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New To The Anxiety Support Community? Introduce Yourself Here!

Laura November 29th, 2014

Let us know more about you, what brings you to 7 Cups! We are glad you are here!

maya368 December 1st, 2014

Hello, I am a guy from Mico, 28, and Im finishing grad school in environmental science.

I think I have depression, even if not profesionaly diagnosed; for almost two years, but this year in particular I literally exploded in cry. Im not an emotional guy, and its difficult to me to talk with family or friends about my problems, so I came here to listen other people about the stuff I have in this moments.

the thing is, I do not believe in myself since I was betrayed (or I feel like I was) with a research project that someone received instead of me; she also gained control of the laboratory I was working in, and I couldnt say anything or I would be taken as a jerk.

This year I was in charge, but then my girlfriend (who I always supported economically) cheated me with a co-worker of a job I helped her to get, even when she was living in my parents house and receiving money for food and transport from me.

She confessed, but I told her everything was fine, because she is more emotionally fragile than me. But I couldnt stand anymore, I just felt like the biggest failure in the world because I couldnt get the project, I lost control of the laboratory, and now shutting my mouth for her, that I exploded, I cried like an useless idiot.

That was six months ago; it looks like everything is fine, I had my project and did my research; I talked with her and now she is economically stable and doesnt need me anymore; I stopped visiting her to focus in my work. But the problem is that I cant focus.

Im a researcher, I need focus to do research, but every time I open my document, I just cant write, nothing comes to my head, except the voices that say that Im a loser and a failure. I want those ideas to stop, and Ive lost a whole year suffering from this. I need help.

bikecomicsand42 December 21st, 2014

Hi Maya, you're not alone, thank you for sharing.

najat December 24th, 2014

hi Maya you are not alone, we are here to support you ,

frankLand1138 February 12th, 2015

I know how you feel I'm going threw the same thing it will all get better in time and you are not alone

frankLand1138 February 12th, 2015

I know how you feel I'm going threw the same thing it will all get better in time and you are not alone

majesticZebra1267 September 22nd, 2023


Thank you for sharing Maya. Cheating is always tough to go through, but your family here at 7 cups is here to support you and help you! You can do this!

Njdevils1487 December 9th, 2014

Hey I am totally new to this site. I recently (about 2 months ago) started experience extreme anxiety and occasional panic attacks. I am a grad student as well and working full time.. life gets tough sometimes. I came on here to see if anyone is experiencing the same types of feelings I am and I read your post and I felt like I could have written it myself, so if nothing else, you are not alone...

agreeableShade29 December 9th, 2014

Hi. I am a high school freshman about to start finals. I live with my mom, alone. I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder. This December I have already had two panic attacks and my hair is actually falling out. No body has noticed... Yet

Sparrowlina December 12th, 2014

I am sorry to hear that. :/ Finals is always a rough time. There are a lot of other people who experience severe anxiety with finals and school (and plenty of other things), so just know you aren't alone, and do what you need to do to help yourself feel better. Take care of yourself even during this especially tough time. <3

agreeableShade29 December 15th, 2014

Thanks. That really means a lot to mean.

najat December 24th, 2014

I'm so so sorry , and remembershade you are not alone ,

Sparrowlina December 12th, 2014

Hi...I am actually a grad student too. Interesting.

Well...I went through a pretty rough transition recently. I came into my program as a PhD student and completed all the way through qualifying exams. Then my adviser told me he thought I should switch to a masters because I don't have the mental flexibility for research...or the "mental acuity," as he put it in an email I wasn't supposed to see. Well, he said some pretty unkind things about me in that email. So I went through a few weeks of some pretty severe lack of motivation to do my work, among other things. I re-started counseling because it's been affecting me so much.

Eventually I got back to being able to work like I needed to, but because of the things that happened with my adviser and some comments my mom made about me switching to a masters degree and how this whole situation has made me feel about myself, I've been having trouble dealing with having to go into the lab every day and see my adviser. I've been avoiding as much as possible, but just the thought of having to be there is enough to make me freak out some nights.

I had a meeting with my adviser today, and I spent the last 24 hours dreading it and feeling sick because of it, but it actually went much better than I was expecting. I didn't leave feeling awful, like I normally do. So I had a moment of relief.

And then I got home, and I can feel my school anxiety coming back, even though everything was okay today. It's like I can't even have a break from it because even when things go well, I still know I have to keep facing this every day. It's inescapable, my adviser is unpredictable, and it's just a lot to deal with.

So here I am. And I'm really glad 7 cups is here. I've had some good conversations with some really great listeners lately that have helped me feel better and calmer, at least for a while.

najat December 24th, 2014

@Sparrowlina it is good to know that the conversation you made have been helpful , and please remember that you are not alone , take care

Momma041114 December 18th, 2014

Hi. I am a 30 year old working mother and married for over 3 years. I was recently diagnosed with ocpd and the struggle has been difficult. I feel like I have had an anxiety attack like more than a couple times a day. I decided to sign up and get some support so I can get this under control. My husband (a great and loving man) has never understood any mental illness and as much as he tries, he makes it worse.I'm sick of feeling like a freak and alone. I'm sick of people at work making snide jokes about how I'm a neat freak and just have me do it cause I'm so crazy organized. I have been feeling so incredibly lost and down lately. Though I have suffered from this one way or another most my life, it doesn't make it easier to hear or deal. (Even with my medication)

Wallflower78 December 21st, 2014

I understand how you feel. I'm a 36 year-old mom of three boysand my husband of 10 years doesn't understand my depression at all. I hide it from everyone because my family is so judgmental and depression is looked at as a weakness.

Momma041114 December 18th, 2014

Hi. I am a 30 year old working mother and married for over 3 years. I was recently diagnosed with ocpd and the struggle has been difficult. I feel like I have had an anxiety attack like more than a couple times a day. I decided to sign up and get some support so I can get this under control. My husband (a great and loving man) has never understood any mental illness and as much as he tries, he makes it worse.I'm sick of feeling like a freak and alone. I'm sick of people at work making snide jokes about how I'm a neat freak and just have me do it cause I'm so crazy organized. I have been feeling so incredibly lost and down lately. Though I have suffered from this one way or another most my life, it doesn't make it easier to hear or deal. (Even with my medication)

shyPomegranite63 December 19th, 2014

Hi, I'm 24, female, with a degree in Education and I teach preschool. I am here because I think I have had anxiety since high school, but am only just now realizing it. I have been experiencing work stress lately which incited me to make a Dr.appointment to talk about it. I have had only a few really bad panic attacks in the last 5 years, so I am not sure if my anxiety is a really bad problem or not.I also feel as though I have trouble regulating emotions, when I am frustrated, angry, sad, anything, it feels amplified times a thousand. I transition rapidly from one feeling to another and I wish I could be in more control over my feelings and my body's reactions to emotional and stressful situations. I am not sure what else to write in this intro, so I'll leave it at that.

13th May 26th, 2017


It will be alright.. i got axiety too.. just hang around here.. you will see how others are going through the same thing.. or worse. You will realize u are not alone.. and that dealing with this isn't that hard..and there is a way out. It will take time.. but take confidence in ur self..and pride in who wver you are...

I have this app "daylio" to track my mood..and it tells me which activity i do makes me mst stressed..and asks me to focus on eradicating that activity... it works for me.. give it a try maybe.


affableFig73 December 21st, 2014

not sure what i a, suppose to do to join support group about severe anxiety laura k

mychemicalbutt December 21st, 2014


Anchorr December 21st, 2014

Hi my name is Alexis, 21 years old. I am new and just curious of what this site is all about. I guess I can come here whenever I need help instead of people I know. Sometimes I just need opinions from different people that don't know me than those who do know me.

takemeaway18 December 21st, 2014

hii.. i have been suffering from social anxiety and you know other disorders relating to anxiety..just trying to see that i am not alone in this battle of anxiety:/

Swiftulous December 21st, 2014

Hey, I suffer from social anxiety and other anxiety disorders as well. You're not alone :)

takemeaway18 December 22nd, 2014

thanks for this cup of tea:)

michaelh December 22nd, 2014

Hi. Anxiety and fear are a constant in my life. It has seriously strained my marriage. I feel like a weak person. But I don't want to believe that I am.

salmonsushi19 March 27th, 2017

@michaelh Anxiety doesn't make you weak. I know many people with anxiety and I wouldn't think of any of them as weak. Everybody has there own issues whether it's anxiety or physical issues or anything of the like. I too struggle with constant anxiety and OCD and it takes some time to realize that no matter what it may seem, you are not weak or alone. Hope that helps :)

SleepingtoDream December 22nd, 2014

Anxiety is a new thing for me. About a year ago I had an encounter that left me with some PTSD, and as a result have developed serious circumstantial anxiety and depression. Some days nothing triggers me. Other days, it's a struggle to calm down and get out of my head :/ I appreciate the kindness and openness I've found here.

forcefulThinker95 December 22nd, 2014

Hi all. I have been battling with anxiety and depression for about 8 years now, and it's gotten harder to deal with since I've been in college. I'm hoping that I can vent my irrational thoughts on this site so that they don't interfere with my day to day life anymore. So far, it's been a big help! I hope the rest of you know that you are never alone and this is great to have a whole community here to support each other.

lavenderBeing81 December 22nd, 2014

Hi, I'm Nina. I'm a working mum of one and I've been suffering with anxiety and depression on and off for the last few years (ever since my daughter was born really). I've recently just gone back on medication,half the dose of last time and reluctantly so too.

I am expecting a scheduled telephone call from the local mental health department today, I have been waiting for 4 weeks - proof to show how over stretched this area of health care is. I'm hoping they can refer me for some one-2-one talking therapy.

I'm also really trying with the mindfulness practice, it has made me realise what an active and wandering mind I have. Good luck on your journey everyone x

najat December 22nd, 2014

hello , I'm Najatan intern listener

and i had an experience with a friend who suffer Anxiety . Anxiety could be harm in some stages , so i think i could dealwith this kind of suffering

Kristynsmama December 23rd, 2014

Hi guys,

I'm glad each of you are here. My name is Angel. I am a forum mentor and the leader of the anxiety section. I am also an adult group mod here, and an intern. If there is anything specific you want to see on the anxiety section of the forums, please feel free to pm me.

i suffer from generalized anxiety disorder and have for many years. I've learned many coping skills along the way and hope to share some of them with you.


parkchau December 24th, 2014

hi, I'm a high school student. I basically live for the arts (mostly theater). I also so really like science, mostly psychology. i also have a language disorder, i had a major speech impediment for most of my early years. because of this i spend most of my time in and out of doctor's offices and did not have many friends at school. i also have issues with spelling that often lead to me rewriting things if i can's spell a work (i have had to look up spelling for 6 words so far). a little after my speech impediment went away (i still have some minor speech issues though) i started getting depressed and developed social anxiety. over some time i got over my social anxiety for the most part but i still get panic attacks, recently my panic attacks have been getting worse.

najat December 24th, 2014

@parkchau , you seems a real fighter to me , and remember you are not alone , you are always welcome to 7 cups ,

parkchau December 24th, 2014

when ever some one tells me something like that i always have trouble believing them

Musicandsunshine December 24th, 2014

Hi, this is my first post.

I have been struggling with a social anxiety disorder ever since I was bullied at my university.

I used to be very outgoing, and talk to anyone and now I just feel bad whenever I'm around others...

najat December 24th, 2014

@MusicandsunshineI'm so sorry to hear that . remember you are not a lone , and you are welcome to 7 cups

Musicandsunshine December 24th, 2014

Thank you.

I am trying to get used to the chats and stuff, but is even get anxiety, as people get very argumentative. and I'm extremely sensitive, not a great combo.

Powersoul December 24th, 2014

Not sure if this is the right area for what I'm struggling with, but here it goes.

26 years old. Limited income. No social circle. No close friends. No girlfriend. Worked hard to escape an innercity ghetto upbringing...just to be slammed down and broke.

Working a minimum-wage sales job. Treated like crap. Bombarded with work. Nightshifts. No 9am-5pm Mon-Fri gig. hateful of everyone more successful than I am. REALLY HATEFUL. Resentful

Trapped. Stuck. Hopeless. Dont know what to do.


Powersoul December 24th, 2014

Not sure if this is the right area for what I'm struggling with, but here it goes.

26 years old. Limited income. No social circle. No close friends. No girlfriend. Worked hard to escape an innercity ghetto upbringing...just to be slammed down and broke.

Working a minimum-wage sales job. Treated like crap. Bombarded with work. Nightshifts. No 9am-5pm Mon-Fri gig. hateful of everyone more successful than I am. REALLY HATEFUL. Resentful

Trapped. Stuck. Hopeless. Dont know what to do.


HappyParadise1 December 25th, 2014

Hi my name is Jenny and I've been struggling with anxiety for a long time now but I've never talked to anyone about it because it seemed useless to me. I'm a sophomore in highschooland this problem started when I was in 6th I use to be so confident I was the first and only person to always raise my hand . I didnt care what nobody thought but people were so mean to me and the only person I had was my brother at the time but he didnteven want to be seen around me he was in 8th grade but I didn't understand when we were in elementary he would always stick with me. I felt so self conscious What's wrong with me? Why can't I be pretty maybe people would talk to me. Halfway through 6th grade I was broken I didn't want to raise my hand anymore even if I knew all the answers. I didn't want to go out inpublic. I feared talking to strangers and I still do. I'm so self conscious when people are laughing I think it's about me , when people stare at me I start to panic or when people talk to me I start to panic and I want to hide. I wish I could be happy , I wish I could love myself . I wish I wasn't so afraid.