helpful for giving tips and suggestions on how to cope with anxiety related fears.

I hope this helps a little and makes you feel less alone! Good luck and take care heartxx

Peyton17 July 14th, 2016

I have always had a similar fear as well! Anytime that I KNOW that a bathroom will not be accessible to me (a long car ride, taking a test, etc) I get a lot of anxiety which makes me feel like I need to go. When I was in the fourth grade I ended up missing a field trip to a local museum because my class was walking from the school to the museum, which was outdoors and did not have a public restroom, because I was too afriad that I would have to go and be stuck with no options. I've never looked for more information on this subject, but it's definitely a thing!!

mistyblu78 July 25th, 2016

I have this as well...Anxiety is laughing at me im sure. Im so afraid of not making it to a toilet. Anxiety really messes up my stomach.

sensibleLake7 June 22nd, 2018

I've had this fear too! I've always been afraid of having to pee but not having a restroom. If I have to be in a car for more than an hour, I won't drink anything. When we would take long cross-state drives of 6-12 hours, I wouldn't drink anything the entire day before the drive or during the drive. It really made my mom angry lol. I would ride the city bus home in high school and the ride would always be an hour and a half at least, so everyday at school I strictly stopped drinking after lunch and would use the bathroom right before I boarded the bus. On days when I would forget to use the bathroom in the morning or after school, I would have an anxiety attack during the ride. Everytime I go somewhere, I need to know that there is a bathroom and where it is. In classrooms, I always sit in the aisle and near the door in case I need to get out. It's just a part of my life and I didn't realize how strange it was until I realized people drink during long car rides and things like that because they can just stop at a bathroom and/or hold it. I agree that anxiety just makes me feel like i have to go; countless times I've gone to the bathroom and ended up not having to go, I was just nervous. You're not alone!

Huskylife December 10th, 2018

Yes. I had this for years. It was truly awful. I was to the point that I wouldnt go anywhere in a vehicle that was more than a half hour. I did go on anxiety medication from the doctor that helped me with this issue, but that was after I finally went to ask for help.