Fear of Elevators
Hey All!
This morning I wanted to take a minute to talk about my fear of elevators!
The fear of elevators apparently doesn't have an official phobia name (although it should!), but is still a very common fear. They believe that the fear of elevators may stem from claustrophobia or agoraphobia, which does make sense, although my fear isn't about being in a small crowded place. I am always scared that the elevator is going to break and free-fall!
I can't remember how long this has been going on, I don't remember a time where I didn't feel nervous getting into an elevator. I know that it is a common fear, but I have never met anyone who gets as freaked out as I do when having to go into an elevator.
Anyone else have this fear?
Thanks for sharing this very colourful post! It helps getting things off your chest.
Your fear is a very common one. I must say, I'm a little anxious around elevators, more because of the doors. I'm scared they'll close on me. :O I only get claustrophobia in small places when I'm physically stuck or I could clearly get stuck.
I hope you can one day overcome your phobia or at least feel a little more comfortable around them. Good luck!
@Quinzel241 ooooh :o nice post, I have this kinda fear too hehe :p well tbh I have fears of most things stupidly enough xD it's definitely a valid fear to have ^-^ you're putting your faith into machinery D: but usually it's all okay in the end so that's good :D hopefully you can learn to cope with your fears better <3
@Quinzel241 ooooh :o nice post, I have this kinda fear too hehe :p well tbh I have fears of most things stupidly enough xD it's definitely a valid fear to have ^-^ you're putting your faith into machinery D: but usually it's all okay in the end so that's good :D hopefully you can learn to cope with your fears better <3
I thought i was the only one to have this fear! I am very scared of elevator. I don't remember when it started. I am scared that the doors close on me. I am afraid of being stuck and not being able to get out. I freak out too when i have to go into an elevator.
My mate used to have a fear like this, except he used to have a fear of trains for some reason.
@Quinzel241 Finally someone else who has this! The worst is hospital elevators becaues of how fast they go, or rickety old elevators.
so do i! I panic everytime i have to go in one. I avoid them at all costs
I actually don't have phobia of elevator but I have phobia of escalators!!!I know it's unusual but can't help! I just fell down in childhood and I was so embarrassed at that time...
Ooh boy I live on the fourth floor of a block with a dinosaur old elevator. Everytime I get in, it makes cracking sounds and I can't help but feel like I'm going to crush down... I always take the stairs, even if they don't have bars to grab and then I get scared of falling from the stairs!!...I think I should move.. But then again I once had to get into an elevator wich had a "You enter at your own risk" sign..
@Quinzel241 i am both claustrophobic and agoraphobic and sometimes its not only the fact of
1 - being outside my house or
2 - being in a small enclosed space
but i have a fear of it malfunctioning and crashing to the ground and with me dying in it, i also have a fear of it getting stuck with no way out and no one knowing its stuck or that im even in it and being stuck there forever (irrational fear but like anxiety right :P )